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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Grad Agents [AFWC]

In a Multiverse not that far off . . . not far, in a list of ways . . .

Crisscrossing the ultradimensional ethers . . .

Command level dialogues occurred primarily within the supposedly transmission secure only orb-let circling a most mysterious slave orb . . .

Command level agents at times traveled virtually many places in that dimension and others . . .

Sometimes high ranking agents were spiritually transported for an audience with their Lord and god—the Unh . . .

All ranks of agents were continually awash in various types of transmissions that ranged far and wide across many multiverses and dimensions . . . for good and ill.

. . . an extremely high meeting was about to transpire between the First General and his Chief Intel Agent within an ultra secure communications sphere within the already supposedly secure slave orb’s orblet.
[Klaxon blares]:



The [multi-layerd, dimensionally shielded] sphere is not closed yet! TOTAL MANDATORY FOG-THINK! Violators will be instantly disintegrated. No exceptions, regardless of rank. Doors closed. Transmissions shielding closing.”

1st Gen Sneerdle and 1st Extreme Agent Buttfly sat calmly and FOG-THOUGHT like the professionals they were. Only mental white noise flooded their synapses. Momentarily the klaxon blared again:

“SPHERE NOW CLOSED. Productive thought and conversation now authorized.”

1ST G S: “Did your orb-jumping turn up anything useful?”

1ST IA B: “Probably. It is now clear that the mystery is deeper, richer and more complex than we ever imagined. What’s not clear is why all the multiverse level expense on an orb with a motley collection of a several billion slaves on it?”

1ST G S: That was your assignment! You have nothing to offer on that issue? The Chief Puzzle Monitor will report your insufficiency to the Death Stone. I cannot always shield you from HIS displeasure. You can expect to be assessed at least some minutes in the Chamber.

1ST IA B: I know. Look—I barely escaped with my life. I have a wealth of new info on bits of the layers and complexities of the mystery. That ought to be good for something.

1ST G S: Not my decision. Such as?

1ST IA B: 1. Somehow, the slaves have to do with all the galaxies, all the dimensions and all the multi-verses anyone has any information on. Every source I interrogated was emphatically convinced of this. Close monitoring of diverse excursions of the Rays has repeatedly affirmed this.

2. The Rays have a very confusing—paradoxical attitude toward the slaves. Massive amounts of info suggest that they go to great lengths to protect them. Yet, they view them with a kind of detached benign something—not indifference—yet—not quite measuring up to wholesale, unqualified respect. They often seem as mystified as we are, that The RAD expends such infinite resources on SLAVES!

3. You were quite right. Our Unh wants every last slave terminated utterly and eternally in the most horrible ways possible. No one convincingly claims to know why, however. There are multiple reports of structures, machines, forces being gathered around the slave orb to achieve such a goal at the earliest opportunity. The Unh seems to know something no one else on our side does.

3.1 And when any of us would try and think deeper on that, beyond that, the most excruciating brain tremor would begin and last as long as anyone dared even try to think in such directions. Some are convinced that the Unh himself has insured that key chunks of our thought organ have been blocked, neutralized—taken off-line—memories known to have been embedded there have been made functionally inaccessible.

3.2 Some colleagues dared to assert that this was done to insure no hindrances would haunt us from our past or from our created moment awarenesses of any future time scripts. All missions related to the slave orb are clearly to take utterly primary priority—to be treated as the only priority by all involved.

3.3 Some are convinced it was done just to make us more efficient spirit-bots/agent-bots with little independent thinking of our own—which results in the same thing.

4. None of our forces have yet been able to penetrate bodily to the surface of the slave orb. Not the Pleadians. Not the even the Centaurians. However, for several layers of multiverses out from the slave orb, ALL our mid-level agents are convinced that is about to change. The behaviors of the shielding Rays managing the impenetrable slave orb Master Shields indicates some unprecedented adjustments of the shields, has begun in strategic places. The Slave Orb Shields are odd—light gets in and out easily. So far, nothing tangible from Dark Dimensions or forces can penetrate.

5. We have been able to persist with and refine our thought projections to the individual slaves on the surface of the orb. Many have come mostly under our influence or even control. We are busy securing their seductions addictions to The Dark Net as fast as possible.

5.1 We have finally begun to cause great consternation and destructive havoc thereby. It is even said that death & suffering have occurred a number of times already—for the first time in the orb’s history. Our Unh is reportedly as pleased as he ever gets.

6. There is an increasing move of tens of thousands of Agent Reps (ranked and robo-cloned) from thousands of galaxies toward the slave orb. All of them are of the rank of Colonel or above through 2nd Tier General. They are bringing only their most trusted staff personnel and action teams.

6.1 This remains mystifying as to the reason. There are some sources claiming it is to observe A TRANSITION. We do not know from what or to what. Such agent movements have been ordered directly by the Unh himself. He acts as though he has prior knowledge of what is going on with the shield thinning.


7. I picked up some rumors from a handful of sources that SPHERES may not shield our thoughts and conversations as we hope. There is some claim from a minority of sources that The RAD is everywhere at once—and knows and observes somehow directly all that happens in all realities of all multiverses, all dimensions, all time-lines—as crazy as that sounds. We think that’s hyperbole. They must mean his agents are everywhere at once. Though, that’s NOT how any of the sources put it.

8. A very disturbing thought was picked up—thankfully just from slave to slave—claiming that The RAD has scheduled the terminal neutering and enslavement of our Death Stone. Obviously, that’s just crazy wishful thinking on the part of ignorant slaves. Still, one must report all such data points.

9. Helmet thought-shields may also not work as well as we were assured they did. Our testing labs still insist no thought emanations can leak out and no thought probes can pierce the helmet. And the scientists insist that the encrypted thought patterns between two helmets in close proximity are likewise secure. They are less sure about communications between helmets further apart than 10 meters.

9.1 However, there have been more than a dozen obscure reports of devastating actions against the Dark Forces that could only have come about by either such a leak or such a probe.

