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Has Alex Jones outted himself as an NWO mouthpiece?

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:21 PM
I have talked to Alex Jones a few times over the last 3 or 4 years, and have often wondered just what his agenda was. He has flimflammed and flipflopped quite a few times in the last while, which begs the question: Just who is Alex Jones really working for, and what is his real agenda? Be sure to click the link and watch the video at this website.

Alex Jones and his "Kool-aid Drinkers". You can reach me by email through [email protected]. Alex. If you want to refute these articles, you are welcome to come on my radio show anytime you want - or email me. Just the facts please.

. Alex Jones either intentionally, or unintentionally, obfuscates the true history of the Freemasons.

Alex states that the Freemasons had their beginnings in Solomon's Temple as stone masons. This is the big lie. In reality, Freemasons started with the Knights Templar, a middle-ages, religious order, that originated in the 1300s. They were known as the "Bankers of Europe" and were the most powerful political, ecclesiastical, and economic force of their time. They were driven into the Inquisition by their debtors and the Catholic Church.

The Templar naval fleet flew the skull and bones and the flag was also used on the field of battle. Their great wealth of gold and silver also disappeared. Freemasonry contains all of the hidden ordinances of the Knights Templar, and is still governed by their descendants, who intermarried with Illuminati Jewish Merchants and founded the Illuminati and Rosicrucians.

2. Alex minimizes the influence Freemasonry exerts as part of the Globalist Conspiracy.

The Templars use the Freemasons as the support base for all of their political and social movements. Freemasons were the Jacobins in the French Revolution and the Communists in the Russian Revolution. They were also behind the American Revolution, but, I believe that our Founding Fathers were more influenced by their love of liberty than by their involvement in Freemasonry. Nevertheless, we can see Illuminati Banker involvement in the establishment of the First National Bank, and the layout of Washington DC. When the Founders tried to break free of the Illuminati Bankers completely, it started the War of 1812. We lost, and the 2nd National Bank came into being. The ultimate Illuminati-Freemason institution is our current Federal Reserve Banking system, which is also foreign owned and operated by the descendants of the Knights Templar and their Jewish Illuminati allies.

3. Alex disregards the impact that Freemasonry has on the Court System and the fact that the Tax movement founder was a High level Free-Mason used to co-opt the movement by the Illuminati elite.

You cannot effectively fight the conspiracy if you don't understand it. If you do understand it, but conceal critical information from your followers, than you are part of the problem, not the solution. Exposing something, and then mis-characterizing it, serves the needs of the conspiracy and not the needs of Freedom and Liberty. Alex Jones might not like it, but he operates in a way that is raising the eyebrows of many in the Patriot movement. I include the following:

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:50 PM
All those whom speak loudly about the NWO will eventually be accused of being part of the NWO.

They will eat themselves meanwhile ignoring the most obvious answer...of which I wont state...pretty self evident in my opinion though.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by thewind

I think Alex Jones is OK. But if you don't think he is, then that's your right to say so.

A lot of people think Obama walks on water, but I think not.

This is a good place to voice your opinion.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:02 PM
I am still on the fence regarding Alex Jones. One minute he sounds like a man of the people, then next some sort of shill.

Who knows, but what can't be denied is he has exposed ALOT corruption and conspiracies (not theories) the mainstream media ignores.

Perhaps there is a ego war among the elites and he just plays for one team, doing his best to deflect attention away from them and drawing it to other groups.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:09 PM
In the beginning, I liked Alex Jones. I took his world as gospel and watched all of his documentaries, and he really got me interested in looking past official stories.

After a while of listening to his radio show, watching some of his youtube videos, and hearing him threaten a couple of people I started to question him too.

