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Helping to lift the Veil - Warning, They Live Amongst Us !

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Hmm BS is it, and what proof do you have that my experiences and insights are false. You don't know me, and to be honest there are countless human experiences of similar experiences around the globe.

It's not a personal attack against what only you believes in, it's an attack on the whole New Age Movement. It's corrupt and has Agenda written all over it, I have been very Pro-New Age before so I speak from experience. Why follow something that is based around Fear, it's only going to empower it.

You obviously don't 'get it' which is fine there are many who don't. In all honesty I'm not trying to appeal to people like yourself, actually I'm now starting to actively distance myself from such folk. Why? Well your avatar says it all really and is apt for the way I see people with a similar minset to yours ie fragmented and all over the place bound for self destruction!

I am not even going to argue whether I get it or not, all I will say is... I seen, learned and experienced enough to stop me from searching. I have seen how New Age Social Networking is brainwashing everyone, a whole belief system based on "What you read on the Internet/some total stranger"

If you must reply to this than know this there are warriors on this planet that have not succumbed to following the herd and will not stay asleep like the rest, and guess what some like myself have develeped our sense of awareness and now know that there is a greater reality humanity is now starting to realise/remember exists. It's a wave and its gathering momentum, and little pokes and digs like yours are not gonna stop what I or others like me have to share. Nuff said!

The only Evil on this planet in your opinion is anyone who does not accept your beliefs, Nothing new though Religion has been doing that for 1000's of years. Guess what I don't accept your beliefs and I am in no way Evil, My book is clean all the way through.

Everything in the Universe encounters resistance to some opposing force, Why do you believe humanity should be any different? This is about balance, contracting in and out in unity like the Universe. This is not about rolling up in a ball hiding away from the opposing force.

It would probably result in more resistance and the reason people are seeing Shadow People, it's probably a sign your minds about to loose control of reality.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IamNow]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:41 PM
Complete new Age BS propaganda or energetic truths:

What you resist, persits.
What you fight, you become.
Love as the Creator, unconditionally. (which if you look around that's all kinds of things, actually everything)

Jesus propaganda. If someone is beating the crap out of you, turn the other cheek. Eat my body and drink my blood.

Church propaganda. LORD Jesus is the only way and everyone else is going to hell. Unless invest in our clean slate hedge fund. Buy now.

Old age propaganda. Yod He Vod He- I'll kill you all. Moloc-Sacrifice gods and firstborns in my NAME.

Life is suffering, Buddhism. The Way that can be spoken of, is not the true way. Toaist

Seriously people, we are all co-conspirators, choosing our adventure here just like our avatars. If you fight demons, sick, sounds more exciting than a job at Wendy's. Go for it and thank you.

If you are too in your head and a bit ungrounded. Time for some sex beer and watching sunsets. Thank you for enjoying yourself and being present.

We're all trying our best here. Figuring it out. Connecting with other perspectives, dying, giving birth.

Enjoy or not. Burn it all down... You couldn't do it unless the universe allowed it.

Remember Krishna and Arjuna on the battle field. Who drove the Chariot?...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

some like myself have develeped our sense of awareness and now know that there is a greater reality humanity is now starting to realise/remember exists. It's a wave and its gathering momentum,

I know what I saw the other night was a shadow being, it was NOT created in my mind. They do live amongst us. Once these extra dimensional entities and others like them are seen its difficult to deny their existance.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Mr Green]

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