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A simple mind experiment for understanding how all is in the one, and the one is in all.

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:39 AM
In this thread, I wanted to talk about the common metaphysical idea that all is one,
or that the one is in all. Usualy, I find that these metaphysical sayings can be read into
on many different levels.

For starters, what it means is that, at the most basic level of reality, we are all made of the same
exact thing. On one level, there is only thing one thing in the universe. This one thing, Energy, consciousness,
Quanta, the spirit, whatever you want to call it. Its like Lego's, they are all basically the same thing, the trick is
combining the same thing in different patterns to create different things, on different levels.

Here is a simple mind experiment you can show to your friends to give them a better understanding
of the one being in everything.

For ease of the experiment, we are going to use a simple house hold napkin.

Ask yourself or your friend.
Can you see the napkin?
Can you hear the napkin?
Can you feel the napkin?
Can you taste the napkin?
can you smell the napkin?

The answer to all of these should be yes.

Now Rip the napkin in half and repeat the 5 questions above.
Again, the answers should all be yes.

Now, Rip off the smallest possible piece of the napkin that you can.
Repeat the same questions.

You begin to realize, that no matter how small or minute it is
the spirit of its existence, is always there.
No matter how small you are still Interacting with it in these different dimensions.

It makes you wonder how ONE small quanta of this exists and expresses itself on MULTIPLE levels.

I hope this had broadened your perception and interaction with reality
Comments and creative criticism are welcome!

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Sounds like something you'd discover through '___' and other Perception-Enhancing/Mind-Altering drugs!

Along the lines of,"Wow,man,everything is so REAL"!

All joking aside,what's the point again?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:13 PM
I got one even better:

Show me where the human body begins and ends. When does something become part of the body and when is it no longer considered part of the body?

I have the answer but will wait and see how others reply...

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

LOL no it wasnt '___'. Although I do appreciate how you put it in the context of "perception ENHANCING". I just enjoy thinking about crazy things like this.

and the point? to hopefully make people think or expand their awareness of reality.

Showing how ONE thing, can interact with us, on multiple levels, simultaneously.

[edit on 11/25/2009 by VonDoomen]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

While I agree that everything is most likely in all likelihood to be composed of one fundamental 'thing', I feel as if the given experiment is a bit to simplistic and simple minded to "prove" this concept.

This one thing, Energy, consciousness,
Quanta, the spirit, whatever you want to call it.

This is where I feel that the concept get's confusing. How are you sure that this one thing is composed of spirit or consciousness or energy or quanta? Currently, we can't even define, measure or properly conceive of this fundamental thing, so wouldn't you agree that it's a bit bold to outright define it beyond the label of 'thing'? Let's discover what this 'thing' is before we apply a willy nilly label to it and give people an ill conceived notion/concept of this 'thing'. In other words, don't label it unless your sure you have evidence to support that label.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by sirnex

I agree with you, its just a simplified version of what ive been thinking. And yes I know we CANT get stuck in the NAMING of something. B/C whatever IT is, IT IS THAT, no matter what you call it.

I try to give it a name so people have a general idea of what im trying to convey.

However, I do stand by my belief that the universe, ON ONE LEVEL, is composed of the same thing, And through different levels and different configurations, it can make things at different levels.

At one level you ARE all energy
At one level you ARE all CELLS
AT one level you are all ORGANS
AT one level you are a human.

You begin to see through different levels or SCALES, we are composed of an organization of one thing, organized (no pun intended) in different manners.

also the idea of being composed of one thing, and the idea about these things interacting on multiple levels at the same time are slightly 2 different ideas, but I feel they are related in a close enough manner to talk about them in the same thread.

I mean did you really want to put up with 2 threads of my BS?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 12:49 PM
If you go too far,you might end up thinking YOU are the NAPKIN!

I'm just teasing you!

I know,it's fun to think about things like this. That's what Metaphysics is all about,..Quantum Speculation!

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

I try to give it a name so people have a general idea of what im trying to convey.

It's just the provided labels given allude to the possibility that this 'thing' is capable of intelligent self organization. I just feel it's faulty and too early to conclude such a thing and those labels given might lead others to conclude as such. Labeling it would in fact muddied and obfuscate any proper research into this fundamental aspect of reality.

You begin to see through different levels or SCALES, we are composed of an organization of one thing, organized (no pun intended) in different manners.

Personally, I like to think of this 'thing' as existing as a fundamental state of matter. All states of matter and energy are capable of cycling through each state, I think this fundamental 'thing' is at the extreme ends of these cycles of change. Just take a diagram of the different states of matter and their cycles and apply it to an infinity symbol. Solid matter exists through cycles from either end at the exact center point of the symbol, I believe this fundamental thing is at each of the separate ends of the temperature ranges for matter, the states of and it's cycle through these states.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:00 PM
here is a video that might help

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

I saw this a while back,, quite an amazing video. Im surprised I didnt think to add it to the thread. Everyone be sure to check this out if you havent seen it already.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

I must have missed something here.

If it all starts out with a single point that is joined with another point creating a line, creating a single dimension which when folded creates more dimensions then how can there be limit to the number of dimensions?

If you can fold to ten why not to one hundred and ten?

The only limitation at first glance would be the size of the dimension because at some point it would seem that you would fold back to a single point; for each dimension would have to get smaller.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by SpiritoftheNightSky
reply to post by DjSharperimage

The only limitation at first glance would be the size of the dimension because at some point it would seem that you would fold back to a single point; for each dimension would have to get smaller.

