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The Gay Agenda -- You Can't Be Serious?

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:42 PM
AIDS AIDS AIDS thats it in a nut shell we will all get AIDS from gays that is the answer , Dont go for the gay rights agenda you will die a slow death from AIDS and it aint pretty , I have seen this I live in NY dont be GAY stay with opposite sex for health DONE DEAL

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by yenko13
AIDS AIDS AIDS thats it in a nut shell we will all get AIDS from gays that is the answer , Dont go for the gay rights agenda you will die a slow death from AIDS and it aint pretty , I have seen this I live in NY dont be GAY stay with opposite sex for health DONE DEAL

They tried to promote the AIDS idea back in the 80's as a means of keeping same sex relationships in check didn't they?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by italkyoulisten

The stage relevant to my argument is the stage involving the development of an understanding of gender constancy and gender roles,

By the way - - you lost me right there with "gender roles".

Real life and text books are not the same thing.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Annee

I hate to play Devil's advocate, but that doesn't instantly make you a child psychologist any more than I'm an aircraft mechanic because I've flown dozens of times.

Child psychology is a field of study one must actually learn, not simply pick up through raising kids. I'm sure you know a hell of a lot, but compared to actual child psychologists, your frame of reference is fantastically small.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by davesidious

Child psychology is a field of study one must actually learn, not simply pick up through raising kids. I'm sure you know a hell of a lot, but compared to actual child psychologists, your frame of reference is fantastically small.

Studies can be used as general guidelines. General depending on who and what the study is for.

Studies as in polls - - begin with an agenda. For every study one person puts forward - - another person presents a study from their viewpoint - - often an opposing viewpoint.

General means General. You are again CHOOSING a study - - that fits your chosen viewpoint.

SO - PLEASE tell me your hands on experience in child development.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Annee

I'm not talking about polls. I have no idea where you got that idea from. When I say "study" I mean it as in:

people go to university and study for their degree in child psychology. Those same people then go forward and conduct clinical studies, which objectively test hypotheses and theories, in order to learn new things about children, their development, and their psychological composition.

not as in:

Hey lets make a study where we go see if 10 kids prefer Barney the Dinosaur to President Obama, then put it on the news as how kids hate Obama.

which I believe you are thinking of.

My history of child development is irrelevant. You intimated that you knew more than child psychologists, and I am merely playing devil's advocate, and highlighting that while you might think you know more, you most certainly don't.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Calvinette
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 1 Cor. 6:9

There is no getting around it, if you are a Christian and believe the Bible to be God's Word to his children you also believe that what He say's is for our good. That being said how can we call it hate when its our creator that warns us of this lifestyle. There is a reason for why God says what He to go on living remaining silent would be hate.

That's the main point! The most loving thing is to warn people. To silently let them go on their merry way to hell is the worst thing anyone can do. The behavior is a choice and people can stop accept Christ and he will change them. If you suffer from a sexual attraction disorder, stop the behavior, pick up your cross and follow Jesus.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Here's another one for you. My daughter was an ADD child way back in 1968. She had a zero attention span on a one-on-one. Physical contact had to be used to keep her focus.

Her son - who by the way was tested at reading on a 12th grade level in first grade was hyper. A very active "bouncy" kid. The so called Experts at his private school diagnosed him with ADD and tried to put him on drugs. Fortunately - as I knew from Real Life experience the difference between a true ADD and a normal "bouncy" kid I made the school work with him and NO Drugs. He's fine.

Now the 2 year old boy. His school has decided he has Autistic tendencies because he doesn't respond like a deer in the headlights when his name is called. Of course at 26 months he has his own computer and clicks his mouse to play his videos and games. It seems because he has good focus and is in his head a bit - - is no longer normal according to experts.

Yeah!! This is what is happening to our kids today.

Studies are Guidelines - - nothing more.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by davesidious

My history of child development is irrelevant. You intimated that you knew more than child psychologists, and I am merely playing devil's advocate, and highlighting that while you might think you know more, you most certainly don't.

NO its not.

There is no replacement from real life hands-on experience.

Just like my hubby who is a self taught computer technician with 20 years experience. He is now in college getting his degree. It is beyond annoying to him how unknowledgeable the instructors are who are teaching these college credential classes to eager young people.

