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David Icke: An Evaluation

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posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 08:29 PM
David Icke: An Evaluation

I first encountered David Icke's work about a year and a half ago, while researching information on Freemasonry. Needless to say, I was immediately impressed with Icke's site. As many of you can attest, you can literally drown in information and spend hours on end reading about this and that. It's hard to try to group Icke with other Conspiracy Theorists, mainly because of his consistancy and his obvious desire to share much of his information for free. Sure he writes books every now and then, but one gets the sense that selling books isn't his concern. Many of you have probably discovered that much of the information in his books can be found on his site free of charge. Icke doesn't "tease" his readers with excerpts and what have you. In fact he gets quite detailed on many subjects right on his site. I believe this is one of the reasons people believe him to be "the real thing." Another reason is the way he seems to blow the cover off of things that go on in the world in a seemingly logical, factual and most importantly convincing way. I recently read one of his new interviews regarding his book Alice In Wonderland and The WTC Disaster (located on his site), and was blown away by some of the things he unabashedly said. The things he revealed will have you looking over your shoulder as you read on. What made it so spooky was that it made sense, a feat that isn't easy to accomplish, especially when dealing with a subject as questionable as Conspiracy Theory. I suspect that Icke even has many die-hard skeptics secretly pondering his exploits.

Now that due credit has been served, I must tackle the other side of this spectrum. Although much of Icke's work appears sound, honest and well researched, some of his other claims and comments are downright unsettling, to say the least. Claims of intelligent lizards shape-shifting into humans (I'm beginning to think this is some sort of metaphorical code), coupled with an unfounded animosity toward Christianity and religion in general undoubtedly raises some eyebrows. Icke has no problem refuting Christianity based on accounts of child abuse, historic incidents and general hypocrisy. Now, I'll be the first to admit that much of organized Christianity is up to the eyeballs in heresy and hypocrisy. Maybe that's due to the fact that a lot of so-called "Christians," aren't true Christians in the first place. They're all talk and in it to make a profit or just to look like they have morals. Jesus hated hypocrites as much as we do. Icke also convieniently excluded that important historical fact that martyrs were murdered for their belief in Christ. Icke fails to make the distiction between the foolish acts of society and the true meaning of Christianity. He also fails to credit the Bible for predicting the New World Order in Daniel and warning against the mico-chip economic system in Revelation. How can Icke make allegations against the Bible when it warns us about the same things Icke warns us about? If the Bible is a tool of mind control created by the Illuminati, why is the government so adamant about separating church and state and eliminating the Bible from court rooms and schools? They even wanted to go as far as taking the word "God" out of the Pledge and "In God We Trust" off of dollar bills. If anything, it seems to me that the Illuminati views the Bible as a major threat. Also, isn't it ironic that Christianity is the most attacked religion in the world? No one dares make fun of Islam or Hinduism in public for fear of appearing "intolerant" and being seen as a racist bigot. Few however, seem to have any qualms about kicking Christians around and making statements such as "I don't give a @#!$ about Jesus." Imagine someone saying that about Allah. In fact, "Christ" has over the years evolved into a cuss word. You don't hear people yelling "Buddah!" or "Allah!" when they're ticked off, but surely everyone has heard "Jesus Christ!" and "Goddamn it!" more than once in their lifetime. Point is that this whole "Christ is the culprit" philosophy doesn't stack up, and it's unnerving that someone as intelligent as Icke doesn't see it, while to many others this false assumption is as plain as day. Another disturbing aspect of Icke is some of the comments he makes. Refer back to the AIWL interview. Toward the end, he begins to make some uncomfortable statements that are directed at the reader. First he tells us: "You are Infinite Consciousness. You will always be Infinite Consciousness," (emphasis on the capital letters of "Infinite" and "Consiousness"). Then comes the real kicker. He goes on to say, "You are: All That Is, Ever Has Been, and Ever Will Be." Hold on a second. I assume that most of you are at least partially familiar with certain verses of the Bible. You probably already made the correlation that this statement is strikingly similar to the verse, "I Am the Alpha and the Omega who ever was, ever is and ever will be." Is David Icke actually declaring himself and YOU God?! Isn't this typical Luciferian ideology? The very same ideology that the Illuminati adhere to? What if David Icke is telling the truth, just not in the way we perceive? What if David Icke is one of THEM? What if he broke away from the organization because he believes himself to be smarter than the Illuminati itself? What if he wants to control the world BY HIMSELF? Consider this for a moment. How in the world could Icke know as much as he does unless he has complete access to everything? How is it possible that Icke can go around saying this stuff and even NAMING NAMES without legal action being taken against him? Isn't that basically TREASON? Fact is that once you start naming names, you're up-#-creek and at the very least they would ban his material in the U.S. Free speech is one thing, accusing the President of being a pedophile and a Satanist is another. It doesn't compute. This leads me to the conclusion that he either has permission from someone up there or is some sort of authority himself. He keeps insisting that we think for ourselves, so why shouldn't that include questioning HIM as well? Maybe we don't realize just how true the Alice In Wonderland analogy really is. What we think is never really is and what we think isn't really always is. There is a maze here that goes EVEN DEEPER folks, and I wonder how many of us are smart enough to work our way through it.

