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Pelosi announces House doesn't have enough votes to pass Obamacare!

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posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Woooo, another day, another victory for the people!

I don't think this is over with but its going to have to go through a lot more work to pass, and I don't think the US people want to wait around much longer for this because of all the other problems that have been going around recently!

Email your congressmen...tell them you want **REAL** change or they can get out!

[edit on 21-1-2010 by kyle43]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 11:45 AM
S & F. I hope this is true!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 11:49 AM
wow shocking.

didn't we know this awhile ago?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by kyle43

Have we really won? Do you honestly think we (America) has won? Has anyone besides be felt or seen something dark on the horizon? Look into our leaders eyes, Do you see the Saddness in Obamas eyes lately? Do you see him as already defeated?

Even in you average everyday American I see they want change but there noone to lead us to it.

So have we really won?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 11:58 AM
They have the votes, what they don't have is the votes to stop the filibuster that will come.

BTW Brown this morning made clear that he is in favor of Health care like Massachusetts, he even pointed out at the good example his state made.

He is taken everybody for suckers.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Alright! YES!

More rape from our corporate overlords in the form of health-care premium ransoms.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Nothing like real Americans rising up and slapping the Democrats upside the head!

Pelosi, Reid, Obama.....we don't want your socialism!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by kyle43

Have we really won? Do you honestly think we (America) has won? Has anyone besides be felt or seen something dark on the horizon? Look into our leaders eyes, Do you see the Saddness in Obamas eyes lately? Do you see him as already defeated?

Even in you average everyday American I see they want change but there noone to lead us to it.

So have we really won?

We haven't won the war, but this battle goes to the people. I am pretty sure the HC bill easily passed the House, and it was up to the Senate to really get it through. Well now that the House doesn't agree, and the Dems have lost the super majority in the senate, it seems that the bill is dead in the water.

If you need to see the look of defeat in our "leaders" you aren't looking in the right spot. If you need someone to lead you to victory then you must search yourself, you have everything you need inside of you.

I believe that the Free People of the world are starting to win the war against oppression and tyranny.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by kyle43

My comments are rhetrorical. Some people think that is still of vs them, and it isnt....

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by cjcord
wow shocking.

didn't we know this awhile ago?
We did, apparently Ms. Pelosi didn't. Or couldn't believe until it whacked her in the face!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:20 PM
I once was a proponent of the health care reform. But I have grown tired of all the delays, finger pointing, name calling and indecision. Now I could care less. I already have health insurance anyway. Maybe they should simply focus on insurance reform...eliminate the "preexisting conditions clauses" , put caps on premiums, and cap off maximum allowable charges to patients receiving care. Of course, in order for that to happen, we need to get the insurance and medical lobbyists out of looks like we will all be in the same old boat.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by Aggie Man]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM
The REAL truth is-- that your vote don't count for Squat.
You all know like in a court of law--- you win your case by law--then the judge overturns the decision.
You can't win by vote because there ain' t no honest person allowed into the clubhouse.
Look it is this simple. First just think how much cash those bozo's rake in just debating all the BS bills.
A committee for this, an appointment for that, a czar for this, a lobby for that. No end to it folks.
Here is the proof.
Clinton said he would give us health care reform. We elected him. We did get a balanced budget.
The Republicans promised term limits. We still want that one-- but it isn't even discussed anymore.
Democrats promised an end to the wars and a repaired economy.
Let's review.
America wants a good form of health care------- Goment says---Oh,sure yep, yep!
America wants term limits----- Goment says-----What's that you say?
America wants an end to war---Goment says---- Are you kidding!
America says stop taking our rights-- Goment says--- F you!
Balanced budget---- not even in a wild pipe dream. Wouldn't even make sense to desire it any longer.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

The original bill that would have added a public option to help the needy, big interest manage to get it out because that would have dip into their profit making.

Now, due to the type of politicians we have now, that are nothing but whores to the pimps the big interest, the bills been concocted by big interest are nothing but more unrestricted gouging of tax payer with mandatory slavery.

That is the only bill that will be even considered.

The same way that car insurance now control the pockets of people that wants to drive the same way the health insurance will control the pockets of those that need help and is no way around it either.

Just because we have a new suit in congress it doesn't mean health care bill will not pass in favor of big insurance business.

He is a big backer of Massachusetts crappy deal that is one of the reason the people actually voted for him, because in order to support the health care bill in that state taxes has been increased, the health care bill in the state is now becoming a big cow that needs to be feed.

He is very proud of Massachusetts mandatory health care after all.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Once again the hope and change police massively fail thank God people should be allowed to think whatever as long as they don't try to ram useless healthcare options down our throats.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
If the Democrats had really wanted to provide coverage for millions of uninsured, all they had to do was to attack the high cost of health care costs and regulate how the big pharmacy, big health care corporations make billions off of a system that allows for private enterprise to get rich off of the pain and suffering of those the system was designed to serve. All current rules of denial of service equate to saving the insurance companies money. Since money is all they care about, they will bribe politicians to pass a health care bill that benefits no one but the corporations and the bribed politicians that got rich in the process.

Add in insurance companies desire to make billions in profits and by the way the health care bill was written by the Insurance and pharmacy interests. Anyway any real effort to address the health care issues in America can best be attacked by focusing on the high costs to the consumer and the high profits to those that make life and death decisions about health care based on profit over people and their so called benefit to society.

This insanity can be cured, but without fixing the high cost of health care they will replace it with a system that costs us more money and gives less that we get today. That less than today may not mean anything to everyone that is healthy and hasn't had a health care issue in your life or family, but most Americans are one medical disaster away from being homeless and pennyless as a result of the high cost of health care.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Exactly!!!!!!!! that is how to tackle the problem no creating a new one.

But what people are blind and dumb about it is that in American corporate rules our politicians, rather than get to the root of the problem, our congress is sleeping behind doors with groups.

Their wishes are priority over what the tax payer wants.

Then if this no corruption then what should we call it.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Simply put and to often not voiced----Communism!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:46 PM
Considering that the root cause of the legislation still exists, the health care debate will be back. The health insurance costs are still rising, the huge deductibles are increasing, insurance companies still are refusing to insure people with pre existing conditions and the number of working Americans without insurance is increasing.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Kaploink
Considering that the root cause of the legislation still exists, the health care debate will be back. The health insurance costs are still rising, the huge deductibles are increasing, insurance companies still are refusing to insure people with pre existing conditions and the number of working Americans without insurance is increasing.

Ah ha! So did you vote? Were you represented?

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 05:59 PM
personally i love seeing this lunatic woman squirm.... and to me she is on her way out.... polls show her down to around 35% popularity in some polls...

perhaps the people in her part of the state will boot her butt to the curb...i think they have just about had enough of her and her insanity...


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