10. There is a rumor that some of the Rays are beginning to weaken the shield around the slave orb in a handful of interesting places. There is no explanation. However, the Unh has ordered massive forces to gather above each of those spots.

[KLAXON: SPHERE SESSION CLOSES IN 5 MINUTES. 2-3 SHORT SENTENCES OF CLOSING ALLOWED. BE QUICK. Exiting 3.5 minutes early, to insure nondisintegration, is allowed.]

1ST IA B: I hope that info is sufficient to avoid demotion or punishment.

1ST G S: I hope so, too. Dependable Comrades are not plentiful on our side. I would hate to have to train someone else.

[SPHERE OPENS IN 30 SECONDS. FOG-THOUGHT MANDATORY FOR 5 MINUTES FOLLOWING AND UP TO 150 METERS AWAY FROM THE SPHERE. ONLY NON-STRATEGIC THOUGHTS AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOWED THEREAFTER. Moderately sensitive thoughts and communications MAY be allowed in critical situations when the latest helmet technology is firmly in place with complete green lights on all sensors. SPHERE OPEN. EXIT IMMEDIATELY.]


GRANDPAW: Hey! Honey-Bear-TossleTop-TowHead—I’d love a BIG HUG!

[The seven year old boy hugs Grandpaw heartily]

TOWHEAD: Grandpaw, why are we called slaves? What is a “slave?” Why is this place called a “slave orb?” Who are we slaves to?

GRANDPAW: That’s a great mystery TowHead. A slave is someone who MUST work for someone else. A slave is owned by someone else as property and receives no money for his work.

G: We form our own governments. We associate freely or not. We study what we want. We work at what we want. We have peace and serenity. We lifelong enjoy confidence, fulfillment and chronic joy.

G: We have health, easy prosperity, full honesty and 100% fairness and equity in all our dealings with one another. We are generous, patient and kind to one another. We freely Love one another—as blood kin—which we all are, if one traces it back enough millennia.

G: We worship only the RAD but that’s just obvious--Riding Roo Sense. And the RAD always returns far more than our feeble worship and compliance with His Manual would seemingly require.

G: There is a troubling prophecy in The Manual. It speaks of a time when THE SHIELD of The RAD’s Goodness and Forces of Rays will be pulled back in places and allow something called Dark Agents to afflict our serenity.


posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 07:43 PM


G: It’s hard to conceive of and harder to understand. Yet, I have never found the Manual to be wrong in all my 1,500 years of living. Some of our Manual Teachers have begun to insist that this is the era of that prophecy. I sure hope not. Yet, none of them have ever been wrong, either.

T: Wow, Granpaw. What will the Dark Agents do? How can they be for our good if they are Dark and against the RAD? How can anyone be against the RAD?

T: Sometimes when I was younger and climbing a tree, I would fall and it would hurt some until Mom talked to The RAD. Until then, I didn’t feel so safe or comfortable. I felt . . . what was it . . . yeah, I felt fear. Will the Dark Agents bring fear to my life?

G: I don’t know TowHead. It’s never happened before. It’s never been before. The prophecy even says it’s never been before nor will be again.

G: I just know that The RAD does all things well. He would not allow all this unless it was somehow scheduled to be for our ultimate good.

T: Grandpaw—I don’t understand how Dark Agents doing bad hurtful things could result in our good. Doesn’t The Manual teach that only Good Trees produce Good Fruit?

G: I know TowHead. I know. You’re awfully smart for your age. Giving me questions I can’t answer is not a common experience for me.

T: I’m already a little afraid, Grandpaw. Some of my classmates say that DEATH is coming. The prophecy does say something about that, doesn’t it? What is DEATH, anyway? Sounds chilling, dark and horrible.

G: Another great question, Tow. You know how when slaves get to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old, they get to select a GRADUATION DATE?

T: Yeah. That’s scary enough. I remember Great-35X Grandma chose to graduate at age 2,100 and Great-35X Grandpa shortly after that. They treated it as a Grand Graduation—a Supreme Party. Yet I never got to see them again. There they were, eating their cake and ice cream—and poof—they weren’t there any more.

T: I know The Manual says that The RAD takes them to Ultiverse—the SUPREME MULTIVERSE. I know The Manual talks about a long period of rest and fun and awards followed eventually by GRAND AND LOFTY ASSIGNMENTS—whatever that means. It just hurt that I can’t see them any more.

G: I know, Tow. With so many offspring, you didn’t really get to spend a lot of time with them anyway.

T: True. Yet, they were so kind, tender, loving. They always remembered my name and what was going on in my life. They always seemed to look deep into my inner self and caress my heart with theirs. That always felt soooo Good.

G: I know, Tow. They did that with me, too. They were a special pair. They still are, no doubt. And, we have the Promise of The Manual that we will see them again—when we Graduate--because we worship and follow the RAD in all our ways, from the heart out.

T: I know, Grandpaw. Promises are . . . hard, for me. I want my ice cream NOW.

G: Ahhh, still short on the Patience lessons, are we?

T: My classmates say that DEATH is like Graduation only more horrible and hurtful. How can that be? What does that mean?

G: Hard to answer, Tow. You know how The Manual tells us that animals have no Eternal Spark within? You know how when an animal gets to be 200-300 years old, they will go to a secluded place and stop living? That’s DEATH. Their body returns to the earth and that’s that.

G: Some slaves claim that they have had dreams of particularly treasured animals living again in Ultiverse. However, The Manual says nothing about that. I don’t know if it’s true, or not.

G: We have not spoken of it as death, because we consider it part of the cycle of life—the tiny parts of an old animal surrender to The RAD’s will to become tiny parts of new animals to be born. We may miss a favorite animal. Yet, we have learned that The RAD never requires a loss without a Treasure in return.

G: It is said that proper understanding of some of the more challenging parts of The Manual declare that the DEATH coming with the DARK AGENTS will mean that slaves who become slaves of the Dark Agents will die eternally. When they graduate by choice or by violence, their Eternal Spark will never know Life and Light again. I confess, Toe. THAT REALLY IS frightful!