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 05:39 PM
I think your concerns that he maybe an agent of the Illuminati or some other Brotherhood group are reasonable, considering his access to information and his ability to keep from being killed. I do not agree that his ability name names or blame countries implicates him to be one of THEM. Nor do I believe it is treason, not if we have a freedom of speech. Personally, I think if Icke was an outcast trying to dominate the rest of the world than he will have no chance against those who know and those who he knows. That would be him against everyone else. He would be a legend if he took us all. That is not his goal in my opinion. If he is into shamanism than he probably knows how powerful the forces of nature are. Being so he will be reluctant to start a war on this planet. For all men of knowledge know that this land is sacred and is not to be f*cked with.

Pardon my French. He Heh he he.

[Edited on 17-3-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Mar, 11 2003 @ 07:43 PM
The bible says that you have to be careful not to have itching ears. I've read Icke's revelations and can't really say there isn't validity to them. I also read where he states that Christianity is a lie. Being a Christian and well informed about biblical truth, I can't say that he couldn't be working thru evil forces either. Ultimately, If you study bible you can see what is truth and what isn't. Then you'll be able to disern these things.

posted on Mar, 11 2003 @ 08:58 PM
An excellent step in evaluating the validity of a conspiracy THEORY is to question the source itself of all of the information. Do your own research, cross-check Icke's sources. It is possible that he is a misinformation agent, or worse yet he might function as a control mechanism for the Illuminati-- I.E.--- you start initiating contacts with him and you are swiftly anesthetized.

posted on Mar, 23 2003 @ 03:44 AM
I've read his book 'children of the matrix' and i think regardless of truth, his speculation is quite interesting. although, the "Reptilian Beings" exist in more than just Icke's theories. The Reptilians, along w/ theories of existing 'greys', 'zeta reticuli', and 'plaedians', have been found in 'The Sacred Tablets of Right Knowledge" by Malachi Z. York, as well as some other books i've picked up.....But what shocked me the most was Icke's theories and storied on the Mormon religion and how disgusting the stories were of Mormon/Masonic Reptilians having human sacrificial rituals....At that point i didnt know what to believe, but the rest of the book was informative....

Has anyone read anything from Drunvalo Melchizedek? Or David Hatcher Childress????

i know, i'm such a dork!

