all right. most of us know about comet NEAT and the threat it poses to all of us. we don't know when or where or even if it will actually impact the
earth, but we know it will pass us by or at least cut our orbit in a way that will still be devastating. the tail of NEAT will likely trash our planet
in a barrage of large meteors and this will take effect yearly. just as does a meteor shower. the size of this will likely cause large gravitational
disturbances on earth. either way, we're going to get f*cked up. big time.
so here is what i propose. should we not figure out a way so that, we and our families can survive. we could build like uhhh an underground shelter
or something where we can all live through whatever happens. it may seem like a ridiculous idea, but better to be prepared before or face starvation.
i really am acting on impulse and have no idea what i'm talking about. i guess i'm freaking out.
Near Earth Asteroid Tracking system does it not? Sorry, but every link I've gone to about this doesn't hint at any comet or asteroid on a collision
course with us. If you have a link that DIRECTLY states this, please let us know, but so far, haven't seen an impact date, etc.
this is the topics that show the best info on the comet which is actually comet NEAT C2002V1 called NEAT for short. at first calculations made by
amatuer astronomers predicted it was likely on a course to hit earth but now will likely leave us in the path of it's dying tail which was probably
and most likely the effect of the HAARP weapon on it. no reason to worry ig uess. i got carried away
Comet NEAT C2002V1 was named NEAT, as it was first detected by a 1.2 meter telescope in Hawaii that was part of NASAs NEAT (Near Earth Asteroid
Tracking) system. This is not the first comet that NEAT has detected. In general, orbital bodies are named after the system that first captures them.
There are several comets with a SOHO designation, as they were first imaged by the SOHO Lasco instrument as they reached perihelion around the sun.