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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:08 AM

Welcome to ignorance people!

The synopsis that Above Top Secret is designed to awaken and enlighten humanity is incredibly becoming a conspiracy in of itself!

All the topics this website covers are genuine topics of interests that are the ultimate bits of sidelined information that have stumped the minds of mankind for eons - and continue to do so down to this day. They are argued, discussed, and reasoned on, with the efforts of intelligent folks adding provability to the truthfulness of it all.

Some topics just can't be proven without direct results, so they go round and round and round and round and round in circles.


Recent issues that have been brought up by the ATS staff have been related to TROLLING, and CHARACTER BASHING, to the point that they have posted warnings in logical threads that many here have agreed with.

There needs to be one more item added to that rant.


It has become apparent that some folks here on ATS LOVE IGNORANCE. They live for it, and bath in it like it was a sweet smelling fragrance. Then they turn around, smelling like a ripe fart, and post I G N O R A N T comments, supposed breaking news stories that profess a suggested truth, when in reality it is a lie based on biased propaganda, and they tout it like it's the truth.


Is it true SkepticalOverlord? that ATS is a site dedicated to the promotion of I G N O R A N C E?

If the answer is no, then perhaps something needs to be done to monitor the I G N O R A N C E that is besmirching the ATS brand.

I for one have little tolerance for ignorance. I'm a logical creature of intelligence, that has recently begun to get that intelligence insulted... interestingly by people who have recently joined ATS.



Time and time again people have read my posts and the commented on them with comments or questions that WERE CLEARLY ANSWERED BY THE INFORMATION IN MY POST - IN PLAIN SIMPLE EVERY DAY ENGLISH. The PROOF of my comments ARE ALWAYS posted with them... whether it be in the form of a link or in the form of simple logic.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:22 AM
First of all, you should ease up on the CAPS.

Secondly, if i may be so bold, it sounds like you think that if someone doesn't agree with your way of thinking, then they are ignorant. It doesn't work like that. Just because you agree with a topic or have certain beliefs, doesn't mean everyone has to think like you.

Some people certainly, are new to topics such as those on ATS but i wouldn't call them ignorant, perhaps...unenlightened :-)

You expect the ATS mods and owners to monitor ignorance. How would that work exactly?

What is better, in my opinion, is that if you come across someone who you believe should realise something they don't....put across your argument in a good way. If it's convincing enough, you may get a convert....if be it.

It would be a dull world, if everyone thought the same way. And ATS would definitely be a dull place without all the differing opinions that make it what it is.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:30 AM
Shouldnt this be in Board and Business?.

Or maybe Rants?

Just asking, or am i being ignoRANT ?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:30 AM
Does this post come off that way? really?

or perhaps I could have just included my own experiences to show I'm not excluded from the ideas I posted?

I could have remained completely self unaware while posting this thread, and you know what?

someone will find fault with that way of doing things too.

Why not take this post for what it's dealing with - I G N O R A N C E that speads lies and propaganda around the ATS site like it's reality...

instead of trying to bash me or my intentions?

thanks in advance.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:32 AM
nice analysis geek101 on the possible faults of the OP's post.

But i still think that he is in the right direction, i see countless times of 'garbage' that just lowers ATS to the standards of the mainstream media, i mean if i want diversity why am i seeing some insignificant distractions brought up here that are also talked about else where? my opinion. I think ATS can be even better then it is! we just need to better organize, and clear up on the multiple same threads clogging up the forums.

and help direct new users to the information they are looking for so they may be enlightened and as well enlighten others.

[edit on 16-3-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by scubagravy

I tried posting to that board but it wouldn't let me post it there... =) I posted it here, sorry in advance if this topic isn't conspiratous enough to be in this thread

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

Wasn't trying to bash you or your intentions, simply pointing out that what to you is truth may be propaganda to others and vice versa. You can't force people to think the same way you do, like i said, all you can hope to do is put across a good enough argument that they might come around to your way of thinking.

You said:

"Why not take this post for what it's dealing with - I G N O R A N C E that speads lies and propaganda around the ATS site like it's reality... "

And i ask you again, what do you propose?

[edit on Tue Mar 16th 2010 by geek101]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by togetherwestand

There is no doubt that some of the stuff posted on here is a the wall, but the simple solution to that is to ignore it. If it doesn't get replies, it doesn't stay on the main page for long.