posted on Mar, 23 2003 @ 04:30 AM
I would like to know more about those guys you mentioned, and will most definately check them out. I suggest reading "The Power of the Coming Race" by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lyttron, (1871). I have just started it and read up to the 10th chapter. I have found it by a bunch of cross references to a word search for "Vril". If you were to type this into the search engines I think you might find what you have been looking for.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 09:45 PM
Speaking of Icke, which I would have to concurr, most people would be "missing" saying some of the things he does. Someone else I am a bit weary about is Alex Jones. He is a great journalist, but one has to wonder, what is behind his motives. I mean, we all know that he certainly acts as though he were a true patriot. And I'm sure he is, in his part time life. But, I think he just may be either scared as hell, or an agent for the other Elites. Check out this link, and judge yourself. If indeed he is a bootlicker of the Jesuits/Israel/ real zionists, it would make very good sense as to why he never exposes these societies. Now, if we take it a step further, is he employed or sponsered by these peoples? If so, to what reason? One has to wonder the reason, if true. Maybe, it's a ploy to help disrupt the US til they enforce martial law, and totally take away our freedoms. Or maybe we are in for a world war, with us on the hitlist. Look how Russia is beefing up there military, and China doing the same. Russia has even directly stated the new weaponry is being created and deployed to various strategic regions to intercept, and now destroy US type missiles if we were to attack them. The more I try to put these things together, the more I fear that we may be a direct target of these elite powers, whomever they may be. I've seen a lot of articles, but unfortunately, I don't have the time to include links I've read. But one really has to wonder... If you check, you'll find that Venezuala, possibly Cuba, it's ally, China, Russia, Iran, N/or S Korea, and Irans Ally India, which does have nuclear weapons, all appear to be getting closer and closer to being our enemies. All these countries and the US are very much in high tensions. These Elite powers may be pulling Bushs strings to create our own demise. Pretty thin, as Mel would say in Lethal Weapon, but could you really discount that? I mean, if you thought about it, it could be very plausible, and definately possible, considering we are the greatest country in the world with so much freedom, that we are probably despised for it, and maybe these powers feel that we are the last serious obstacle in this "NWO". I myself, am a little worried. It's the only thing that seems to make sense of all that's been going on. But, pretty damn thin... You should always do your own research, and not believe what everyone tells you. And, if you do see truth, you must question why, and why they don't mention things that you hear from so many else. Alex Jones particularly publishes his stories from Jeff Rense, who'm I believe is one of thee best informant of current affairs on the web. But, never once have I seen anything about Isreal. That speaks volumes if you ask me. Especially the nuclear plant article Rense just wrote. You know, these Elite could be playing these countries like they would pieces on a chess board. Pretty thin.

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 07:34 AM
Anyone who's got the balls to go on TV and call the Queen Mum and the President of the USA a Repltilian gets my vote

I'd love to be able to get away with calling them a few things, but how comes he does?

Icke's a clever man one way or the other!

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 09:15 AM
Voted way above for original poster. My feelings exactly.

As part of my college curriculum, I am obligated to take one "diversity" class. "Diversity" pretty much means DWM bashing (dead white male). If you are white, a Christian, and man, then you are the triple-threat. You hate everybody, and everyone should hate you. The Founding Fathers were butt-holes. You should vote a woman into the Presidency not because of her qualifications, but because if you don't vote for her, you are sexist. I diverge a bit, but that is my general feeling.

Anyway, yes, it is quite libellous for Icke to call the President a pedophile/baby killer/Reptilian-being-from-the-lower-fourth-dimension with no REAL proof. All he has to say is "I have been around the world, and people have told me the exact same story, that they saw [local political leader] turn into a reptile and eat babies."

Of course, these people ONLY tell Icke these things - never the media. And their identities are protected by Icke so that they don't get hurt. Well, why doesn't ICKE protect his own identity, particularly because HE is the one blowing the whistle? If these "confidential informers" are worried about getting killed for "telling the truth," then why isn't Icke scared about "telling the truth" on late-night-sci-fi radio programs and in poorly-written books?

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 02:37 AM
i think david icke is a nutball with a chemical imbalance and void in his life.

he needs to spend a dime and go get those teeth fixed, and pick up a bottle of Just For Men.

his words are to be taken with the same sincerity as Grover from Sesame Streets.

in my opinion the guys a loser and if i ever saw him i wouldnt hesitate to tell him.

Hey dave, if youre reading this.. You should have stuck with soccer - LOSER!

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by ARIST0CRAT
i think david icke is a nutball with a chemical imbalance and void in his life.

he needs to spend a dime and go get those teeth fixed, and pick up a bottle of Just For Men.

his words are to be taken with the same sincerity as Grover from Sesame Streets.

in my opinion the guys a loser and if i ever saw him i wouldnt hesitate to tell him.

