posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 06:49 AM
This is very important to your thread.
This was a speech he did in 2002. He has been planning this all along.
He has completed all of his 7 step plan.
The ones that were illegal they just had congress make legal.
Why he wants to create inflation is beyond me. We can not compete in the global workforce due to our high wages and high prices as it is.
Is it designed to crash our economy? The whole economic crash was a consolidation of our banking system. A hostile takeover of the banks. They are
still siezzing banks and consolidating them with others.
Why would the Treasury authorize a loan to save Lehman Brothers but only authorize the loan to JP Morgan Chase to take them over. So the Treasury
loaned the money for them to takeover antoher business.
Someone needs to got to jail.
This is why they do not want an audit of the Fed. Serious crooked deals going on.