posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:24 PM
There were only three this last weekend, btw.
Bank Name Est Cost to FDIC
Republic Federal Bank, N.A. $122,600,000
Valley Capital Bank, N.A. $7,400,000
SolutionsBank $122,100,000
So far this month the cumulative estimated cost to the FDIC is $2.6 Billion, slightly more than November which was $2.5 Billion. The big loser this
month was AmTrust Bank at $2 Billion alone.
The big loser in November was United Commercial Bank at $1.4 Billion. The big loser in October was a group of 9 banks handed over to the US Bank of
Minneapolis at a cost of $2.5 Billion. The big loser in September was Corus Bank for $1.7 Billion. August was the biggest loser month with Guaranty
Bank for $3 Billion and Colonial Bank for $2.8 Billion. About $7.6 Billion was lost in August alone.
Billion, billion, billion. Numbness ensues.
Total cumulative 2009 costs to the FDIC is $34.6 Billion. So far.