[Shield helmets are secured. All lights are green. Communication may begin now.]

1st Gen Sneerdle to 1st Duty Roster Agent: Insure that ExtAgent Buttfly is assigned to monitor training of TI’s [Thought Infiltrators] on some insignificant outpost at least 3 galactic clusters from the Slave Orb for 2 weeks. Tell her no complaining. Kindness is dangerous enough in our ranks. NO complaining—unless she wants to complete her eons of relative freedom prematurely.

1st Duty Roster Agent: Yes Sir!

1st Gen Sneerdle: How many thousands of Dark Agents has our Unh massed at the thinning points of the shield around the Slave Orb?

Data Agent1: There are 4 thinning areas. Our forces are massing in groups of 100 million at each thinning area for a total of 400 million. Two billion infiltrators and thought managers are standing by at adjacent galactic clusters in the event the thinning continues and actual openings appear. The Unh seems certain this will occur.

1ST G S: My personal agents are leading the intel sections at each thinning area?

DA1: Yess—in all but one, Sir.

1ST G S: My orders were very clear. Who dared to disobey them?

DA1: The Unh’s Personal Chief Intel Agent took the role over the area above some city on a hill [checking] . . . The city is called Serenity and the nearby mountain is called Radiance Peak, by the slaves.

1ST G S: What seems to be the significance for such a high ranking Dark Agent’s attentions and assignment?

DA1: It’s very puzzling. We don’t know. The city is evidently a kind of treasured favorite Capital on the Slave Orb. The RAD seems to have lavished all manner of favoritism on Serenity and on the inhabitants of the city.

DA1: There is a Central Temple there. It is more magnificent than any other structure in all Temporal Creation. The very foundation stones are rare gems and somehow alive. The streets are solid diamond, a foot thick. Central streets leading straight to the Temple are of sapphire blue solid diamond. Key buildings are clad in pure gold.

DA1: The trees, shrubs and flowers are grander, of greater variety, are more vivid and of more unique colors and fragrances than anywhere else in Temporal Creation. The trees give fruit every month of the whole year. Snow does not fall in the city—though nearby Radiance Peak is clad in glistening snow 3 months of the year.

DA1: The top of Radiance Peak has a continual Light brighter than the orb’s star. It is rumored to be some part or aspect of the RAD Himself placed as a Living Beacon in Temporal Creation.

DA1: From the base of that Light flows a continual spring of “Living Water” of river proportions. Everywhere the river touches, plant life is abundant to the extreme. Everything it touches is somehow enlivened.

1st Gen Sneerdle: ENOUGH! I can’t bear more talk of life. We are in the DEATH business, remember?

DA1: Yes Sir!

1st Gen Sneerdle: It is my sense direct from the Unh himself, that he has devastating plans for this city. He seems to be planning to make of it a major battleground between him and The RAD. Do you think--

DA1: We dare not question his plans, Master.

1st Gen Sneerdle: Of course not. I wonder how easy he thinks it will be.

DA1: Easy does not seem to be part of the considerations, Master.

1st Gen Sneerdle: It never is.


The Unh sat enthroned at the core of a massive and dark black orb. The black orb was on a mystifying elliptical orbit around the slave orb’s star. The dark black orb was called THE VOID. The slave orb’s star was at one of the foci of the incredibly long elliptical orbit of THE VOID.

The very few slave orb astronomers who knew of it had debated endlessly how such a long orbit could actually be an orbit, in the normal sense, at all. Some contended that THE VOID was some intelligence directed monsterous craft that came around to spy on the slave orb every 66,600 years.

Yet, all that most slaves knew or heard was that THE VOID was already approaching the outer reaches of the slave orb star’s system. And, that the ancient ledgers documented shorter growing seasons; darkened skies; and mysterious shakings of the very ground itself. Rocks sometimes fell into canyons at the shaking.

It was even rumored that if buildings and bridges had not been constructed according to the rules of Love, some would have fallen. Some high ranking scholars were privy to highly secret prophecies which asserted that when THE VOID came around this particular time, many even well constructed buildings and bridges would collapse in a forceful omen of the consuming traumas of the build-up to Graduation and of the coming Graduation Battle.

Inexplicably, THE VOID did not reflect any light. It was detected in the Temporal Creation only by magnetic anomalies, gravitational anomalies and by blotting out of stars behind it.

THE VOID was the lone tangible in SPIRDIM U--Spiritual Dimension U [also known as SDU].The existence of Spiritual Dimension U had long been debated by astronomers, physicists, philosophers and theologians. However, high ranking Prophetic Grandfathers at their annual conference had issued a unanimous affirmation that the dimension existed. Further, that THE VOID was real and also that it was the only tangible massive object in Spiritual Dimension U.


[edit on 31/12/2009 by BO XIAN]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 07:54 PM


Over the last several hundred years, there had been a lot of discussion about whether Spiritual Dimension U was a counterpart on a par with Spiritual Dimension A [SPIRDIM A, SDA]. SPIRDIM A—also called “The Supreme Loftiness” [TSL] in the ancient texts—was known to be the dimension where slaves from the slave orb preliminarily graduated to, when their training and conditioning on the slave orb was completed. There was known to be a central focus in SPIRDIM A—a central focus on a Manifest Ulti-Presence of The RAD at the core of the Dimension.

Recently, The RAD had sternly made it known through the Ruling Council of the Prophetic Grandfathers that SPIRDIM U was merely a specialized ‘trash can’ in the Multi-verse’s ultimate recycling center. The entire SPIRDIM U could not lay claim to being anything more than a useful construct for The RAD’s purposes. Any notions of even the remotest hint of such a farcical idea of equivalency vis-à-vis SPIRDIM A were evidence of the reach of the lies of The Unh.

In the Spiritual Dimension U, the encasement of THE VOID within layers of Rays and their craft were NOT visible. Therefore, The Void seemed to greedily tug at the light around it. And there was a type of light which was easily sucked into it, never to be reflected out, nor transmitted out. Philosophers on various orbs, observing it on its long circuit, had long debated the implications. Physicists had long insisted such reports were hoaxes—claiming such phenomena could not possibly exist.

