OK here goes, all these images below I want you to imagine are really just 1 object falling from the sky. The reason I've posted so many images is
for people to really try and understand what I've seen, I just hope it doesn't have the opposite effect and confuse people!
The object was falling like the one below (notice what direction it is, it is as though the person taking the image saw exactly what I saw) but on
more of a horizontal angle than vertical
it wasn't as round as the above but had the red and blue as though the red were on the outside, where the black is and the white was the light blue,
with a lighter shade in the middle headed more downwards and the light shade of blue only touched the red shade via a darker blue colour in the
the object was going a lot faster and therefore appeared as though it were a lot longer, like below
but it was flipped around/mirrored, as though you were looking at image 1 (the first image)
It went from a slight bulb on the tail end to thin to a very large bulb where the object dropped off like below
In actual reality it was probably all about the same width, there were perhaps just very large colour differences
The thing that dropped out/off fell out of the light blue centre piece, but as it dropped/tore away it looked as though it slightly dragged the main
light blue with it, similar to how the image below is slightly faded on the bottom left
The piece that dropped away would be the size comparison of the craft to the white downwards cloud - underneath the right hand wing of this craft,
about the craft lengths below the craft - in the image below
Now the way Serpentine described it as looking jellyfish like I would say is right, but I would say the images that are below this point represent
what I’d call jellyfish like colours. Now what I’m describing has bright deep red on the outside which turned orange (very thinly) as it changed
to a deep blue and then this blue goes into a light blue. The below images are a collection of coloured craft I could find that best represent the
type of colours I saw, you now just need to kind of mentally visualise these colours with all of the above, then you will have in your mind what I
saw. Please note the orange in the images below is too much for what I saw and is a very poor representation of the amount of orange coming from the
object I saw, I’m mainly trying to give you an idea of the red and light blue, no images I have, have a good colour comparison for the medium-blue
that join these two main colours - bright deep red and light blue.
Light blue in the very tip centre
The middle red one below
Ok now I’ve just found another couple and I’m wondering if it’s possibly either of these as they lit up in different colour sequences, for
example the one below could have lit up the colours in this order to get the effect:
1: 3 red
2: Back darker blue colours – towards the bottom of the picture
3: the front blue ones – top of the picture ones
4: and as it got towards the last light blue ones it could do a big bang with the green one, as well as launching the ‘falling object’.
All these colours would light up within a span of a few seconds obviously and perhaps a reason for a big bang of colour at the end is so it gives the
‘falling’ object more time to get away from the craft so as no one sees it/is any the wiser!? Doing a kind of big bang towards the end also makes
it appear as though the colours fade quickly as well making people forget exactly what colours they saw when.
If I had to put my money on it I’d say it was this or similar, if not I imagine the lighting effects could be done with a craft like the below
image or similar...
Just another variation of the above
I hope this hasn’t confused you all, it’s just helping me to try and visualise to the rest of you exactly what I saw. I hope you understand why I
feel the need to share with you all as well as ‘put it down on paper’ – so to speak!
Thanks and I look forward to anyone’s input/posts, as well as hopefully letting me know you aren’t to confused by the above.