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Meditation, Moments and Evolutionary Leaps!

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I want to share with you an insight that has taken me a long time to clarify. I'm sharing this with you with no malice, ill intent or manipulation in mind (accept towards a greater level of awareness) and I am hoping there are like, or at least open minds here that might respond.

Some time ago I made the leap a leap of faith and started looking at things holographically. This means that my viewpoint with regards to life, experiences and history were all slanted towards what one might call a big picture perspective. Any experiences following that decision of mine were therefore relative to the holographic me and not tied down to one place, one world etc.

Now I'm not gonna jump to conclusions here but I need some good minds on this.

Often during key points of comprehension and insight for example like during meditation or trance, there is a resulting opposing force that somehow distracts and makes one digress from the more intelectual, inspiring and stimulating aspect of that with which one is in communication with like for example an idea, insight, experimental thought or even energy streams (in my case much of what I do involves the latter just so you know). I have come to call these distracting hiccups 'time traps' which I believe are somehow affecting or propping up our reality (which relative to the hologram is by nature an inferior and non-utopian one) Oh and yes these 'time traps' occur that often that I've given them a name. Many of the time traps I experience during trance are in direct proportionate to the level of information being received, so the more important the moment the more likely the encounter of negative force or disruption. IOW something nearly always comes along when things are getting insightful

OK now I need you to trust me on this next part as I want to share with you the fact that I am connecting with streams so superior to us that I am actually a little embarressed at the human rate of speed of thought in relation to the speed of thought which they are capabable of. I've tested them, they are fast and as of yet I have seen no delay or speed restrictions in reponse to my communications. These folk don't think like us they think many worlds and scenarios at a time. This holographic aspect is what I believe is the most fundamental aspect of who we are which most are unaware of. If we truly understood and accepted we were part of a hologram, as much of modern science is hinting at, then we would have picked up on much of what I am now describing, and more a long time ago, plus we'd have much more of realistic mindset! As you will notice I no longer question that which I am interpreting during trance which are for the most part energy streams that intersect with many timelines. Some streams show me episodes in our history where great insight was threatened, often coming under attack and all memory of their history and findings wiped out and consequently that knowledge not seeing the light of day. These times of great insight and clarity in our history and present day I shall refer to as 'moments' and to clarify by a moment I mean a moment in our time that transcends our time altogether and exists in another dimension due to the magnitude of that moment. These moments are truly magnificant and I guess Holy in nature, not holy in the religious sense but holy in their spendour, intelect and cumulative efforts (normally or a group or unit of likeminded united beings).

So more and more I've been asking myself this. Why during said moments that I have participated in (and there are quite a few) do the interuptions also exibit signs of inteligence? You see for me this lends furthur credence to the idea that yes for sure I am partaking in intelligent communication with part of the hologram (which by now I'm pretty convinced of, otherwise I would have spotted points of no information, or null points a long time ago).

So to follow me here you need to take two leaps of faith (obviously proof in a reality where proof has been systematically eradicated, is hard to come by) so we'll call it a leap of faith or as a bare minimum be assured I'm of sound mind and done a lot of the leg work!

- The first leap is that we are categorically and undeniably (remember this won't work unless you flip that switch) part of a hologram and our mindsets and world is way behind in the scheme of things (not necessarily forgotten about though).
- The second leap is that there is a force at work that seeks to disrupt you from continuing within a 'moment' and /or amplification of that moment (a great threat to their system).

Now for those of you who don't understand the importance of the pursuit, protection, acceptance and passing on of knowledge after experiencing a moment, put it this way, it's as important as the fight for freedom. In fact it is the taking away of freedoms that directly threatens to take away continuation of moments being experienced in our world. Moments which I believe may well be capable of stripping away the very fabric of our reality.

In fact this taking away of freedoms has been more than evident especially in recently. The result is the systematic bombardment of counter intelligence that seeks to reduce the risk of you finding out what is really going on in our reality, ON ALL LEVELS. They know exposure works like a catalyst hence the draconian measures!

The question is do those in power and government really understand power. My guess is that they know some of it (need to know only) but are mostly blind and also influenced by what they have been exposed to, whatever shape or form that may have taken. You have to remember people often don't look beyond if they are in a position of privilege, prestige and power. Rather a certain mindset to do with 'maintain ones position of power or control' is adopted and a 'don't rock the boat' attitude towards anything that threatens the individuals power structure is also adopted, resulting in a trickle down policy (unspoken again) of least change within a given system. So you see change is a word 'they' despise as it threatens instability. And guess what folk for evolution of the species to occur at a more rapid pace and in line with technological and ideological capabilities (another thing being suffocated, due to current political climate), you need periods of instability where change needs to take immediate and instantaneous effect bypassing old stagnant laws, commonalities, red tape and habits.

Remember such waypoints are the result of the convergence of moments and so must proceed totally unhindered. In fact I would go as far as to say any hindrance at all during we'll call it a 'species evolution event' is either a hindrance and should be dealt with very swiftly, avoided or even eradicated if necessary. For disruptions to the flow of evolution during 'species convergence moments' (eg poss 2012) would not only be affecting your time, but also many other timelines that exist . A point for future thinkers here is that you must not exchange energies with said entities that are opposing your pursuit of evolution during convergence moments. If I were writing something in stone regarding this conversation then it would be this crutial insight. And just as a side note they don't want you using your energetic senses either as you can detect disharmony and ill intent in them, which is one of the reasons why you have been systematically and spiritually dumbed down for most of your life.