The shell of Rays (with their War Goer craft) surrounding THE VOID were the most tight-lipped and thought-disciplined creatures in all the known multiverses. Their single-minded purposefulness almost left them more resembling stones themselves. Actually, it was more accurate to construe them as ever dynamic, ever powerfully moving, personality robed, tangible manifestations of The RAD’s WILL.


There were only two tunnels through the encasing shell of Rays surrounding THE VOID—at the North and South poles of the spherical VOID. The Unh had repeatedly complained to The RAD about such constraints on the comings and goings of The Thorn’s agents. It was rumored that The RAD never even showed the slightest registration of the complaint. The Unh was reportedly intensified to the max, in his seething from such ignoring.

He was particularly agitated in his attempts to adjust the millennia long status quo in a number of ways in preparation for the GRADUATION BATTLE. And occasionally, mystifyingly, The RAD granted an adjustment or alteration of realities, contingencies and even temporalities as requested by The Unh. Such adjustments, however, were known to be very few, and relatively minor, indeed.

One persistent demand of THE UNH to The RAD—as though particularly he, could get away with demanding anything of The RAD—was to call-off the shadowing Rays following every move of at least the upper ranks of The Thorn’s agents—particularly as they left THE VOID. The rumor is that The Unh returned from that last session with The RAD minus some major chunks in his foundation layer just for asking again for that alteration in the status quo.

There are even reports that a black, thick goo oozes from those never healing wounds continually. The goo is said to deface the dark green granite of the floor of the throne room at the center of THE VOID much as acid might.

The following session with THE UNH and 1st Gen Sneerdle took place in the throne room of THE VOID just after agents watching the thinning of the slave orb’s living and technological shields thin in the above mentioned areas to just a single highly sophisticated technological layer.

It had already been determined that the remaining layer allowed Thought Managers to influence a growing number of the slaves with their projected Thought-Darts. However, there was no evidence that the responding thoughts of the slaves would project out through this last layer.

THE UNH: You may kiss my toe and rise.
1st GEN SNEERDLE: Eternal gratitude Oh My Soul’s Master.

TU: ENOUGH formalities! I must insure that you are making sufficiently thorough preparations for the opening of slave orb’s ports.

1st Gen S: Certainly. What are your concerns and commands?

TU: The Forbidden Name is following through on His assertion to me eons ago that a time would come when He would create 4 openings in the shields around the slave orb. We must insure that we are ready to take maximum advantage of this change. WE WILL pour death, destruction and chaos through those ports as fast and overwhelmingly as we can. I do not know how long they will remain open.

TU: I WILL HAVE as many of those wretched precious souls of His as I can. They WILL suffer whatever misery becomes my lot. It may be meager sand in His eyes. Yet I WILL throw every grain at Him that I can. His priceless Created toys WILL SUFFER! !!!!!SUFFER!!!!! !!!!!SUFFER!!!!! I SAY!

1st Gen S: Yes, my Lord and Master. A most fitting plan it is.

TU: What? Well, Yes! Of course it is a fitting plan. Most deserved. A Twin Sonship was within my grasp . . . when He caught me exalting myself in my thoughts . . . .

TU: YOU WILL INSURE that my revenge is sweet indeed.

1st Gen S: Yes, My Lord, My Master, My Identity. What are your demands?

TU: I want you to convene all the 2nd Generals within 72 hours. I want to personally insure that they are maximally motivated to give their utmost to this hyper-critical strategic opportunity. You have that long to meet with them and develop your preliminary plans for taking advantage of the openings.

TU: I realize your capacities are not quite up to the task. I will give you input in that meeting that will energize and expand your planning considerably. However, I want you to do your feeble best with the brightest of our troops’ officers.

1st Gen S: Of course, My Lord, My Master, My All.

1st Gen S: Let me make sure, for planning purposes, that I understand your priority goal regarding these events and this situation. Your primary goals are maximum death, chaos and destruction in as many lives and regions of the slave orb as possible. Is that correct?

TU: Of course. With as much pain and suffering as possible. And, PRIORITY—UTMOST PRIORITY is to be given to seducing away from slavish love of The RAD to selfishness, hedonism, rebellion, idolatry, toying with my delightful evils—anything—though the more VOID obsessed, the better.

1st Gen S: Of course.

TU: BEGONE. You have your orders. Do NOT fail me in the slightest. You really do NOT want to go to your forever abode EARLY!

1st Gen S: Of course not!




1ST GEN S: Looking each 2nd Order General in the eyes with cold fierceness without yet returning their salutes . . . finally returns their salutes with a quick snap, nodding, and motioning then for them to be seated. He lets the sitting and shuffling subside into a very awkward silence.

His opulent chair at the round table is on the side of the long black wall and in front of the red and orange image, in fire strokes, of The Thorn. The round table is of a polished black granite looking stone--though rumored to be much denser and to have come from near the heart of THE VOID.

Each position at the round table is demarcated in inlaid gold lines with embedded sight-ports about 23” in diameter just in front of each position. The ports can depict a 3-D image flush with the surface of the table or holographically in the air just above the port. Or, at either 1st Gen S’s will or the presenter’s will, the image can be enlarged above the center of the table for all to see in very fine resolution.

Alternately, each participant can tap or FOCUS THINK a brief code into their temporal implants and receive the visual, smell and auditory inputs directly into their brains. Some risk doing this because they are exhausted from preparations for the meeting and are uncertain of the quality of their focused eye-contact type of attention to the 1st General. Allowances are made for eyes closed to focus on mentally delivered images.

However, most do not risk it. They knew 1st Gen Sneerdle much prefers to watch their eyes as he communicates and they comply, whatever the risks of that are.

Finally, 1st Gen S concludes that the awkward silence has reigned long enough.

