posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Obviously, the video is a compilation of several diffrent videos that the narrator took. If you listen to the audio that becomes obvious. Also the
narration i dubbed over. On to the content...
Alot of them do certainly look like airplanes, remember that the navigation lights are on the wingtips, red light on the right wing, green on the left
with a red anti-collison light usually on the tip of the aft tail and/or on the belly and a white light on the very back of the aircraft(to tell if
its moving towards or away rom you). Landing lights(and taxi lights for that matter) can be turned on and off at the pilots will, some fly with them
on all the time, some don't. To answer one of the above posters questions, the lights on commercial, general aviation and miltary aircraft are all
the same, there is no diffrence and are set in the FAA Regualtions (FAR's).
As to the sound, a prop driven a/c at a good altitude can probably not be heard, and judging from the "quality" of the video I'd say that the
aircraft/UFO is at a good altitude and its perfectly reasonable that you would not hear it. Commerical airliners frequently cruise at altitudes from
30,000 all the way up to or above 40,000 feet.
The fireballs?? Beats me. I used to be in military aviation and have seen many a flare, both aircraft flares and observation flares launched by
troops on the ground or artillary, and none of those look like those fireballs.
I'm not saying the filmed objects are diffinitly terristrial aircraft, as they do seem not to fit are are quite strange looking, but saying its a UFO
b/c it looks like a triangle dosn't make since either, b/c some aircraft at night would give the impression of a flying triange (nose/landing lights,
nav light on wingtips) and if moving towards you you wouldn't see the aft white light, but should see the red anti-collision beacon on top. It'd
make a sort of shape like . * . At a distance IMO you wouldn't see the wing-tip nav lights are green or red, but just as some lights. Thats what
I have to say based to my aviation experience anyways.
BTW, the airplane you see in my avatar(a homebuilt experimental, the Velocity XL-5) would probably give off the impression of a flying triangle at
night, if solely based on the apparence of flying lights.
[edit on 14-12-2009 by JJRichey]