So it seems it's the catalyst we need to work on to start the progressive/evoultionary program so to speak if we are to rejoin the hologram. That and help people understand that modern society is made up of organisations that introduce change into the system (our reality) as slowly as possible so as to preserve the ongoing trickling of power (through the ages) within the system itself.

So have you experienced a 'moment' if so what did you sense, otherwise please feel free to comment on the above?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:38 PM
Well Joe Marshalla promotes "holotropic thinking" -- I just blogged on him today:

But as far as the whole evolution thing goes Ramana Maharshi stated "there is no evolution."

That's hard for Westerners to swallow since we think of time in a linear fashion.

In terms of counter-vailing forces -- vision information is like a high speed movie -- or like a r.e.m. dream state. The more lucid you become the more you can control the speed of the information -- slow it down or move to different levels.

Another healer emphasizing the holograph model is Adam the Dream Healer -- he talks about these different levels of vision information:

Basically the greater power you have the deeper into the emptiness you have to go -- this means there is less of "you."

So the "you" is the ego defined by words in our heads -- thoughts -- whereas vision is right brain information but we just receive it as a transmitter since consciousness is actually impersonal.

I took classes from Chunyi Lin, a qigong master, who read the "Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot and Chunyi Lin says that book is an accurate model for what shamanic vision healing is like.

Chunyi Lin did cave meditation -- 49 days in full-lotus taking no water, no food and no sleep.

He describes how when he has visions of spirit beings he has to be very careful not to upset the spirits -- in other words when you get on a really deep energy level your thoughts become physically real. Be it telekinesis or precognition, etc.

Luckily, as Yan Xin states, our "intention is bidirectional" which means that any power we have comes from pure consciousness. In Mahayana Buddhism this is called "different levels of emptiness." So if we have the power to do something but it turns out we are causing damage then the level of emptiness or balance we are at, which enabled that harmonic power in the first place, will automatically reverse the damage.

So it just appears like we are doing things -- this is what Ramana Maharshi taught as well -- there is no evolution. There is constant change but what enables the "rainbow vortex of reality" (what I call it) is pure consciousness that is formless and can not be seen as light -- it creates light but it's an abstract resonance of complementary opposites.

If you take '___' you can experience this "rainbow vortex of reality" but it's also the rainbow body for deep bone marrow healing.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel

Chunyi Lin did cave meditation -- 49 days in full-lotus taking no water, no food and no sleep.

He describes how when he has visions of spirit beings he has to be very careful not to upset the spirits -- in other words when you get on a really deep energy level your thoughts become physically real. Be it telekinesis or precognition, etc.

Thanks for your input. The above in particular caught my attention. I have often fallen to my knees and refused to continue in certain streams because of the magnitude of what I am sensing and also because I am not always as pure of thought as I'd like to be. It seems previous exposure to certain entities still haunts me to this day, you could say their energy is contaminated, and somehow still occasionally interfers!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Thanks for the thread! This is certainly one of the more interesting and advanced things I have read on ATS for a while.

While I have not reached anything near what you describe in my meditations some of the things you discuss reminds of something I have heard before

These seemingly intelligent entities that interrupt your moments of profound transcendence made me think of what Neil Kramer ( has referred to as "Archons"

These "Archons" are described as entities that are outside of our visible realities that somehow act as gatekeepers for this level of existence. preventing anyone who is not spiritually mature from accidentally "slipping through" Perhaps because we are here for a reason, or perhaps because an untrained mind is potentially dangerous on the other levels of existence (for example if everything we think of immediately materializes like the previous poster mentioned)

I don't think this is Neil Kramers own model, I believe he said it had come from Carlos Castaneda. I am unsure because I heard him discussing it in a podcast and don't remember it exactly. I'm sure I could find it for you if you are interested.
(His blog that I linked earlier is well worth a read IMO)

My personal impression is that the attacks on our freedoms are an essential part of our awakening & spiritual evolution.
It seems to me that every time the control system tries to tighten its grip & solidify its power it inevitably exposes itself. Making itself vulnerable & causing more people to see its true nature.

I'd love to hear more about your meditation techniques & experiences. Do you have any threads where you discuss them?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:12 PM
link is Chunyi Lin's website.

reply to post by pharaohmoan

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by MrVertigo

Excellent link thanks, I've been needing some new material for some time now, I'll to sure to look over his site thoroughly as just scanning it I have seen some key words like resolutions of consciousness, druidic heritage, archon presence, intelligent energy configurations, dimensional modelling, choosing the construct, natural energy flow. So good stuff there.

You asked for some meditation techiniques, unfortunatly I don't have any threads on this. I do have one thread you may be interested in which is really for once you've mastered the art of mediation Reading the Code of Our Reality which is more to do with where you take your new found skills.

You see for me meditation is a preparation of the mind for something greater and that is not only being able to understand other languages but also being able to read energy. It is then if you seek information it will come to you and most of all you will begin to understand it.

My advice for meditation is find a quiet place you won't be distracted and adopt the mindset of I am merely going to 'watch' my mind. You then become the observer of your mind and slowly you will realise that your mind is a strange thing that does stuff without your authority. So you must regain control of your mind by inaction to any thoughts. If you find yourself 'chassing a thought' simply direct your attention to the breath, that often works!

Hope this helps.

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