1st Gen S: You realize from my Packet Com that this is the most important meeting about the most important project of your entire existence. [again, he quickly scans every pair of eyes].

1st Gen S: Any significant screw-up and you will be instantly disintegrated and your essence confined early to your forever stone in the most painful ways HE can engineer. There is no escape—not from the task, not from the options.

1st Gen S: My command was for you to come prepared to achieve in your spheres of responsibilities and skills, expertise, HIS super-ordinate goals of maximum death, chaos and destruction in as many lives and regions of the slave orb as possible. And, of course, with as much pain and suffering as possible. And, PRIORITY—UTMOST PRIORITY is to be given to seducing away from slavish love of The RAD to selfishness, hedonism, rebellion, idolatry, toying with my delightful evils—anything—though the more VOID obsessed, the better.

[edit on 31/12/2009 by BO XIAN]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:00 PM


1st Gen S: Of course.

TU: BEGONE. You have your orders. Do NOT fail me in the slightest. You really do NOT want to go to your forever abode EARLY!

1st Gen S: Of course not!




1ST GEN S: Looking each 2nd Order General in the eyes with cold fierceness without yet returning their salutes . . . finally returns their salutes with a quick snap, nodding, and motioning then for them to be seated. He lets the sitting and shuffling subside into a very awkward silence.

His opulent chair at the round table is on the side of the long black wall and in front of the red and orange image, in fire strokes, of The Thorn. The round table is of a polished black granite looking stone--though rumored to be much denser and to have come from near the heart of THE VOID.

Each position at the round table is demarcated in inlaid gold lines with embedded sight-ports about 23” in diameter just in front of each position. The ports can depict a 3-D image flush with the surface of the table or holographically in the air just above the port. Or, at either 1st Gen S’s will or the presenter’s will, the image can be enlarged above the center of the table for all to see in very fine resolution.

Alternately, each participant can tap or FOCUS THINK a brief code into their temporal implants and receive the visual, smell and auditory inputs directly into their brains. Some risk doing this because they are exhausted from preparations for the meeting and are uncertain of the quality of their focused eye-contact type of attention to the 1st General. Allowances are made for eyes closed to focus on mentally delivered images.

However, most do not risk it. They knew 1st Gen Sneerdle much prefers to watch their eyes as he communicates and they comply, whatever the risks of that are.

Finally, 1st Gen S concludes that the awkward silence has reigned long enough.

1st Gen S: You realize from my Packet Com that this is the most important meeting about the most important project of your entire existence. [again, he quickly scans every pair of eyes].

1st Gen S: Any significant screw-up and you will be instantly disintegrated and your essence confined early to your forever stone in the most painful ways HE can engineer. There is no escape—not from the task, not from the options.

1st Gen S: My command was for you to come prepared to achieve in your spheres of responsibilities and skills, expertise, HIS super-ordinate goals of maximum death, chaos and destruction in as many lives and regions of the slave orb as possible. And, of course, with as much pain and suffering as possible. And, PRIORITY—UTMOST PRIORITY is to be given to seducing away from slavish love of The RAD to selfishness, hedonism, rebellion, idolatry, toying with my delightful evils—anything—though the more VOID obsessed, the better.

1st Gen 1ST G S: You MUST keep in mind at all time1st G S: Death and pain are constant standard goals. However, if death can be delayed—even with pleasure on the part of the slave—but still achieved AFTER the slave has forsaken slavish Love of the RAD—that is best by far. His Lowness demands that as many slaves accompany him to his forever abode as possible. He sees every slave he captures as more sand in the RAD’s eyes. His obsession with that goal is supreme. Do NOT discount it in the slightest.

1st Gen S: I will take a 5 minute break to download any last minute commands from His Lowness and allow you to insure your presentations are quite ready with the latest intel. Then we shall begin. I expect supreme attention to each presenter.

1st Gen S: [goes into a trance state. His body twitches, shakes, convulses and goes limp. Not even his attendants dare touch him. They have seen this routinely. After 2.5 minutes, his body reanimates. He regains his composure and very methodically scans the faces around the table yet again. The 2nd Order Generals feel his Presence in their minds as he combs through various categories of their Thought Organ, insuring submission, allegiance, devotion, compliance, obedience, absence of rebellion and anything else challenging to his authority or this highest priority of projects.

After he has scanned a mind, the 2nd Order General involved slumps briefly, wasted, before quickly regaining composure. As he finishes with the last of the subordinates, the rest are focusing intensely on his face and eyes.

1st Gen S: The Order of Presentation is as usual:
1. Thought and action influencers
2. Accoustics
3. Visuals
4. Smells & tastes
5. Skies
6. Soils and geophysics
7. Vegetation
8. Animals
9. Relationships
10. Institutions

Archivist Note: The following was not detected by the INTEL DRONE at all. All events, thoughts and communications on orb sized LIGHT SHIPS are totally secure. All light ships are encompassed by an impenetrable mysterious layer of The RAD’s Essence. This data was entered into the historical record after the GRAND CONFLAGRATION, THE GRADUATION BATTLE, by the Lofty History Scribes.

The 1st Admiral Light Restorer Gladribell is instructing her 1st Agent Light Amplifier (Belstring) regarding upcoming duties and dramas. Gladribell is, as are all Rayson all orb sized LIGHT SHIPS, more light than tangible substance. When desired and useful, she clusters her light in such intensities that substance is functionally achieved.

Most of the time her person is perceived by suitable eyes as a dancing shimmering of various choruses of rainbowed hues from an endless variety of multiverses. Though the rainbowed hues of the slave orb would be an insulting metaphor if compared to the real thing.

Her countenance is considered a rare visage, indeed. Those who’ve had the experience and the chance to tell of it, report that her face is Gracious Love-filled Serenity Amplified.

That is, her gentle gaze has reportedly healed the strife of whole orbs as The RAD has poured His Love through her eyes and smile. Battle fields strewn with corpses have been observed to have all the dead resurrected as her gaze swept across the bloody plain. The combatants were then seen to embrace their foes and concentrate on helping one another rebuild.

