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Al-Qaeda has trained female suicide bombers to attack West, US officials warn

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:49 AM
Many years ago an ex marine went a bit nutty and he trained a kid to fire a gun from the trunk of a car. They fired on kids waiting at bus stops, people filling up cars at gas stations, they held a city in FEAR! Real iron gripping fear.

All these shoe bombing but bombers training everyone and their sister to explode has nothing on the D.C. Sniper. If this terrorist organization was real, and if they could get their operatives into the US with ease then their operatives would buy guns and do a D.C. Sniper repeat. If one person had a purpose of going after high priority targets more fear and chaos could be created with an ordinary rifle.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Flakey]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by enca78
Personally though i feel a woman has more sense than blowing herself up and harming others.

I lost my faith in other people's common sense a long time ago. If you start putting your faith in other people's sense of right and wrong you are only setting yourself up for disappointment or worse.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:35 AM
"Al-Qaeda has trained female suicide bombers to attack West, US officials warn".

I wondered why does such incidents/information get conveniently available to whatever policies/agenda the US govt trying to pursue. Seriously, I noticed thru out these 8 years, situation and information presents itself conveniently whenever they are needed like clockwork.

I might be wrong, but this is start for the so-called "free press" to charge the way to indoctrinate the American/Western female public, to accept the x-ray scan devices at the airport, and path the way for every airport in the world to accept this profit making scam. You've been put on notice..

[edit on 24-1-2010 by mobydog]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Who cares anyway?
I mean seriously folks. No one I know has altered their daily behaviour on account of so called terror alerts. They may be true, they may not be. But there isn't much the ordinary person can do anyway.
To fellow UK-ers, as you go out to get your Sunday paper, consider that in 2006-2007 just under 3,000 died in road accidents and around £250,000 were casualties.
Sort of puts it into perspective dunnit.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:52 AM
I fear my own government much more than the few Al-Qaeda that are out there. If we weren't so busy bombing the hell out of countries over there and building our American empire there they wouldn't have nearly the reasons to hate us. The work they are doing at home enough to convince me I have everything to fear from them and little to nothing at all to fear from "Al-Qaeda".

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:30 AM
You'll notice in the most recent plane incident Jan 23

that the flight attendants ordered all the women to the back of the plane. AQ isnt' stupid, they are well aware of all our security and emergency methods. A small distraction in a plane would open the opportunity for a disaster elsewhere.
The latest AQ tape by the dead Ossama bin Laden promises more attacks in the US. That means they will try to detonate planes over our heads on our soil.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by unicorn1
Who cares anyway?
I mean seriously folks. No one I know has altered their daily behaviour on account of so called terror alerts. They may be true, they may not be. But there isn't much the ordinary person can do anyway.
To fellow UK-ers, as you go out to get your Sunday paper, consider that in 2006-2007 just under 3,000 died in road accidents and around £250,000 were casualties.
Sort of puts it into perspective dunnit.

Just so you know. According to hunda custom, no terrorism attacks are planned until 2010. So from 2001-2010 the Islamic custom of warning and preparing for the battle is customary. That allows you a false sense of security, part of the plan. Good luck to you.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
I fear my own government much more than the few Al-Qaeda that are out there. If we weren't so busy bombing the hell out of countries over there and building our American empire there they wouldn't have nearly the reasons to hate us. The work they are doing at home enough to convince me I have everything to fear from them and little to nothing at all to fear from "Al-Qaeda".

Go join them, they are looking for sympathizers like you. Just land anywhere in Pakistan and someone will point you in the right direction.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Flakey
Many years ago an ex marine went a bit nutty and he trained a kid to fire a gun from the trunk of a car. They fired on kids waiting at bus stops, people filling up cars at gas stations, they held a city in FEAR! Real iron gripping fear.

All these shoe bombing but bombers training everyone and their sister to explode has nothing on the D.C. Sniper. If this terrorist organization was real, and if they could get their operatives into the US with ease then their operatives would buy guns and do a D.C. Sniper repeat. If one person had a purpose of going after high priority targets more fear and chaos could be created with an ordinary rifle.

Don't worry, Ossama just gave the word so you will indeed see more of this. The dry runs from 2001 until now have all shown AQ training techniques that will keep us busy in the next year.
But while the big action in Saudi, Yemen and Iran is happening the smaller events in the US and UK will be a big inconvenience.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

Yep... definately ties in with my thread about the 'threat level increase'.... my gut tells me that the Militants will try something before all the Airports have scanners in place because after this there should be no chance of anyone getting on a plane with a bomb....

But i'm thinking now all they will do is use the trains instead because anyone can get on a train with explosives!


They will just start hitting targets with cars and vans like they do in Iraq & Afghanistan & Pakistan

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Interesting but not surprising.

I have a question:

What happens when the US, UK, France, Germany....and all other countries that could have terrorist attacks happen on their soil get tired of these freshman terror games?

