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Life Freely

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:37 PM
Is there a way to get to live the next life freely without experiencing death? Or does one not experience death when they die?

The bible points to escaping one's life freely for another in Rev 22:17. Just refuse to drink the water of life freely, and you're free to go. Well that's the way I interpreted it since it basically says it's a free thing to take if you want it. We always drink the water of life freely. Maybe you wont die, but your 'to be former' body would die from dehydration. Jesus himself put the easy way out to into the next life right in Revelation 22:17, and no one noticed it right there all along. Luke 21 mentions to pray that you are worthy to escape all these things. So does it mean you are worthy if you take Jesus' way out this life? Ask yourself what is life freely by the way. To me, it means you are free to travel into a better life which awaits.

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Tormentations]


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