This has resulted in the Dark Agents responsible for the battle being eternally imprisoned immediately in their own specially tailored torture stones.

Gladribell’s hair has been described as gossamer golden lights strung on the heart strings of The RAD’s affections for her. Hyperbole or not, her hair is clearly sufficiently clothed in His Glory for mortals to be captured endlessly by its beauty.

Her hands are active participants in her communications. Her gestures are pictures in musical movements caressing the air before her as she choreographs the images and truths flowing into the consciousness of those before her.

Above her head and surrounding her chest and heart area is a continual flow of The Light Stream of The RAD’s Thought Streams directing and energetically enlivening her, her purposes and her actions. The colors of the light stream are corollaries of the lights of her hair and those of her eye projections. However, given that they are directly connected through The RAD’s Exclusive Dimension to Him, the colors are clearly weightily PARAGON HIM—beyond more than feeble comparison to anything else anywhere in Creation.

Replace above with:


Archivist Note: The following was not detected by the INTEL DRONES at all. Even though the drones are also The RAD's agents, He does not allow them to operate within the LIGHT SHIPS. All events, thoughts and communications on orb sized LIGHT SHIPS are totally secure. All light ships are encompassed by an impenetrable mysterious layer of The RAD’s Essence.

There is a rumor that the sub-atomic particles of all Creation communicate via an exclusive Dimension with The RAD 24/7. And, that a highly classified archive component of His Being automatically collates and files that massive amount of data continuously.

However, this data was entered into the historical record after the GRAND CONFLAGRATION, THE GRADUATION BATTLE, by the Lofty History Scribes. It's not known precisely what all their sources were.

In the following situation, The 1st Admiral Light Restorer Gladribell is instructing her 1st Agent Light Amplifier (Belstring) regarding upcoming duties and dramas.

Gladribell is, as are all Rays on all orb sized LIGHT SHIPS, more light than tangible substance. When desired and useful, she clusters her light in such intensities that substance is functionally achieved and indistinguishable from other elevated tangible agents.

Most of the time her person is perceived by suitable eyes as a dancing shimmering of various choruses of rainbowed hues from an endless variety of multiverses. The rainbowed hues of the slave orb, however, would be an insulting metaphor if compared to the real thing.

Her countenance is considered a rare visage, indeed. Those who’ve had the experience and the chance to tell of it, report that her face is Gracious yet fierce Love-filled Serenity Amplified.

That is, her gentle gaze has reportedly healed the strife of whole orbs as The RAD has poured His Love through her eyes and smile. Battle fields strewn with corpses have been observed to have all the dead resurrected as her gaze swept across the bloody plain. The combatants were then seen to embrace their foes and concentrate on helping one another rebuild.

This has resulted in the Dark Agents responsible for the battle being eternally imprisoned immediately in their own specially tailored torture stones.

[edit on 31/12/2009 by BO XIAN]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:02 PM


Gladribell’s hair has been described as gossamer golden lights strung on the heart strings of The RAD’s affections for her. Hyperbole or not, her hair is clearly sufficiently clothed in His Glory for mortals to be captured endlessly by its beauty.

Her hands are active participants in her communications. Her gestures are pictures in musical movements caressing the air before her as she choreographs the images and truths flowing into the consciousness of those before her.

Above her head and surrounding her chest and heart area is a continual flow of The Light Stream of The RAD’s Thought Streams directing and energetically enlivening her, her purposes and her actions. The colors of the light stream are corollaries of the lights of her hair and those of her eye projections. However, given that they are directly connected through The RAD’s Exclusive Dimension to Him, the colors are clearly weightily PARAGON HIM—beyond more than feeble comparison to anything else anywhere in Creation.

Replace above with:


Archivist Note: The following was not detected by the INTEL DRONES at all. Even though the drones are also The RAD's agents, He does not allow them to operate within the LIGHT SHIPS. All events, thoughts and communications on orb sized LIGHT SHIPS are totally secure. All light ships are encompassed by an impenetrable mysterious layer of The RAD’s Essence.

There is a rumor that the sub-atomic particles of all Creation communicate via an exclusive Dimension with The RAD 24/7. And, that a highly classified archive component of His Being automatically collates and files that massive amount of data continuously.

However, this data was entered into the historical record after the GRAND CONFLAGRATION, THE GRADUATION BATTLE, by the Lofty History Scribes. It's not known precisely what all their sources were.

In the following situation, The 1st Admiral Light Restorer Gladribell is instructing her 1st Agent Light Amplifier (Belstring) regarding upcoming duties and dramas.

Gladribell is, as are all Rays on all orb sized LIGHT SHIPS, more light than tangible substance. When desired and useful, she clusters her light in such intensities that substance is functionally achieved and indistinguishable from other elevated tangible agents.

Most of the time her person is perceived by suitable eyes as a dancing shimmering of various choruses of rainbowed hues from an endless variety of multiverses. The rainbowed hues of the slave orb, however, would be an insulting metaphor if compared to the real thing.

Her countenance is considered a rare visage, indeed. Those who’ve had the experience and the chance to tell of it, report that her face is Gracious yet fierce Love-filled Serenity Amplified.

That is, her gentle gaze has reportedly healed the strife of whole orbs as The RAD has poured His Love through her eyes and smile. Battle fields strewn with corpses have been observed to have all the dead resurrected as her gaze swept across the bloody plain. The combatants were then seen to embrace their foes and concentrate on helping one another rebuild.

This has resulted in the Dark Agents responsible for the battle being eternally imprisoned immediately in their own specially tailored torture stones.

Gladribell’s hair has been described as gossamer golden lights strung on the heart strings of The RAD’s affections for her. Hyperbole or not, her hair is clearly sufficiently clothed in His Glory for mortals to be captured endlessly by its beauty.

Her hands are active participants in her communications. Her gestures are pictures in musical movements caressing the air before her as she choreographs the images and truths flowing into the consciousness of those before her.

