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Gigantic UFO in Earth's orbit. Anyone has seen this image before???

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by ucalien
reply to post by internos

Regarding it's a crop imperfection giving a false impression of "isolated object" and assuming it's the tail of the shuttle, what we see should be 95% of the tail, I mean the hull of the tail-section should be visible, shouldn't??

Why? We don't know HOW it has been cropped: you can get the same result in some THOUSANDS different ways:
for example, this is a 640x480 image

the image in the op is 350x250, right?

Well, i can get some 350x250 pixels image in this way

.... or in this way,

then resizing it: and they are just to examples.

what makes you to assume that the image width hasn't been altered may I ask you? This is why in absence the original image there's nothing serious that we can do. If we want to estabilish what happened to the original image, then we have to find it: do you have the time to find it, since you have started the thread? Thanks

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

And bar some stomping feet and a lot of noise from you I've heard no evidence that this is a 'GIGANTIC UFO IN EARTH'S ORBIT' (thread title, sorry about the caps everyone else).

Once an UFO is still an "Unknown Flying Object" and the dimensions of the object can't determined, remains the visual impression of something big. Since everyone here is speculating if it could be the tail of the Shuttle, but ain't proving nothing. Your complaining about my arguing and title of the thread, sounds more like a manifestation of bad mood and bitterness.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by ucalien

Did you read the rest of the post you quoted?

Originally posted by m0r1arty
Either provide some countenance to this theory, counter it with something concrete or wait for others to come and support your predefined theory that this is some sort of UFO.

If me asking someone who provided a picture, later added some relevant info about when the picture was obtained, is refusing to even entertain the idea that the image is shopped, cropped, the tail of a shuttle or close to the camera makes me come across as bitter or anything else negative then please accept my apologies.

I'm just one of those people who is open to anything given evidence or reasonable supposition.

So, is it "Still a Fooey!!"?


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by ucalien

Hey, its the space shuttle upside down, what you see is its own tail-fin. The photo was taken from inside the shuttle by one of its crew members.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:53 AM
I came here looking for a photo of a GIGANTIC UFO IN EARTH ORBIT. I feel like I have been tricked

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by ucalien

Perhaps its one of these ...

This is an artistic rendering of the Andromedan flagship currently in Earth orbit.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:05 AM
if its real.....

did nasa ever catch the tether ? (from the famous tether incident)

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:56 AM
I know this sounds incredible but the object looks exactly like the mysterious craft that destroyed the Soviet probe to one of the Martian moons. I think it was Phoebe.
The truth was discovered by remote viewing.
I'll provide a link to the story for those who aren't familiar with it.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:01 AM
It looks like an earthquake maker to me
Yep... I am sure of that..

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by ucalien

It's the wing of the shuttle?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:25 AM
The Russian probe was the Phobos 2.
Here's the link:

I don't know how much of this is related but it's a good read.
The article is by Jim Marrs.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by ucalien
Once an UFO is still an "Unknown Flying Object" and the dimensions of the object can't determined, remains the visual impression of something big. Since everyone here is speculating if it could be the tail of the Shuttle, but ain't proving nothing.

I can understand why you might not recognize this at first since the shadow at the top is a little tricky, but once people pointed out it's the shuttle tail, I'm surprised you didn't thank them for identifying it.

I actually went through the first 8 pages or so of photos of the shuttle tail on Google images in the search terms internos posted, looking for the original, but that was all the time I had to look for it and I didn't see the original in the first 8 pages. What's amazing, is how many photos there are of the shuttle tail! Actually I don't really think they are trying to take that many pictures of the shuttle tail, it just seems like when they take photos in that direction, the tail gets into the picture, even if it's not the subject. You might have to search for other images besides "shuttle tail" to find the original if it's just an incidental intrusion into the image of the original photo.

But after looking at 8 pages of shuttle tail photos and looking at your photo, I find it hard to conclude that your photo may not be the shuttle tail. You're right it's not 100% proven, but I'm over 99% sure.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Lacenaire
I know this sounds incredible but the object looks exactly like the mysterious craft that destroyed the Soviet probe to one of the Martian moons. I think it was Phoebe.
The truth was discovered by remote viewing.
I'll provide a link to the story for those who aren't familiar with it.

Sorry, I couldn't hold it in. I had to laugh at that!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Certainly looks exactly like the tail of the shuttle to me too.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:32 PM
I made this rough 3D simulation which shows that sunlight could have fallen onto the tail of the space shuttle in a way that makes it appear unattached to the rest of the vehicle.

If the background were black, you would see something similar to what is shown in the OP's original picture.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Lacenaire
I know this sounds incredible but the object looks exactly like the mysterious craft that destroyed the Soviet probe to one of the Martian moons. I think it was Phoebe.
The truth was discovered by remote viewing.
I'll provide a link to the story for those who aren't familiar with it.

G'day Lacenaire

Internos put that one to rest.

Unfortunately, it was a film fault.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:33 AM
I'll call space junk. It is probably the most likely, Especially considering the amount of random objects we have orbiting our lower atmosphere. Coffins, urns, time capsules and even stuffed animals are up there somewhere. Not saying that its something like that, Just pointing out that there is so much junk up there its not surprising we get images like this and people assume straight away that its an alien spacecraft.

And perhaps the reason your image isn't online anymore or "banned" as you called it is because its a proven hoax? perhaps its not even banned at all, Just a well know fake.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
I'll call space junk. It is probably the most likely, Especially considering the amount of random objects we have orbiting our lower atmosphere. Coffins, urns, time capsules and even stuffed animals are up there somewhere. Not saying that its something like that, Just pointing out that there is so much junk up there its not surprising we get images like this and people assume straight away that its an alien spacecraft.

And perhaps the reason your image isn't online anymore or "banned" as you called it is because its a proven hoax? perhaps its not even banned at all, Just a well know fake.

Did you read the rest of the thread? It's obvious that it's the tail of the shuttle. Other similar pictures have been posted for comparison.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:33 AM
he he..I pretty much agree w/ the majority - it's the tail of the shuttle - probably was taken during one of the inspections. Not sure though w/c shuttle was this taken from or when - wish there's a way to figure out the land masses of the earth and do a trajectory placement of where the shuttle was then check it against the schedules or flight pattern of the shuttle. If I have this info probably put this to rest.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:38 AM
I just did a quick browse thru about 180 of 259 images that NASA's 'Gateway' site provides if you do a search on all images containing the words "shuttle tail" from Shuttle missions

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