There are some multiple threads, but the Mods seem to do a good job of handling those.

And i don't think the OP was on about that anyway. I think he is more concerned with people reading his posts, (posts which he believes are the real deal), and then ignoring them or not understanding them.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by geek101

lol ironic as this site's objective is to DENY IGNORANCE.

but i catch your drift

[edit on 16-3-2010 by togetherwestand]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by togetherwestand

There ya go!

it's true, and what's worse, the efforts of folks to bring to the table genuine information about the topic is lost in the mix.

It's apparent that some people are on here to build up "points" and "flags" to "prove" their "skeptical-ism" - or whatever it is called. They even rip other people's threads apart and then create threads similar in topic but a degree off from it's central ideology - just to get those points and flags.

I've had the last 4 threads I've posted hijacked by others - that really gets my goat, so yes, I am a bit peeved about that as well, even though I didn't mention that aspect in my OP.

My DEMAND (lol...) - if people want more applause - as one thread posted demanded ... do it with your own information, and stop hijacking the content of other peoples releases! it's a form of intellectual property theft that really gets one's goat!

but to emphasize the round and round thread posting about the same topic - that is why it's being done, by hijackers. WE NEED to monitor thread hijacking around here a little better - then these branch off threads will minimalize themselves.

I suggest perhaps implementing a form of word recognition software that will have the ability to scan existing posts so that any 'breaking news' threads seeking to hijack an already existing post will be prevented.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:52 AM
so I guess the theme of this topic is a dual one:

1. Deny Ignorance by research and review before acting or reacting

2. if recognition is your goal - get recognized by posting your own genuine content and stop hijacking that of others.

Thanks to the mods for reassigning this topic to Rants... =)

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by togetherwestand
reply to post by geek101

lol ironic as this site's objective is to DENY IGNORANCE.

but i catch your drift

lol...yeah, that was kind of ironic. Didn't realise it until you pointed it out.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:55 AM
ya but OP, thats the current system that works. lol its funny that ignorance is used to rank threads but that is what has been working so far, i think thats how this world operates as you cannot take anti-ignorance literally. You can personally contact the administration if you find a better system that works..can you suggest one? anyways can you elaborate on your first post better, like a summery?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:04 AM
the thread hijacking around here has reached an all time high for me... check this post of mine I made yesterday morning:

Anatomy of Publicly Published Propaganda

I went through all that effort to post on the related article...

Not ONE person posted on it, and as you will see from my post within this thread - almost an entire day later I post again with the other thread that hijacked mine's url, and his 20 stars and 40 flags...

I got 2 stars... lol

WOW, this has gotten to a maximum for me - I'm a SOLID CONTENT provider - no joke - and my CONTENT has been hijacked - for the last time.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:10 AM
hmm i wish i could help but i don't know how i can, my suggestion is to focus less on making the thread pretty and more on writing it up faster and spreading it around. just post on other threads and tell them about your thread. after all its a large community, you have to catch peoples interest. you should talk to the administrators if it keeps happening.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:12 AM
maybe you should make a second thread to aware people about the hijacking thats been going on lately. but not a rant, more like a awareness page (i doubt people read much of anything in the rant section)

also i still really don't understand yet what thread hijacking is..

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:24 AM

If the answer is no, then perhaps something needs to be done to monitor the I G N O R A N C E that is besmirching the ATS brand.

The staff's job is to ensure the Terms and Conditions are followed, not to monitor ignorance or act as censorship. Besides, one man's ignorance is another man's profound truth. We leave it to the membership to decide, based on arguments presented from all sides. Only by truly being aware of different viewpoints, can one deny ignorance, and claim he or she has made an informed decision on a topic.

The ATS "brand" is determined by the membership, and in over 7 years of being here, I've never seen the overall membership fail in this regard.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

This is one of the reasons I left this site (and others). Some were not playing nice and it was ruining it for me and many others. I then realized why should I leave sites like this that I enjoy because a few people like to be mean and troll. I will take the snarky comments in stride and realize they do not know me.

I will continue to use logic and other means to get a meaningful debate of the topic under discussion.

We can all make it a better site, and we also can ignore those who wish to troll.

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