Above her head and surrounding her chest and heart area is a continual flow of The Light Stream of The RAD’s Thought Streams directing and energetically enlivening her, her purposes and her actions. The colors of the light stream are corollaries of the lights of her hair and those of her eye projections. However, given that they are directly connected through The RAD’s Exclusive Dimension to Him, the colors are clearly weightily PARAGON HIM—beyond more than feeble comparison to anything else anywhere in Creation.

. . .


. . .

Her 1st Agent Light Amplifier (Belstring) is a much more muted version of Gladribell. She is about 10 centimeters shorter. Her clothing and body are more tangible. The colors thereof are less intense and less obviously living energies. One rightly has the impression that a mortal could touch her clothing or her hands without being instantly zapped out of consciousness.

Mortals can actually gaze into her eyes without becoming lost for hours in them and without losing all sense of reality.

Her clothing tends to hover in one color tone for extended periods of time while still cycling, though slower, through myriad colors from endless multiverses.

Her hands are of a light colored flesh tone. However, her eyes, face, hair and her hands can all instantly take on approximately 70% of the intensity of The RAD’s features whenever 1st Agent Light Amplifier is fulfilling an instruction of The RAD or of Gladribell. AT those times, it is as though Belstring becomes a pure, unfettered and direct channel of The RAD’s Person and Power.

Of course The RAD can operate directly on any part of His creation regardless of any construct of distance in any dimension. It is merely His pleasure to operate through His Agents at His will.

1st Daughter Gladribell: Father’s Rays have instructed you on the pending operations. I am confident you are fully prepared.

1st ALA Belstring: Of course.

1st Daughter G: You have been to the slave orb only a dozen times for limited stays. You have never been to any of the war torn multiverses. You have been protected and sheltered from the spiritual dimensional pollution scattered across so many multiverses. This has been very purposeful.

1ST IA B: Of course.

G: Father insisted that your innocence match as much as possible that of the slaves entering this torturous transition period. He created you for and insists on maximum empathy from you and through you.

1st Agent Light Amplifier B: It is my honor.

1st DG: Of course. You will be a part of a team with the 1st Agent Light Amplifier of my Brother, The 1st Son.

1st ALA B: WHAT???!

1st DG: That’s what I said. Boggle not at your assignment. You have been well prepared. The RAD does all things well.

1st ALA B: Of course.

1st DG: Prior to the Terminal Transition Battle, you will Amplify Father’s empowerments within the slaves within Serenity [. . .]

1st DG: After the TT Battle, your duo’s primary assignment is to enliven the fallen ones within the boundaries of Serenity. You will enliven those with a Light Spark even fractionally remaining and you will re-inject the Life Spark of those from whom it has drained entirely. They will be restored to full fighting fit by your look, by your touch, by your word, by your breath.

1st ALA B: Of course.

1st DG: Any agents of the Unh within your sensing are to be instantly disintegrated and sent to their eternal stones.

1st ALA B: I’m so empowered?

1st DG: Of course. The new empowering and Commissioning will be completed in a ceremony with 1st Son at the conclusion of our meeting.

1st ALA B: [Falling to the chair behind her] I had no idea of the gravity of this assignment.

1st DG: Protection of your humility and your innocence has been a high priority. You must guard your humility at all costs.

1st ALA B: Of course.

1st DG: Every fallen slave, upon re-enlivenment, is to be empowered and Commissioned as a 1st Son Twin.

1st ALA B: !!!????WHAT???!!!!

1st DG: That’s exactly what I said. It is The Father’s Will.

1st ALA B: Of course. The RAD does all things Well.

1st DG: Further, every slave upon re-enlivenment, is to receive his or her Eternal Enclothement by direct transformation of The Father via your agency.

1st ALA B: !!!????WHAT???!!!!

1st DG: That’s exactly what I said. It is The Father’s Will.

1st ALA B: Of course. The RAD does all things Well.

1st DG: Certainly.

1st ALA B: I just . . . uhhh . . . HOW?

1st DG: You speak it; or you look purposefully at the individual or you touch the individual—Father will do it instantly thereupon. He does all things well. The RAD always does all things well.

1st ALA B: Certainly.

1st DG: When you have enlivened all the citizens and visiting slaves within Serenity, you are to assist the adjacent territory’s Amplifiers in their similar tasks. The enlivening is to sweep over the entire orb at the conclusion of the Terminal Transition Battle. All Dark Agents encountered are to have their bodies disintegrated and their essences eternally imprisoned in their stones. Your word or your look will accomplish it. Do not think of touching them.



posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:04 PM


B.C. DATE 7TH DAY of the 7th MONTH of 777th year of the Final Oracle
Grandpa: Welllll, Towhead, You sure have a weighty birthday. And here you are 30 years old already. Time to trade in your blond-headed childname.

Towhead: So it is, Grandpa.

G: I was willing to grant your Dad the ceremonial rites. However, he insisted I manage the ceremonies and anointing. Nevertheless, he is here and will assist. He has been here for 3 weeks fasting and preparing the grounds with much prayer and worship of The RAD.

T: Wow. He’s always so busy. I’m shocked.

G: Yes, I know. That’s why he deliberately entrusted you so much to me and insured that we have had many hours together every week since you were born. And he has always insisted on a nightly dialogue about your progress.

T: I never knew. Sometimes I thought he didn’t care. Yet, that didn’t quite fit, either. I haven’t known quite what I’ve meant to him.

G: We will talk all that through before the ceremonies and anointing. You must have a clear heart, a clear spirit and a clear mind for this Transition.

T: Yes, Grandpa.

G: There is the weighty matter of your new name. Your Mom and Dad have been consulted in dialogue about it for the last 7 months. They have deferred to me for the final selection. We have narrowed it down to three and I have decided to ask you about your preference. I reserve the right to override it should I feel so led. However, it is fitting to ask and so now, I do.

T: As you wish, Grandpa. You are far wiser than I.

G: [Laugh’s heartily] I SHOULD be at my age! Well, here are the 5 final options for your new Name. Which would you choose?

