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Hillary Clinton affirms US support for Israel after row

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:26 AM

Hillary Clinton affirms US support for Israel after row

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dismissed the idea that US-Israeli relations are in crisis amid a row over Jewish settlers in Arab East Jerusalem.

She said the two nations had a "close, unshakeable bond" but made clear the US wanted both Israel and the Palestinians to prove their commitment to peace.

Earlier, US envoy George Mitchell postponed a planned visit to Israel.

Heightened tensions in Jerusalem have led to violent clashes between hundreds of Palestinians and Israeli police.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Ok so now it's all good... Phew! I thought things were going to get bad!

One day they are ok, the next they are angry, then they get better... Now the support is better than ever! Clinton was "insulted" just a few days ago concerning the 1600 settlement homes being built, and now they have a "close, unshakeable bond"... Man, I'm confused...Really...

What is going on???


(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:49 AM
These kinds of "Media tricks" will come more in future, before momentum in both sides is done to carry on with common agenda. 3rd Intifada didnt start, which was unclear until the end of "day of rage" yesterday, and I see that US and Israeli officials just lift their readiness to handle widening uprisings or war.

If Intifada really begins, and escalates to widening ME war, US has to stand in "other side" in front of world wide reactions, and look like defender of all sides. This trick is to make world to believe, like they have some influence in Israeli politics - or as neutral negotiator.

Palestinian officials were and are in Moscow right now. There will be no uprising, unless Arab side will gather some help from outside world, and looks like they didnt get any... Situation in Jerusalem has calm down, so there is no need for "diplomatic crisis" either anymore.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:04 AM
so anyone want to bet that they as in Obama and Clinton got a friendly letter from the lobby groups and christians for Israel groups

saying say this or your going to get f***ed in the right side tonight?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:19 AM
If we were truely the friends of Israel, we would pull them aside and take their keys...tell them they are too drunk to drive down the road of peace and your going to get into a wreck.

Israel...well, the average person in Israel are good people, but their government cannot continue to pretend they want peace, then start shoving their plans down disputed territory. Palistinians are also generally good people but their leaders are off the rails mad..its like watching crips V bloods where they are in a neverending cycle of violence and disrespect towards one another. Even if one puts their attacks and disrespects on hold, the other side will continue to slam them for historical hatred...

I dont know what the solution is going to be here...looking into the future when nukes become as common as grenades, I dont see Israel, as it stands now, being around.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:35 AM
Someone needs to send Biden & Hillary a roll of toilet paper so they can wipe the brown from each others noses...

When the hell is the US gonna man up and tell Israel to take a hike already ??

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:41 PM
I don't believe Hillary for one moment. She comes from an old school liars club where she says one thing and means something else or the exact opposite of whatever she says.

If they are for it, they really are against it. If she says she likes you, she really cant stand you. Hillary comes from a bizarre world where what she says means the opposite of what she says. Let me give you an example:

She said the two nations had a "close, unshakable bond". Well that means is that they cant stand each other and there is not a chance in hell that these two parties are ever going to get along peacefully.

She supposedly made it clear that the US wanted both Israel and the Palestinians to prove their commitment to peace. Well, this means that she wants both parties to go ahead and kill themselves.

She could care less if either party kills each other because as I stated earlier, she is Hillary the Woman from the bizarre Reverso world where she says one thing but it means another.

Lastly, her attempt to display solidarity between nations in her bizarre world speak means that ties between Israel and the USA are the worst they have been in years, but Obama don't care as long as he gets his dictatorial health care bill rammed into history.

Besides, Hillary is in charge and we all know she is asleep at the wheel or better yet she strikes me as that deer startled by the headlights of the truck about to kill the little dear for standing there looking into the bright head light beams coming her way at full ramming speed.

Anyway, thanks for the posting, but Hillary is too much of failure to realize that like Obama, she too is in a way responsible for what happens to Israel if Obama should do a Trixy on Israel. I for one wont forget that key point. Hillary is no friend of Israel and sooner or later Israel might just learn the hard way how she stands on supporting Israel. She will go along with Obama and I think most know this. She is as good a liar if not better than Obama and that is clear as glass.

Anyway, thanks for the posting.


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