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Let's Harvest the Organs of Death Row Inmates (Video Incl.)

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Official Selection of the 2010 Sundance Film Festival

In 2008, 37 death-row inmates were executed. None of their organs were donated. Considering that there are currently 2,775 people on the waiting list for heart transplants, shouldn't we be harvesting healthy organs from executed inmates?

An unfortunate side effect of hanging or poisoning a man is that his organs go sour before they can be transplanted. Death-row inmates have repeatedly asked to donate their organs, but their requests are always denied. The simple reason is that execution generally ruins organs before they can be harvested. By the time you cut someone down from the gallows or pronounce the injection lethal, the heart and lungs will have thumped and puffed for the last time. Soon after, the kidneys start rotting, and before long nothing is useful but the corneas.

Let's Harvest the Organs of Death Row Inmates

This is thinking outside the box, macabre as it may be.

What to you think...

Viable option or Never going to happen?

Should there be a serious discussion about the possibility and who should have those discussions?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

They do that in China. You know, it's one of those countries that's a dictatorship.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

This is a really sensitive subject LadySkadi. I do see some logic to the idea. If someone is going to be executed anyway, why not just anesthetize them and remove their organs instead. At least that way, their death is meaningful and constructive. It could be considered a service payed back to the community from those who would otherwise provide no benefit whatsoever... in life... or death.

I can dig that!


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Not a good idea.
This reminds me of this 1991 Movie.

Body Parts

The Trailer For The Underrated Horror Thriller Body Parts "Where Does Evil Live, The Heart, The Mind, The Body, Or The Flesh?"

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:41 PM
I think it would be a good idea. I'm not saying I am for the death penalty but since we do have it they could at least let inmates decide if they want to donate their organs to others who need them.

To me it would seem that it would make up in some way for the crimes they have done. Especially in a murderer's case.

Of course I think that the inmate should have a choice of whether he/she wants to do it or not.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Interesting perspective... is he on to something?

The real objection to the Mayan Protocol [death by organ donation] is aesthetic. Many want executions to remain grim affairs, and don’t want a condemned man to cloak his squalid final hour in the raiment of altruism. “To get the organs, you really have to take them right away, and that would change the mood from an execution to a sympathetic harvest,” [Art] Caplan says. “Frankly, the families of many victims probably don’t want that.”

Plus, the medicalization of execution would creep everyone out. We like the state to kill neither too clinically (as with a multiple organ transplant) nor too medievally (by chopping off the head). Better, for the sake of all but the condemned and the people dying for his organs, to find a Goldilocks-style middle ground in execution—neither too controlled nor too chaotic.

But being creeped out is the price of living in a society that kills its criminals. If organ harvesting would make executions uncomfortably like human sacrifice, perhaps that’s because our death chambers are already gory enough to make anyone but a Mayan high priest pale.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

I found this video a little disturbing i'm not sure why... Well I don't agree with capital punishment so I obviously don't support this idea. I find the whole topic a little barbaric.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:50 PM
There appears to be a growing body of evidence to suggest that organ recipients are in some way influenced by the donor

I'm sure you've all read and heard of such cases so won't belabour the point, other than to offer one example: that of a woman who hated x-food prior to receiving a donor organ, only to discover in the days and weeks after the transplant that she now craved the previously-loathed food

Organ recipients are coming forward of their own accord to attest that they have 'changed' and in ways both minor and (to them) sometimes major, after receiving a donated organ. Quite often, it's only after they are contacted by or themselves initiate contact with the friends and family of the donor, that they believe they've uncovered the reason for the changes they'd noticed within themselves and their behaviours since recieving the organ. And that 'change' appears to be direct influence by the organ donor, now deceased

This has tended to confirm, to some degree at least, the theories of the 70s and 80s, re: cellular memory

Death-row inmates may be physically strong and healthy and yes, it could be claimed that their organs are going to waste when they're executed

However, they're not being executed for being great citizens. Most are being executed because they committed ghastly murders or multiple murders, torture, etc.