BELITE [Bell Light]
GOLDWUD [Gold Word]
HARTPUR [Heart Pure]
LITESPER [Light-Spear]
TRUTONG [True Tongue]

G: Do not tell me now. Prayerfully ponder it for 24 hours. Your father and I will hear your answer after MidPrayers, here at this table, at noon tomorrow. You must go alone to the stone hut across the lake—the solitary one just under the highest pinnacle. Spend the night of your prayerful pondering there. Ample wood is there for your warmth. There is also water, bedding and oil for the lamp. You must leave as soon as you can collect your necessaries.

T: Aye, Grandpa. I go now.

The following description was compiled from a diversity of sources—technological, slaves [Love and rebels], as well as RAD’s agents and The Thorn’s agents. Keep in mind that “The Unh” and “The Thorn” are both commonly used for the same horrific thoroughly terminally evil creature. “The Unh” emphasizes more global aspects of his character and function while “The Thorn” emphasizes his more harshly destructive action tendencies and aspects.

At this point in the Most Glorious Graduation drama, it has been several decades since TowHead chose the name, and—he discovered—his Commission of “BeLite.”

He rightly sensed that his desire to speak unfettered Pure Truth of RAD was part of his destiny. And, that he was called and destined to also be a Light Spear of very high rank. This name and Commission combined both callings and destinies.

At this point, he has risen very rapidly to the rank of 2nd Admiral of the slave Navy. He has been tasked to prepare his fleet for a looming confrontation with rebel slaves guided and aided by agents of The Thorn.

1st ALA Gladribel has massed her forces for the battle as well. They outnumber the forces of The Unh 3 to one in their current configurations. She can increase her forces to outnumber the forces of The Thorn to 7:1 instantly at her discretion. However, she is restraining her forces and may go to battle with only 10% of her forces activated. She knows that The RAD loves to do things with seemingly impossible odds.

THE VOID is well within the slave orb’s sun’s system and has been causing all manner of geological destruction. On the slave orb, only those areas without any rebels within their borders have remained trouble free, with all their buildings and bridges intact.

It is reported that The Unh has left the core of THE VOID to take command himself in leading his forces for the final battle.

Gladribel’s Twin Brother, 1st RAY—1st Son is leading RAD’s forces in behalf of the slaves of Love. Gladribel is leading the forces of the background and corollary battles as well as logistics and support.

Prophets of darkness and of light have been predicting all manner of outcomes. RAD’s agents and even The Unh seem exceedingly convinced of the final outcome. Others are skeptical of such certainties.

The Love slaves who’ve been through mulitiple refiner’s fires the last 20+ years seem quite confident of the outcome, as well. The rebels and the immature Love slaves seem much less certain, of the outcome, in their cognitions.

Everyone is aware that this battle, this Glorious Graduation is the culmination of millennia of preparation on the part of RAD and His forces—as well as on the part of The Thorn.

Everyone is aware that this battle will decide the lives and fortunes of countless Multiverses scattered across immeasurable space and dimensions.

It is not precisely clear when the overt fighting will begin between agent beings and slaves on all sides. The electricity is building. The blood lust of the Dark Agents is more than matched by the joyous confidence of The Rays. The mature Love slaves are similarly eagerly ecstatic to earn their awards. The rebel slaves are bundles of fear, anger and wrath striking out at everything they can get away with striking at, while they hurry up and wait.

Ahhhhh . . . communications are coming in on multiple channels . . . The trumpet calls are ringing to all ranks and dimensions . . .

Let the games begin.

[ARCHIVIST NOTE: This compilation of The Record Of Battle is still a work in progress. For example, there remain 90% of the intelligence records to collate and distill. Only 25% of the reports from various units and leaders have been received. The battlefield remains somewhat chaotic as the victors collect their senses and reorient their persons. We hope to have the rest of this history compiled and preliminarily summarized sometime between 12 and 18 months from now. Please insure that you have reported your identity and location to the nearest proper authority. Your skills and compliance are crucially needed for the rebuilding.]


[edit on 31/12/2009 by BO XIAN]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

What a clever premise

I liked this line

Her countenance is considered a rare visage, indeed.

Have you been writing this for a while?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Sadly, no. I think I started a couple of weeks after the contest opened. Maybe 10 days.

And what with a lot of other stuff on my plate, I didn't end up having the time to devote to it that I thought I would. And I could have been more efficient with my time, too.

I assumed it would be a tidy short story of not great length. Clearly it's not going to be that. It's begging to be a book or 3.

I'd also started a non-fiction book on living and loving. But this one has a lot more energy or . . . inner sort of spot-light on it, for some reason.

I felt real frustrated, the deadline was 2-3 days away and it was in even worse shape than it is now. I was only able to tweak a few things and add a few things in that time.

I guess it is a bit of a highlight--some tips of the mountains of a peak into a lot longer story.

It was really really hard to limit where it was going--trying to keep it to some sort of short story boundary kind of scope. I obviously did not succeed.

I'm a bit eager to get back to it but now have to get a new semester of teaching off the ground beginning Tues, first.

I'd be humbled and much appreciate any other suggestions or comments you might have. At the rate it's going, even one book would be too short. It feels like a trilogy in my gut.

It's amazing how much it takes to clearly, vividly, with some emotional punch describe a setting, context, action and characters.

I loved the challenge, however. And seemingly the words just flowed out my fingers. As long as I would discipline myself to write, out they would come.

The other thing that was interesting to me . . . I haven't written much fiction . . . just short things for college classes decades ago . . . was after getting several sections typed . . . one has to go back and make sure they are all congruent with each other! LOL.

It's really hard to keep a LOT of a long story in active memory.

I knew 500 words would be easy enough. I had no idea I'd range so far beyond that so quickly.

Your comments have been a humbling encouragement. Please let her rip on any other insights or thoughts you might have on such a tale.

Thanks tons and tons for your star and flag. I'm deeply humbled by those. I was just bummed that no one had evidently bothered to even notice that it was available to read! LOL.


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