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Is The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Safe? Shocking Stories Of Miscarriages And Dangerous Side Effects From

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Is The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Safe? Shocking Stories Of Miscarriages And Dangerous Side Effects From Pregnant Women

U.S. health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but is it actually safe for pregnant women and their babies? Well, the truth is that miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation. Vaccines and pregnancy simply do not mix safely. In fact, the package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:25 AM
After reading some of the stories from the source, it really is sad too see how many women have had miscarriages very soon after getting the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccination.

Here is a quote from one of the people who shared their story:

i work in a hospital like setting and was told ‘the benefits outweigh the risks” 1am i got the vaccine, 3am i started bleeding and craming, 3pm miscarried. you decide

How horrible is that? I feel terrible for these women. On top of all these miscarriages if you check out the other two links I have added they explain a lot of other negative side effects people are experiencing from the H1N1 vaccination. I hope you all can spread the word, especially to pregnant women (or women who plan on having a child)!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:51 AM
I have heard that Rupert Murdoch's mother is the owner of the hospital that put out the recommendations to give the vaccines to pregnant women and very young children, saying it was 'safe'.

If this is true, could it really be a coincidence? Think about it. Faux news destroys journalism, I could only imagine the belief systems employed in that family line. Nothing more than a eugenics movement. Just some food for thought..

Sad story nevertheless.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:16 AM
[Begin Sarcasm]

Of course it's safe, my gods what are you trying to say it can't possibly have any side effects, you know it's been tested and retested and vetted by us over and over again...

[/end Sarcasm]

This is just the beginning of it all. Pretty soon if you don't get vaccinations then they will label you an outsider and undesirable to society, you'll be forced to live as a recluse and that will be that. It all boils down to the $$$ involved in making these things, the more money in it the better it is for you apparently.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:20 AM
My sister in PR is been telling me that is an increase of sudden death or "hart attacks" since the vaccination began in PR, she said that the horde of medical scientist that arrived to the hospital that she works at in PR is now gone with the wind.

But until this day, she has no taken the vaccine and neither any of the staff that works in the hospital she works, so far she has not gotten sick with the swine flu and none of her co-workers, but she said that the line up of supposedly sick with swine flu people are there everyday.

She call its "mass hysteria"

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by vkey08

I think it really is much simpler than all of that (although that all is possible too).

I think this is all about population control. Not only do we have living people dying from the Swine Flu but we have people dying from the vaccination. And on top of that we have mothers having miscarriages, which is so damn sad to hear. If you read the link in the OP and read the stories of women who shared their experiences with the vaccination and miscarriages, it honestly makes me want to tear up. How the hell can some people be so evil that they can deem something as "safe" when it is completely false - and on top of that how much it has potential to kill. People are sick in the head, literally. And you know what we may have a very large population (which actually isn't growing as fast as the government says) but that doesn't mean it is okay (because it's never okay!) to kill off their own people (or any people) to reduce the population.

I really hope more people see this thread or at least the story because it wont be on the news (well not anything controlled by the government aka the MSM). Please share this story with everyone you can so they know not to get this vaccination! I provided other links showing other side effects of the vaccination that is also vital information that the public needs to see!

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 11:38 AM
As a nurse in a hospital-like setting and as a volunteer for vaccine clinics and the local health dept; I see things that disturb me ethically and morally. The article regarding miscarriages is disturbing. Pregnant women have been told by gov't officials to get the H1N1 vaccine for protection. Injecting foreign "bodies" from the flu virus into yourself without being pregnant, you run the risk of contracting symptoms of the flu. Now complicate those symptoms by having a reduced immune system because you're pregnant. WHY on this great green earth would anyone with a mind and consciousness want to compromise their immune system even more by taking a shot that will ultimately give you symptoms? Is it just because the gov't said to? Is it because health officials say it's better for you to take the vaccine as opposed to the risk of infection? People need to make their own choices. The H1N1 vaccine is and has not been thoroughly tested. Reasoning: The vaccine was made available within three-four months after the initial outbreak in Mexico. If officials can release a vaccine for an ever-changing virus in less than 6 months; you'd think they'd come up with a cure for HIV/AIDS, Cancer, etc. something which has been around MUCH longer than H1N1. Has this "speedy" vaccine been properly tested or was it pushed on society because of demand and outcries from the public as a whole? Are you, the recipient of the vaccine, a test subject used to form statistical data to weigh the effects and outcomes of protection against H1N1? You decide.

Personally, as a healthcare professional, the vaccine was made available to me in early October and I wouldn't take it. My reasoning: The chances of survival depend on your own body's defenses and health. Exercise, eating properly, and cleanliness is something everyone can do in order to combat disease and infection. Cross contamination by handling public items pose serious threats to our immune systems. Uncleanliness by means of touching contaminated items without washing our hands prior to eating or touching our faces causes infection. Little things we can do to help our bodies natural immune system combat these "new" viruses and diseases are pure and simple. Protect yourself and your families by cleaning surfaces commonly touched by everyone (phones, tv remotes, door knobs, even the handle on your coffee pot); teach your young ones (and old ones too) to wash their hands after using the restroom and prior to eating; keep open areas (sores, cuts, etc) covered with a bandage/barrier to keep foreign body's out preventing further infection; wash all fresh fruits and vegetables; ladies keep your purses off the floor; thoroughly cook your foods, wash hands frequently throughout the day; keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth; and (my favorite) take your shoes off before entering your home (God knows what you've stepped in today and can track into your home). Those are just a few things you and your family can do to protect yourselves from infection. There will always be another "outbreak" of viruses and diseases but, you can help keep your family safer in the long run.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Just Listening

I'm glad you understand the weight of this story, and all the others regarding the H1N1 vaccination and the problems it is causing people.

I would never put something in my body that has been untested (or at least a lack there of very much) that is being given out by the government. Like I stated this could all be used for population reduction, so screw taking their vaccinations. I'll stick to staying away from the sick, and if I get it, I'll keep my self in seclusion until I'm well or dead, period.

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