I'm new to this site...r u guys into shows on scifi that deals with paranormal stuff...like have u ever watch Dead Zone...god i'm like an paranormal
fanatic....it's like the coolesting ever!....anyhow i love those shows...and i love scifi network...they even have this site that gives u free stuff
like cd players just for being a fan....i got so many free stuff from it just for answering a few polls and questions usually related to scifi
stuff...it's cool...if u want to check it out, here is the websit...ufanz.com/teams/scifi....who can say no to free stuff right...try it and let me
Hi Ex,
Im also new to the site and have started chattin to some interesting like minded people. I'm completely embazzled by paranormal things too.
I'm a medium and have some cool stories too share so drop us a u2u.
P.S theres no need too be so paranoid we all know their out to get us!! lol.
jeez, we need a dictionary. anyway welcome to the forum and even though we're all slightly crazy, it doesn't mean much other than that we want to
burn things!!!
just watch out for the flying monkeys and welcome.