Just because you have a degree or do a study - - does not mean you know anything.

It means you present or gathered data.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
That's the main point! The most loving thing is to warn people. To silently let them go on their merry way to hell is the worst thing anyone can do.

Well, let me warn you, then.
I read a very important book (much more important than the Bible) that says that religion is evil. Please, stop what you're doing with this religion thing. It's very dangerous to you and these behaviors you're exhibiting will cause you to end up miserable. If you suffer from a religious disorder, please get help. Shake off your evil cloak and find real happiness and wholeness and REAL freedom!

Now... how likely are you to respond positively to the above plea?

Yeah. That's about how likely gay people are to respond to your preaching. Because they are comfortable with who they are and what they're doing, just like you are comfortable with who you are and what you're doing. It's really too bad you don't understand that...

I understand that it's part of your religion to do what you do. But the way you're going about it is about as likely to bring the desired results as my above plea to you will make you give up your way of life.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Sorry for getting off track


1 : a list or outline of things to be considered or done
2 : an underlying often ideological plan or program

I know someone up thread explained it better then this.

But every same-like group (including religious groups) - want their "Fair Share" space in this society.

That often requires being active to obtain it.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Annee

It is simply impossible to learn all about child psychology form raising a few kids. I know mothers get all defensive when you talk about raising kids, but sheesh - how you can compare that to the science of child psychology is beyond me.

Good work for your hubby - I've been doing the same for about 20 years, too, and am also an autodidact in that field. It's a lot more simple than child psychology, though, as people outside of academia have access to exactly the same hardware as those inside, which is very much the opposite of learning child psychology. Unless you know of where you can get thousands of children, and the time and ability to repeatedly study them. That's the difference.

But please, continue to think you know more than actual scientists who have academically studied kids for centuries. It's not me who gets hurt.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Annee

Uhm, no. This is basic information. This isn't the result of a single study. This is a consensus in the field of psychology, a consensus developed over the past two centuries of hundreds of peer-reviewed studies.

And you keep implying that I have "fears" regarding this issue. My uninformed friend, the only reason I am participating in this debate is because I am angered by the way this debate has taken shape. You people debating this subject have failed to come up with ANY freaking support for either side of the argument and thoroughly ignored actual arguments by people who actually cite real support!

All most of the people here have done is calling names [such as you], or cite bible passages.

By the way - - you lost me right there with "gender roles".

Real life and text books are not the same thing.

So you are telling me there is no such thing as gender roles?

Here is a brief summary of our little exchange:

Me: Very young children [age 3-5] go through a stage of development regarding subconsciously adopting ideas of gender and gender roles [like a child adopting language age 1-5, another stage of development], thus they may be easily influenced by images they see on tv, in the world. Cites psychology facts.

You: You are fearful and psychology is wrong.

O Wise Anniee, you sure do know everything. Maybe we should just give up on all science and learning and just ask you instead! Might I ask what college your husband goes to?

[edit on 27-2-2010 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Let's break it down. Let's start here.

What is your personal opinion of children raised in a gay household. And why.

Is this staying on topic?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Alright, so I had a previous thread last year where I opened this conversation, but now that it's a new year, and we have fresh homophobia on these boards, I figured this would be interesting, if nothing else entertaining.

Well, tothetenthpower, I do not believe I saw the original thread, and I apologize just getting here on your thread, 20 some pages into it.

I thought I would invite you to come over to my thread because it is in regards to your thread.

Indirectly at least.

Sodom and Gomorrah : You Probably Have No Clue What "God" Really Meant...

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Now just to make things clear allow me to explain who I am, just so we don't have any confused folk.

I'm a gay male, married, have children. I'm a succesfull business man who owns 3 companies, my husband is a pediatrician and we are active members of our community, both politically and volunteer wise.

That being said, expect a bit of bias on my part. As you can guess, I am very PRO gay.

Well, I'm not homophobic, but my thoughts on homosexuality have changed, over my lifetime.

I consider you a friend.

And I respect you, no matter your sexual orientation, but you know that.

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Now some members here, believe there is a gay agenda. One that is so huge and so vast it is corrupting American familes, by indoctrinating children to be gay and attempting to make homosexuality ok so that other people can mary goats and molest children, all within the safety of the law.

You're kidding me, right?

