posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by eriathwen
My thoughts are wild on this subject but then I am more than a little weird and I do not care who knows it so much so that I can put my face in my
avatar and talk a load of nonsense.
I believe that aliens have been here among since the beginning of our history as a civilised species, and probably before then. I believe that
extraterrestrials not only had a hand in developing us but that they helped us to evolve into the race of distracted war loving eaters we are
Since those early days extraterrestrials have infiltrated our highest echelons and are in effect the real lords and masters on this world and hold
total dominion over us. I do not think they are here for us but rather for themselves and I believe that the suffering and the wars and the death that
is all around us is not so much a distraction but is a source of sustenance for these high lords of deceit that choose to remain hidden up there in
the lofty towers.
If these extraterrestrial lords were benevolent and wished to help us why hide and remain hidden from our sight, is it to work in our regard from
behind the scenes?
I think that we are sheep and cattle and our pain and our blood is for them because they created us therefore we are their property. We are destined
for a clash with these extraterrestrials at some point I hope because there are others out there who actually want to help us but their hands are tied
by a strict set of rules they must follow. I think this because if not why remain up there and visit individuals but not visit a city and enlighten us
to their presence even though the world is crying out for an intervention and yet the cry goes unanswered?
The real leaders are not even of our race, they are parasites and we have been feeding them for so long we may never be free of them.
I cannot prove this but this is what I think and thus I am as crazy as a bag of mad hatters and I do not care and I give you my short version because
I could talk about this all day.
Unfortunately my coffee table is talking to me and therefore I must engage it in measured and polite debate and ask it how it learned to talk.