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Lost Graffiti of the Templars

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:13 PM
I really don't have a lot to say on the matter to add to the discussion other than I think it's very interesting that historians have gone this long in the Templar endeavor without looking to what many would say is an un-biased account of the Templar's last days in prison. Whether they survived the persecution or not is still in debate, but I feel scrawlings such as the ones noted in this post undoubtedly shed some more light on an often considered mysterious sect of religion. Thank you for your post!

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:42 PM
i'm glad you brought this up! I was watching a templar documentary last year and they talked about this. I believe they mentioned that they etched something in the walls regarding Venus which i found very interesting. I tried doing a google search and found nothing regarding that so i couldn't confirm it.

I am obsessed with both the Templars and the planet Venus. I am sure the Templars knew the importance of Venus too.

The Rosslyn Chapel is aligned for Venus. Here you can read about it:

WHEN he caught sight of the bright red pentagon glowing above the great rose window of Rosslyn Chapel, Alan Butler almost let out a scream. At that point, he knew beyond doubt that Rosslyn was far more than just another medieval church

I will rewatch the documentaries i have on the templars and try to find that reference, if anyone else knows what i am talking about let's hear it! Also if anyone has any insight on Templars and Venus i would love to hear it.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by cosmodromia tis parnasida

13 of the 30 knights in my family were Knights Templar and i am proud of it

Even got my own replice suit of armour along with sword and tabard, my grandad and his brother are both 33rd degree Masons aswell. My grandad shown me documents from the early years after the execution of the Templars of family templars and their brothers in arms coming to the family castle for shelter and then moving further north into Scotland to their HQ in Temple and towards Aberdeen.

I'll be joining the Masons when i'm a little bit older myself

As for Switzerland i agree i believe the Templars run it the flag of Switzerland is also similar to the Knights Templars flags.

it also means they control the wealth of Hitler(which is rumoured to run into the hundreds of billions of todays money from gold bars and bank notes to bonds and paintings) until someone with his lost diary comes forward with the codes and passwords which i doubt will ever happen.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
The biggest argument against some all powerful secret society running the world is the mess its in.

If they are running the world they are doing a piss poor job of it and I want my money back.

The Templar Knights went on to become the Free Masons. Though most Free Masons don’t know Masonry’s exact origins, or that it functions as an army of and for Rome just as the Templar Knights did.

The Templar Knights set up the first international banking system and were the first international corporation and through the Masons carried Roman Law far and wide.

What you might not know or appreciate about Secret Societies is they operate under what is called “Order out of Chaos”.

They secretly create the chaos that embraces the world while openly offering up solutions to end it which is what gives them “Controlled Chaos.”

The world might be a dismal mess for the most of us but one man’s misfortune is often the source of another man’s good fortune.

In fact everyone on the Forbes top 500 richest people in the world continued to get richer by a significant margin even during the world wide economic crisis.

How? Why? It’s easy when you create the misfortune and know how to profit off of that hidden information of what is going to happen before it actually does so you can make those all important decisions to buy, sell, divest or accumulate depending on the order that will be brought out of the chaos.

Ancient Secret Societies like the Knights Templar in fact help ancient power structures and hidden shadow governments thought to be long dead and non-existent secretly run the world in a very secure way.

In fact its very hard to rebel against or attack or defeat something that you don’t even know or believe is out there.

The Grand Masters or the Templar Order knew many things that would turn the beliefs held near and dear by people today on their heads!

I would not trust any modern revelation regarding them as its bound to be disinformation or have elements of disinformation in it.

Very powerful people, in very powerful positions only exist in those positions for one reason and one reason only because they have an incredibly vested interest in making fur the truth of some things shall never be known.

After all it is the truth in all things, which is the only thing that sets one free.

That is why Secret Societies are so dangerous because just like the name suggests they are all about secrets.

Knowledge is power!

posted on Aug, 15 2018 @ 12:41 PM
I think the hooked "x" represents the Cartesian coordinate system. The Vikings, like everyone else, used it to indicate a location.

Someone will say Descartes invented it. We've learned other aspects of mathematics were invented much earlier than thought.

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