My opinion is that he's not an agent of anything; he just goes where the money is. Many in the industry seem to.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:30 PM
So there is an epic battle underway where the Freemasons take on the Illuminati? What type of war is this?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by chorizo4
I am not here to berrate alex jones, nor place him on a pedestal. I am just trying to find more info on him. You seem to place alex pretty high up, as I use to, but lately I do question him. Here's what made me think about alex and his nwo position. This is a photo of alex giving the ole "El-Diablo" sign right before he gave a

Read the article at the above link also and draw your own conclusions. I have alex jones' videos and other sorted info, and I would hate to find out that he does work for the other side!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Alex isn't in complete balance at the present, but his heart is absolutely in the right place. Remember, you should not judge a tree by the sound of the wind through its leaves, but by the fruit that it bares.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:10 AM
I'm not a hundred percent sure on this, but I'm pretty sure alex has stopped talking about freemasonry so much/going into great detail for the same reasons he doesn't talk about aliens...

Not that freemasonry doesn't exist, or doesn't have the influence that some people say it does, just that nowadays there's so much BS out there it makes it impossible to have an intelligent-sounding conversation about it.

I'm not going to click your link for just that reason - I've heard so much about it that I just don't care if he's right or wrong about the specific date or location it was started.

Alex has and is pointing out the people that are screwing us all right now, what does it matter if he got some 700yearold history wrong?

[edit on 14-2-2010 by alaskan]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by chorizo4

I agre, why would he hang around bilderberg meetings anoying those members with a megaphone. Can be acting but I do not think so....has a lot of fire when bringing up the subject.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by thewind
Here's what made me think about alex and his nwo position. This is a photo of alex giving the ole "El-Diablo" sign right before he gave a

...alex lives in austin texas, home of the university of texas longhorns and, in that photo, he could be giving the ol' support your home team "hook em horns" sign - or - he could just be gesturing wildly... i opt for the latter because thats his style... he YELLS and gestures all the time... if you tied that boys hands down, he wouldnt be able to say a word...

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:35 AM
No man is perfect. No man has all the answers. The thing that's so screwed up about the conspiracy business is if you don't agree with someone on one minor issue, suddenly they're "disinfo agents". Jones is also right in that unless you are 33rd degree Mason or above, you don't really know nothin'.

Truthfully I think most of the people who hate Alex Jones are just jealous.. Player-haterism at it's most basic level. The man has a business to run, I don't blame him for hawking the advertisements and all that.

His ego has gotten a little over-sized though HAHA

[edit on 14-2-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:15 AM
There is a very sad fact about Alex that a lot of his long term listeners don't get, put simply he is an entry point into the whole subject matter of conspiracy and is generally targeting the less sophisticated listener. I moved on and learnt alot of what he says in generally correct but is put into simplistic form.

I guess the funny part is that he thinks he is the owner of this genre and nothing could be further from the one owns it.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:33 AM
Is Alex Jones a disinfo agent? I highly doubt it because, although he can sometimes go overboard and act like a complete idiot, he generally brings to light many points which if he was a disinfo agent or something would really be counterproductive.

However i do think he is a fool. I take everything he says with at least a ton of salt ( as i do with most conspiracy theorists, including myself ). Im not bashing the man, I think doing what he does takes alot of courage, but that doesnt mean im gonna throw away reason, sensibilty and even respect. He says alot of stupid things, argues with the wrong people. Cant debate something with him coz he is always right and if you dont agree you are part of the illuminati.
I have seen him bashing innocent people merely because they disagree with his points.

I think he is immature and mostly a blundering idiot, but who am I to judge? Im not standing in the street trying to warn people that something is amiss, maybe I lack the courage . But I still watch his documentaries and he does provide me with verifiable info which I would otherwise not have found. So cudos to him for taking on the NWO, even if he does make his namee ASS in the process.

Want my recipe for success: Take 1 alex jones documentary, add a healthy dose of reason and skepticism, add a ton of salt and bake unill golden brown.

P.S The recipe can and should IMHO be applied to everything. Believe nothing question everything. And only take to heart that which makes sense to you and which does not offend reason.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by thewind

I actually think Alex Jones has the right idea by just calling the bad guys the "globalists" or "global elite" and leaving it at that.

Freemasons, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Zionists, Jews, Jesuits - all these different groups and secret societies are certainly involved to some degree. But the history and relationships between all these different groups are so complex that it can take a lifetime just to try to figure it all out.