Bearing in mind that a number of organ recipients claim their donor influenced their thoughts, tastes, feelings, aversions, etc., would it be desirable to transplant a murderer's organ into anyone ?

Here on ATS a month or so ago, a member posted that since recieving an organ transplant, his sister had begun excessively drinking Jim Beam, taking drugs, speaking foully and neglecting her children, mixing in bad company etc. (something along those lines, anyway)

Doctors would no doubt dismiss all this as 'ridiculous' and 'unscientific', as would many in society. And it may be ridiculous

But do we know enough about the possible effects upon recipients of the personality/soul of the donor ?

Until we do, would it be wiser not to place the organs of violent criminals in others ?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Although I am not keen on the harvesting of organs from dead inmates, I don't see why death row inmates aren't allowed to donate a kidney or liver prior to their death.

Living organ donations can be just as helpful.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:20 AM
This is the same thing Israel does to dying Palestinians. Personally I'm not too thrilled about it.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

Might be poetic justice though, don't you feel, for a previously hard-core Israeli to begin to publicy express sympathy and solidarity with Palestinians after receiving a Palestinian's organ ?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by jam321

This option has been brought forth before (actually in my home state) but one of the arguments against it was the concern that it may open a door to inmates selling their organs and making a profit...

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:15 AM
Many, not all, of the death row inmates, have communicable diseases, alcohol poisoning, and suffer from drug abuse. Not mentioning the high probability of genetic flaws.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:19 AM
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Cellular Memory exists and is scientifically proven, and as a Licensed Massage Therapy I witness it every day.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:29 AM
The article argues against other forms of executions due to mishaps and so forth... but they state death is certain when you take the organs. But... just a thought, what about the pain? What if the anesthesia doesn't work? That would be a horrible way to die!

But even so, I do support this idea. Again, it is there body and if they say it's what they want, we should not be able to say they can't do it.

They have my approval.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:52 AM
I really think that capital punishment should be mandatory if you are convicted for anything more than 1 murder. And the execution method should be the removal of the heart plus all organs that can be donated.

This way you could pay back what you have done, plus interests.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Dock9

The idea of cellular memory is a fascinating one. I'm not sure what I believe, but it is something I would think about, to be sure... Thank you for bringing that to the discussion. It is important to consider...

There are other theories that seek to provide alternatives to the idea of cellular memory: (1)

Right now, we just don't know...

[edit on 30-1-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Cellular Memory exists and is scientifically proven, and as a Licensed Massage Therapy I witness it every day.

Could you elaborate more on what you witness?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by electricveins

Not surprised that the video made you uncomfortable. That was the point in the making of it. To consider the idea of harvesting organs from death row inmates would also mean that one must consider the concept of death row, as well.

But being creeped out is the price of living in a society that kills its criminals. If organ harvesting would make executions uncomfortably like human sacrifice, perhaps that’s because our death chambers are already gory enough to make anyone but a Mayan high priest pale.

I think that's what the makers of the video had in mind. The larger picture.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 08:51 PM
Cellular Memory info can be found here....

and here is how it affects the body

And personally, I have had clients have many physical reactions from body memory- whether they begin crying, or has a flashback of a particular memory, or begin smiling in happiness.

I have personally experienced in my own body, having a rush of emotions or a particular memory or experience upon certain levels of tissue in my body being touched.

Massage is all about sinking energetically to your clients tissue levels- and there are not only skin levels, but fascia, and musclular and bone, and marrow levels as well- breaking down to a cellular level.

Every cell in the human body retains the energy of the body as a hole, and when certain events happen that affect the body in a positive or negative way- it is generally stored in our bodys cells.

The cells can play back the experience upon "piercing it" with energetic or physical manipulation. Kind of like a certain smell can bring back an exact memory of the past.

Hope that helped

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