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Now I see the ridiculously flawed logic behind those statements, and I will address a few of them.

For those who say that tolerence of homosexuality will lead to beastiality, that will never happen.

Animals cannot consent to sex, therefore it cannot be made legal.

For those who say that tolerence to homosexuality will lead to pedophilia being legalized.

Children cannot consent to sex, therefore it cannot be made legal.

Okay, I have to say that is one of the weirdest ideas I've ever heard of in regards to a conspiracy.

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
If our society allowed this to happen it would not be because of the tolerance towards homosexuality, it would be because we have fallen off our rocker and need to be removed from planet earth.

So back to the original topic about the "Gay Agenda". I use that term pretty loosely because of all the gays that I know ( and trust me, I know a lot ) none of them want to bother you with their homosexuality.

They want YOU to stop bothering them with THEIR homosexuality. You see it's not us gays who have an issue, it's the ones who want to divide us, and keep us from being informed, healthy and united citizens.

Well, ignorance is bliss, I guess.

I'm a heterosexual male, and I could care less about your sexual orientation.

Besides, you've never seen my picture, and you're married, so I'm not on your stud radar.

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Now, I am not saying you need to agree with the idea. Religious people this is for you!

You can dislike the practice as much as you please, however you are bound by your religion to love everybody, regardless of what they do, it's God's job to judge. You are no more entitled to judge me for my lifestyle, than I am entitled to judge you.

I disagree with your religion, just as much as you disagree with my homosexuality. See? We do have something in common!

Of all the people on the internet, I would have figured that most ATS members would understand that things like sexual orientation, race, religion, are just tools used to control and divide us, yet you all act like your blind to that fact.

Divide and Conquer, is something I know completely, and I do not think that way.

Our Government, take your pick considering the country you reside in, is who wants us divided.

The ignorant people who label each other because they're following an ignorant example by far irritate me, because they do not know how to think for themselves.

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
So people, I have a simple question to ask. How has homosexuality impacted YOUR life on a negative scale, or anybody's life for that matter. Let's leave studies and the distorted MSM out of this, but YOU personnaly.

Let's begin!

Edit To Add: For those who will inevitably turn this into a poo flinging match, let's remember that we are not going to attack the messenger, attack the message if anything.

[edit on 2/24/2010 by tothetenthpower]

Come on by my other thread, tothetenthpower, you know you're always welcome.

Racism : Self-Empowerment or Being an Ignorant Bully, and Suppressing Freedom

Now, I'm going to skip to one other poster, because I've been reading the thread.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz

if your children became "gay" you wouldn't like that then? what will you do disown them make them feel ashamed?>


I won't allow my children to marry outside thier race either.

I have to ask your reasons for that comment.


Is it religion or personal belief or your ethnicity that makes you say that?

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I have no problem with them having friends of different races, in fact I encorage it, but the mixing of genetic material between races is forbidden. We have no problem frequenting places of business by other races or making friends of other races, inter-racial sex should be not be encouraged though.

Another one I have to ask why about because I see the word forbidden.

Well, not sure if you're going to like it, but I'm going to invite you over anyway.

Below is my thread and my thoughts on racism.

Racism : Self-Empowerment or Being an Ignorant Bully, and Suppressing Freedom

No, I am not calling you a racist, I'm not going to get into name calling.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity, just not at the hand of my daughter or son. If that makes me a racist well then thats just too freakin bad.

Whether you want them to, or not, your son and daughter will make their own decisions.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I do beleive that everyone is equal and will not keep any in thier perceived place. All are treated equally. Social mobility should be encoraged. To each according to thier works.

So a question to all; what of inter-racial gay sex?

Do you approve or disapprove?

[edit on 27-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

So, if I read this correctly, you're an equal opportunity person?

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by yenko13
AIDS AIDS AIDS thats it in a nut shell we will all get AIDS from gays that is the answer , Dont go for the gay rights agenda you will die a slow death from AIDS and it aint pretty , I have seen this I live in NY dont be GAY stay with opposite sex for health DONE DEAL

They tried to promote the AIDS idea back in the 80's as a means of keeping same sex relationships in check didn't they?

AID was a bio-engineered disease, sponsored to be made, to target homosexuals and drug users.

That's been proven many times over via conspiracy theorists.