In a nutshell, there are good guys and bad guys in all the different groups. We like the good guys. We don't like the bad guys

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by MajorDisaster
Well, every time alex interviews Webster Tarpley, he always brings up the masons and other groups. I know this because I have called into the show every time alex has interviewed Tarpley.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:58 PM
Alex Jones is just like so many of the other Conspiracy Personalities. So many of these guys simply think that they are at the center of the world. Paranoia, megalomania, you name it.

Disinfo agent? None of these show hosts or personalities you hear throwing around the disinfo agent accusation have any idea whats going on when it comes down to it.

Do you really think that groups like the illuminati or Freemasons would really waste their time using guys that talk about reptilians and all shades of obscure stuff? No one in the 'real world' takes those guys serious about anything.

So you have people that are very serious about very off the wall things and then you have Alex Jones. Alex's personality disqualifies him for any disinfo agent work. He clearly demonstrates day after day a very unstable personality....Come on folks, get real.

Do we really think that Alex Jones and the handful of other people are really that important or a risk to shady organizations like the Illuminati and Freemasons that they would hire some other delusional radio host to try to sabotage them?

I am not necessarily saying that an infiltrator would never be placed. What I am saying is that they would never waste their time and resources on such unstable personalities that so many of these accused very clearly demonstrate.

How many shows can you listen to where a person mentions something possibly being connected to them like, "I wouldn't be surprised if they werent just trying to sabotage me"? Just about every single time it is very clearly not related to them and can often be backed up with external evidence. Unfortunately a lot of people in the 'conspiracy community' (for lack of a better term) suffer from paranoia. The reality is that most of us just arent nearly as important as we wish we were.

These host's would like to think that someone was sent after them, it makes them feel special.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:36 PM
# like this just feeds the Elite.

You don't think they hadn't already planned out that in case of a leak of knowledge, or the potential discovery of knowledge outside of there own control, that it is very likely that it is themselves dispensing the knowledge?

It only takes 99% Truth and 1% Lie to throw the entire balance off. Attention to specifics and detail is important.

They are effective controllers of language, it is how they create our box which determines our reality.

Honestly, do not give your attention to these things as it will consume you. Conspiracies are designed to affectively send you down your own self-imposed abyss, and it is difficult to get back out.

Instead, why aren't we focusing on constructiveness? The intention and focus of our wills and mind lends power to the actual physical manifestation of the thought form.

Thus, you give them strength through your anger and obsession towards them, playing right into the trap.

This forum is dark, and probably one of the main sources of their propaganda...

You need to divert your attention from this material atheistic structure of industrialized society and look up and feel the expansiveness that we all are apart of.

Breath in and focus on the development and perfection of yourself before you go around spouting # about the Illuminati because effectively your acting as an extension.

We are not here to fight them, revolutions don't accomplish #. We need a conscious evolution of mankind FIRST and than the government will reflect that.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:54 PM
I lived in austin for a while, and i went to the alamo drafthouse to see one of the screenings for terrorstorm, and alex gave a speech before the movie; now, in that speech Alex was talking about how the elite go around flashing the devil signs, and he did imitate those signs; at the time all that stuff was new to me, so I remember going home and doing research on that; so that picture on that link is ambiguous---what if he was giving a speech and showing off how the elite go around flashing the devil signs? Kind of a dumb picture I think. However, don't listen to the AJ show anymore cause it's gotten too annoying as it seems Alex's ego has just gotten bigger and bigger. Oh well.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Troy_
Thus, you give them strength through your anger and obsession towards them, playing right into the trap.
First of all let me make it clear that I am not angry about anything, nor am I obsessed either. I cannot play into their traps of any kind for I have researched this stuff probably longer than alex jones has. I am just trying to find out basically if any of you have any info on alex that is pertinent to this stuff I have posted.

What I am wondering is this? Was alex jones lured into this, and when he responded, then the video camera was turned on him? Was alex jones acting on behalf of his own free will when he crashed that nra gunrights party, or was he there simply covering it and then was verbally attacked by other gov't informants?

I have personally seen alex get a lot of crap handed to him from undercover agents, and he'd never crack a smile or say anything, he'd just keep his cameras filming.

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