What happens when these countries commit the bulk of their military to the middle east with UN approval?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
Interesting but not surprising.

I have a question:

What happens when the US, UK, France, Germany....and all other countries that could have terrorist attacks happen on their soil get tired of these freshman terror games?

What happens when these countries commit the bulk of their military to the middle east with UN approval?

Answer: buh bye Mecca and Medina. Hello oil deals with OPEC member Chavez who is sitting on the worlds biggest reserve.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:18 PM
Oh great! Thanks alot CIA and British MI6.....I used to only be afraid of terrorists now I have to be afraid of women too? LOL. Clearly, whoever is trying to frighten us with women with bombs strapped to them has never been married or at least in a close relationship with a woman. If you are trying to scare us with women...then one strapped with a bomb is a godsend to some men. Men would be more scared if you "made them" get married.

Your average American woman is much scarier than a non-arab woman with a bomb strapped to her.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Phenomium]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Don't worry, Ossama just gave the word so you will indeed see more of this. The dry runs from 2001 until now have all shown AQ training techniques that will keep us busy in the next year.
But while the big action in Saudi, Yemen and Iran is happening the smaller events in the US and UK will be a big inconvenience.

I find your words to be total fear mongering.
We will not see more snipers. If it was going to happen it would of happened by now. Their will not be "big" action in Saudi ,Yemen, and Iran.
Women are not going to start flooding the airways with bombs.
Their are many more effective and devastating ways to create fear through destruction. What is going on in the skies is nothing more than skilled propaganda enhanced into grandiose proportions by fear mongering bloggers.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Flakey

Originally posted by JJay55

Don't worry, Ossama just gave the word so you will indeed see more of this. The dry runs from 2001 until now have all shown AQ training techniques that will keep us busy in the next year.
But while the big action in Saudi, Yemen and Iran is happening the smaller events in the US and UK will be a big inconvenience.

I find your words to be total fear mongering.
We will not see more snipers. If it was going to happen it would of happened by now. Their will not be "big" action in Saudi ,Yemen, and Iran.
Women are not going to start flooding the airways with bombs.
Their are many more effective and devastating ways to create fear through destruction. What is going on in the skies is nothing more than skilled propaganda enhanced into grandiose proportions by fear mongering bloggers.

Fear mongering is a myth. Why would I fear monger? It would benefit me in no way. But people who believe there is fear mongering usually are using their defense mechanisms because they can't face the truth from lack of knowledge or other reasons.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Chertoff is profiting from the new body xrays at the airports. I guess he either owns big stock in that company who came out with this, or he OWNS it.

Dawn of the Dead Chertoff.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by grantbeed

The only Muslim terror threats I think are real , are the crazy Taxi driver's.

I bet more people are killed in Taxi's driven by Muslim's , than by Muslim


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by grantbeed

The only Muslim terror threats I think are real , are the crazy Taxi driver's.

I bet more people are killed in Taxi's driven by Muslim's , than by Muslim


lol, great way to look at it.

Muslim Taxi Driver returns $21,000

'Muslim' 'Terrorist' is a contradiction of terms

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Jinni]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
Fear mongering is a myth. Why would I fear monger? It would benefit me in no way. But people who believe there is fear mongering usually are using their defense mechanisms because they can't face the truth from lack of knowledge or other reasons.

No fear mongering is not a myth. Big Foot is a myth,one that may prove real one day but still a myth today. Fear mongering is a real sociological behavior. You enable it. Why you ask? I can not answer what compels you to your actions.

I did do a quick search to with your name and the words fear mongering. You are accused of fear mongering quite often JJ. Your standard reply is the same one you gave me. That fear mongering is a myth. It's actually quite revealing that you don't vary that stock answer.

I can say that I am not employing any defense mechanism. I based my conclusions based on past events. The D.C. Sniper killed more people and scared a nation. All the air line bomb plots in the last eight years have failed resulting in no death and little to no fear. Earlier you made mention that Osama had given the heads up to his people and that repeated Sniper attacks were next.

What did you base that off of? Ft Hood? I don't mind breaking the news to you, Ft Hood was not a sniper incident. It did not make people scared to send their kids to school or fearful of buying gasoline.

To both me and the other readers here, it looks like you say whatever you can for maximum shock value and scare tactics.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Flakey]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Women have been being primed for these uses for a while.

There have been several handicapped children used as human bombs. One good way of getting rid of a girl/woman who is "dishonoured" is to have her become a human bomb. Dishonour erased with jihadi action.

Which means to make a willing female bomb, all you need to do is find a woman who has been raped and people know about it, OR rape her yourself and then threaten to "out" her about it.

Instant human bomb.

Isn't "morality" for the "good of the group" just fabulous.

Either that or because 72 virgins furnished for every fallen Islamic Jihadist in the afterllife is becoming hard to come by. So they have to make sure they maintain a quota. Especially for every time Al-Qaeda's 2nd in command gets killed. =/

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