And it backfired on those people, because their children and families were mixed up in both.


[edit on 27-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Now, I'm going to skip to one other poster, because I've been reading the thread.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz

if your children became "gay" you wouldn't like that then? what will you do disown them make them feel ashamed?>


I won't allow my children to marry outside thier race either.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

I have to ask your reasons for that comment.


Is it religion or personal belief or your ethnicity that makes you say that?

It's common sense Spartan King.

Mixed race relationships are generally not accepted by the masses. Why would I encourage my children to enter into a relationship where they and thier offspring would be subjected to racism?

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I have no problem with them having friends of different races, in fact I encorage it, but the mixing of genetic material between races is forbidden. We have no problem frequenting places of business by other races or making friends of other races, inter-racial sex should be not be encouraged though.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Another one I have to ask why about because I see the word forbidden.

Yeah it's forbidden by me, for my offspring. I have thier best interests in mind.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity, just not at the hand of my daughter or son. If that makes me a racist well then thats just too freakin bad.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Whether you want them to, or not, your son and daughter will make their own decisions.

What you think I'm raising androids here?

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
I do beleive that everyone is equal and will not keep any in thier perceived place. All are treated equally. Social mobility should be encoraged. To each according to thier works.

So a question to all; what of inter-racial gay sex?

Do you approve or disapprove?

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

So, if I read this correctly, you're an equal opportunity person?

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by yenko13
AIDS AIDS AIDS thats it in a nut shell we will all get AIDS from gays that is the answer , Dont go for the gay rights agenda you will die a slow death from AIDS and it aint pretty , I have seen this I live in NY dont be GAY stay with opposite sex for health DONE DEAL

They tried to promote the AIDS idea back in the 80's as a means of keeping same sex relationships in check didn't they?

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
AID was a bio-engineered disease, sponsored to be made, to target homosexuals and drug users.

That's been proven many times over via conspiracy theorists.

And it backfired on those people, because their children and families were mixed up in both.

So what are you trying to say here Spartan King?

[edit on 27-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Honestly - I do get your "best interest" scenario.

But - what if one of your children went against your wishes - married someone of darker skin and different cultural background. Would you accept your grandchild?

And - what if one of your children turned out to be gay. Would you deny them?

There is a difference between encouraging a set of values -- and accepting the reality of one's own viewing life differently.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Honestly - I do get your "best interest" scenario.

But - what if one of your children went against your wishes - married someone of darker skin and different cultural background. Would you accept your grandchild?

And - what if one of your children turned out to be gay. Would you deny them?

There is a difference between encouraging a set of values -- and accepting the reality of one's own viewing life differently.

What if all out nuclear war breaks out tommarrow?

What if an infectious disease wipes out 1/3rd of the worlds population next week?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

What if an infectious disease wipes out 1/3rd of the worlds population next week?

Answer the damn question.

And quit side stepping.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
How has homosexuality impacted YOUR life on a negative scale, or anybody's life for that matter. Let's leave studies and the distorted MSM out of this, but YOU personnaly.
[edit on 2/24/2010 by tothetenthpower]

By the fact that it has been a source of contreversy from the time I was able to understand the word. The churches used tell people that they were going to burn like bacon for being gay. And of course there were passages to back thier unacceptance of the practice.

I thought gay meant happy. Then I suppose I am a hetero-sexual gay man.

Homosexualitys only negative impact on me has been the shameless way that corporate america has gone after yet another demographic by exploiting it. Which causes a segregation.

Maybe homosexuality is part of the phases of evolution.

Homosexuality doesnt bother me.

I used to think being gay was one of the sickest perversions imagineable, until I discovered politics and religion.

Now I believe I have a better understanding of tolerance and how to pass it along.

The way I looked at it was that if a person could openly and under the protection of law commit homosexual acts, that it would be no different than if I wanted to marry a sheep. If I love the sheep and the sheep loves me..who are you to say who and how I love or am loved? Thats how disgustingly absurd the idea of open homosexuality was to me. But now thanks to megacorps quest for the gay dollar, homosexuality has become accepted and embraced, not just by me, but by the churches, the schools, the media...society has done a 460.

Those negative thoughts have changed into tolerance for the things that may bother me due to instilled dogmas, brainwashing, operant conditioning etc,etc.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by psyko45]

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