Theres a lot of evidence that the universe is Fractal in nature. So "getting smaller" doenst QUITE work. you cant think of it this way. you can zoom in on a fractal indefinately. however the pattern is always generally the same.

watch a any movies on youtube you can find about zooming in on fractals.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:16 PM
Hello VonDoomen,

Here's a question along the line of your napkin anology, what if my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grand Mother had married a different man and had children with him instead of my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grand Father, would I still be me, or would I have never existed? Now let's assume that my Great^5 Grand Father was one of two identical twins and my Great^5 Grand Mother had an affair with the other twin and was the real Father of the ancestor of mine without any of the involved parties knowing that this was indeed the truth. Would I still be me or would I have never existed?

Now what if a sub atomic partical annilihated in the DNA sequence of the sperm just a split second before it impregnated my Great^5 Grand Mother with my ancestor and knocked out just one electron from one of the atoms in just one molecule of that DNA sequence, again, would I still be me or would I just be 99.999999999% me?

All in all, it's nearly impossible for me to imagine how lucky I am to be me. When I think about it, the odds that I could have never existed are staggering, but I do and I am.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Hemlocks

I admire your question. however, I feel a question like that definately deserves a thread of its own. I would love to debate this.

I have never even though of this question really,, but I would love to take a crack at it.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Please crack away... I'll be online for most of the evening and I enjoy chatting with intelligent people who are also fascinated with this sublime concept of being.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Rotwang

Here's a question along the line of your napkin anology, what if my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grand Mother had married a different man and had children with him instead of my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grand Father, would I still be me, or would I have never existed? Now let's assume that my Great^5 Grand Father was one of two identical twins and my Great^5 Grand Mother had an affair with the other twin and was the real Father of the ancestor of mine without any of the involved parties knowing that this was indeed the truth. Would I still be me or would I have never existed?

I think in the case of the different man, you would not exist as the genetic lineage would have changed to such a degree that not even your mother would have been born. For you to be born it would require the explicit exact lineage and time of conceptions throughout that lineage to occur as it occurred.

If your Great^5 Grandmother slept with the twin Grandfather without anyone's knowledge, then I would hazard a guess that you would still be born and still be you. The act of not explicitly knowing that secret affair wouldn't detract from the event happening or any subsequent births occurring after the fact.

Now what if a sub atomic partical annilihated in the DNA sequence of the sperm just a split second before it impregnated my Great^5 Grand Mother with my ancestor and knocked out just one electron from one of the atoms in just one molecule of that DNA sequence, again, would I still be me or would I just be 99.999999999% me?

That would depend, are you speculating that this event hypothetically occurred or could have hypothetically occurred? If, could have hypothetically occurred, then I would suppose that it wouldn't be you as you exist now as that genetic coding would be different, yet at the same time we don't have full knowledge of how genetics works and how personality arises. That one tiny molecule changed could affect something as inconsequential as a longer finger or toe than you have now. You would still maintain your personality, but the length of your finger would be different.

All in all, it's nearly impossible for me to imagine how lucky I am to be me. When I think about it, the odds that I could have never existed are staggering, but I do and I am.

Well, that statement is only true if probability is what motivates reality. There would be no inherent 'odds' as all previous events leading to your birth are the causes to that effect.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Theres a lot of evidence that the universe is Fractal in nature. So "getting smaller" doenst QUITE work. you cant think of it this way. you can zoom in on a fractal indefinately. however the pattern is always generally the same.

I'm not sure I agree with the fractal universe idea. I honestly admit that I don't understand it fully yet, but when I look at a fractal, it's very orderly whereas our universe doesn't appear to possess the same organized orderly structure of a fractal. From my understanding of the fractal universe idea, it appears to be a form of 'new age' type of belief structure that could only come about by first discovering fractals. Would we still view the universe as fractal if we never discovered fractal mathematically first?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by sirnex

well one of the best examples of fractality in nature is how

the circle-ness of somethings.

the atom- a central mass orbitted by outter bodies.
the solar system- same idea
a galaxy- same idea.

Theres also lots of plants that have fractal qualities like sunflowers for example.
many flowers have fractal designs.

Pine cones.

basically what the fractal idea states is that, whatever force is responsible for the shaping of things, is throughout the universe at different scales.

thats why an atom, solar system, and galaxy have the same basic shapes.

Im not saying the entirety of the universe is fractal. There is also holographic qualities of it too.

the basic understanding of a fractal is that any ONE part of the whole is the SAME as the whole.

this is a fractal triangle. no matter what piece of this triangle you take out. It still represents the whole.


posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

That one part of the fractal universe idea I understand, the similarities. Yet, a true fractal is infinite, is it not? So the universe isn't a true fractal, it's not the same explicit fractal repeating over and over but a variety of finite constructs that can be abstracted *into infinity* as being fractal despite those patterns not being true fractals due to their finite structure.

At least this is my current understanding of it.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Rotwang

I believe you would not exist at all.

We must take into account so many things. I believe there is no way for you to exist exactly as you are or a variant. The conditions for which you were born were exactly for you. If the grandparents had decided to hit the bed an hour later or before, you would not exist.

Life is so precious and so amazing when you sit down and really think about.

Just think, we are all atoms put together. The same atoms that burn in the sun, and the same atoms that make up a piece of crap.

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