Hey dave, if youre reading this.. You should have stuck with soccer - LOSER!

Why does it matter to you what David looks like? Would you believe him more if he did have perfect teeth and non grey hair? I very much doubt it!

Also it's called Football not soccer but that's a complete different debate!


posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 06:21 AM
To the original post. All things including us can and are used against us, and the evil thing about it is the using against us part.

Is David Icke actually declaring himself and YOU God?! Isn't this typical Luciferian ideology? The very same ideology that the Illuminati adhere to?

Is it? What about The Christ within? Body is the temple of God? If you allow yourself to "be God" and let Christ work through you etc etc.

Dont allow the corrupted use of these tools (religion, sex, fear, money, etc.) corrupt the the real meaning behind these things. Sex is natural but is used as a tool, betterment of ourselves is natural yet used as a tool (any "rights activity" be it man, woman, child, animal or enviorment). Fear is natural but blah blah (see advertising).

I hope you see my point! Oh and yeah another thing, truths and lies and simple misunderstanding are abound. Try not to believe anything but give everything a consideration, maybe its true, maybe it isnt but at least Im aware now.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 06:42 AM
"You are: All That Is, Ever Has Been, and Ever Will Be."
Is also a phrase used alot in the series of books named 'Conversations with God'

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 08:48 AM
I think that there is something common many of David Icke videos' watchers experienced at first hand... which is being impressed!

Yes, and it suddenly feels like you have gone throughout all your life blind makes a lot of sense to you in as very little time as 5 hours of his speech and extensive history research.

I will make two points here, first that nobody will come to a conclusion to something he does NOT want to believe in. If you at first look embraced Icke's theories about life, but at the same was afraid to believe in "reptiles" or whatever that scared you too much to be true about the version of life.. you will search for as many references as to refute it and forget your first impression made by tremendous amount of knowledge & symbolism compiled in Icke's works.

Second point is about why David Icke is still alive today, it's not because he's protected from a top level secret society but there are many other good and logical reason here. He has used reversed psychology in his book, (which I believe is The Biggest Secret), by announcing "if anything happens to me, you will know why and where to look", it was something like that. Although I struggle hard to find out where I read something similar to that, I am unable to find it again. Tell me if you know.

If that's the case, then how could the Illuminati really murder him? His own words and works protected him, and they will only confirm it by doing so.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:28 PM
He is, as the Brits like to say, A Nutter.
And he wasnt a good Footballer either.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
He is, as the Brits like to say, A Nutter.

A few slices short of a full loaf, to be sure.

And he wasnt a good Footballer either.

This is a matter of great sadness to me, but no great surprise. As a lifelong CCFC supporter I have seen many footballers play for the team and he was, how can I say, very much par for the course.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:55 PM
What up Trinityman?
Hope you have a good weekend. I got a few sayings for ya. David Icke is a few dougnuts short of a police investigation
Or how about this one? A few fries short of a happy meal
A few cents short of a dime
I used to like David some of his books are good. But he throws in snake shifting humans....
Yeah this guy is out their. Any people he had believing him just threw everything he said right out the door. I just watch the president turn into a wolf live on Fox News. Rumsfeld turned into a walking talkin rectum
Wait he always looked like that.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 08:44 AM
Well I think David Icke is a great speaker and all and has a lot of interesting things to say but I think possibly he tells just a tad of truth and throws in a lot of complete absurdity so as to descredit what little bit of truth is in it. I can't imagine the Queen shapeshifting though, please. I imagine one would would be thrown in jail for cussing around the Queen. Is fear what he is trying to promote?.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 11:05 PM

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 09:57 AM
Ok David Icke (ichkeeeeeee.) is in the same class(or lack there of) as
Jack Chick, Texe Marrs, Doc Marguilles, and Michelle Panzer( you remember
dont you, the possesed female that was shagging her threapist), and others too
numerous to mention given the character limitation on this site.

It is a given fact that Davo has either,
1. taken to many bludgers to the head
2. eaten to many questionable mushrooms
3. completely gone of his required meds.

Any journalism , even Geraldo or Jerry Springer is more accurate than David Icke.

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