posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:36 PM
you know? I would love to ive you my honest opinion about this but the mods will sensor me again. I will say I dont think ATS is the proper community
or indepth conversation as they have something against humour, and freedom. I will however say I am watching the videos now. I think the first guy in
part 1 the first guy being interviewed, older guy, most likely a priest, I will say this about him.. he is on the right track, but had he done further
research, and had he gone to the root of the Hebrew beliefs, he would have seen the "contact" roots created the modern religions of today. he spends
more time on the subject that Jebus may be an alien than anything else. I am on the second video now. Some how I dont think Satan is an alien. I dont
think Satan is a controling, or real entity. But I guess if you have to give a single name to encompass all the worlds problems, Satan is a good
enough name. I have to disagree with the statement typed in the second video "All the worlds religions anticipate a saviour". that was a completely
untrue statement. THere are those of us that dont subscribe to modern religious beliefs, who have our own forms of spirituality who think we are our
own saviours.
I will again say, I do believe these people are on the right track, but I believe they are looking too far into religious.... scripture?
They said something interesting. "Sexual contact between alien and humans is absent" no, it is not. Look over ancient Sumerian texts and you will
see loads of this.
third video.. the hippie. the christ comes in ships.. again this jebus guy is not an alien.. I don.... I will remove my personal dogma. sorry. I will
however say this. Going by the old testemant, which is a copied version of the Hebrew Torah, which is a truncated and badly copied version of the Epic
of Creation from the Sumerians.. Why do I say the Tlrah is a badly copied version of the Epic of Creation? I will explain my thoughts on this.
The book of Genisis came out from the hebrew ppeople in either 400 or 600 BCE when they were being held captive by the Babylonians. There are two
historical facts which precede many others in our history. Both the Arab peoples, and the Hebrew people have always been, and will probably always be,
some of the worlds most intelligent people on the planet. I believe, based off what I have so far read, and what I this far understand, I believe the
Babylonians wanted to some how preserve the old ways of Sumeria. OR they wanted to rewrite the old texts to make themselves look like the historically
chosen. I think the latter is more to the case, so they had the Hebrew scribes rewrite a version of this history for the Babylonians. I believe also
the Hebrew people realised what was being demanded of them, so in order to preserve the old scriptures of Sumeria, they did so in a form of code.
Mathematically even. I believe the Torah, and the Talmud contain the actual history of Sumeria, and somewhere it was taken literally and turned into a
religion. Why was this done? THink about it. the ultimate power, or of you will, the shadow government of those days was the clergy. THese people were
writing against the babylonian traditions, if they were caught, it meant a sure, and certain death. If they were allowed to copy in the open, the
priesthood would lose power, control and be no greater than the carpenters, and construction workers. So the Hebrew people cpoied all they could as
quickly as they could, in secret, and in the dark, and hid said copies. Over time, they mathematically encoded this document to present to the priests
of their people, as preservers of history. Kept it word of mouth, and the documents of their "religion" were actually a coded secret history. Why
would the Hebrew people keep it secret? because their very lives were and quite possibly ARE at stake. How could this have gone unknown for 2800 year?
lol very easily. We the "Gentile" world see another cooky religion, the Hebrew people that dont get into religion, well, obviously they wont see
much. the orthodox Hebrew people see a staunch religion that cannot be questioned. All this and one Hebrew engineer, decided to look for code in the
Torah, the one engineer that did not buy into the whole religious doctrine, anymore than he would have the bible. He is after all a scientist, looked
in the torah and found a pattern. A simple base three pattern. (This is where Stan Tenan comes into play) check out the Meru Foundation.
Satan has emissaries that are aliens? Aliens are against God? I guess...[dogmatic removal] and thus humanity is being led by aliens to take arms
against the second coming of christ.... LMFAO!
the hippy is a complete nut job! Here we introduce the next nut job starting christian cults.. probably with guns
i love how they used footage from the mexican airforce that thought they were being chased by an oil rig. "Scripture cuts through his disguises and
reveals their evil strategy" ok.. first you have to have a Satan to do so. Second why would we take arms against God, or Zeus? or Jupiter, or
Gilgamesh or Santa CLaus? they arent real.
I think the creators of this video are trying to get more thralls to enter the church doors using the ever so typical element of fear the christians
are well kown for. yeah...the vids are neat for a different perspective if you want to fear aliens buuuuuut,
Over all, my conclusion is simply, stop treating UFOLOGY with a sense of spirituality. Start treating it like an actual science and it will be taken
more seriously. We all know wscience is tainted and fettered by this thing we call religious morality. Scientists (that are actually doing something
that is) can tell people only what they are allowed to tell them. Archeology is probably the best example of this. Until we the interested people tell
the governments "This is what we want" in a serious light, in a serious stance and together, they will have no choice but to do so. Even though they
believe they are the top of the social crust, they do realise we out number them 50 to 1, and a soldier can carry only so many rounds. They also
realise the soldiers cannot be fully relied upon for their protection, as the soldiers, whether they like it or not, come from OUR pool. Not theirs.
Either way, with the word "peaceful" in mind, we must insist that our will be done in this matter. Not spiritually, but peacefully.