posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:27 AM
Sigh, I hate to break it to you but the NWO is as mythological as al-Qaeda.
The Bush Admin. lumped a group of small terrorists organizations, who got money from the Osama "Wasting my dad's money" Bin Laden into a group
called al Qaeda.
ATS'ers take a group of richer than rich global financiers, who ultimately have no interests other than their own and lump them into the whole NWO
I accept the fact that there are people out there like Bernie Madoff , or the Goldman Sachs financiers who are so unscrupulous, and so unprincipled
that they will sell all of us down the river, they'll even sell their country down the river.
But organized into a group?
Part of a conspiracy? No way!
Why would people like this ever choose to cooperate?
Can you imagine their board meetings? And is there one guy in charge, like SPECTER, who sits with a cat on his lap and dumps people who don't pony
up their tithe into the shark pond? No way.
I think you should step back, and stop thinking about a huge global conspiracy. Instead, if you want to get involved, call your congresspeople (or at
least take the time to find out who they are), work to force them to pass banking regulation. Invest in an alternative energy car, try to cut down on
your use of fossil fuels. Work to get lobbying reform passed. These are the things that thoughtful citizens do.
They don't create NWO windmills and then spend their lives knocking them down.
There are people out there, in charge of things, who don't give a lick about the common good, they need our money to accomplish their goals. So,
don't give them your money. It's really that simple. And personally, I don't think of the Feds as being full of those people.
I'll stop there,