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Making fun a truthers. Cool or uncool?

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 07:24 AM
I sometimes feel guilty about making fun of truthers. Should I feel guilt? Do you feel guilt when you make fun of them?

Sometimes I tell myself I shouldn't feel guilt because they are apologizing for the extremist Muslims that carried out 9/11, and they are terrorist apologists, in general.

But then I do kind of feel sorry for them when I look at the bigger picture.
1) They're movement is basically non-existent when you turn off the Internet.
2) In general, they seem to be lonely people who have trouble keeping relationships,
3) Mental health issues, of course.
4) Continued failure after failure.
5) Those that do actually have jobs only have menial jobs, in general. Basically, they are a strapped for cash bunch.

Those things being said, should I feel guilty or not? What's your opinion?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:01 AM
I don't know about that. When National Geographic did their show on 9-11 a few weeks ago, they showed the group that makes the "Loose Change" videos and there was quite a bit of expensive equipment visable in the background. Some of these truther groups are or were being funded by somebody. I have a good idea who, but lack the proof to backup my beliefs.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM
I was under the impression that ATS was a place where people could air there views, that you agree or not can't be questioned but your stance on truthers does not really entitle you to make assumptions about there life styles or status in life.

Are you saying that if someone who is richer, smarter, with a greater sexual and social life than you was a truther it would be ok.

There are some wierd and wacky threads on ATS all more suspect that 9/11 and that some 9/11 truthers can be a bit excentric just adds to the discussion.

The moment we try and stop discussusion because we think people are mental is the day ATS and free speach truely dies.

edit There is nothing wrong with making fun of people in my opinion but there is a time and place

[edit on 25-11-2009 by jpmail]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by beard

I wouldn't feel guilty, I'd just continue being the unlonely dude getting tons of chicks which we're all pretty sure you are.........when you're not at ATS degrading people everyday that is.

Don't believe all those man-crush rumors about yourself BTW.......bunch of haters!


[edit on 25-11-2009 by Dr Love]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:13 AM
Sorry to p$$S on your bonfire buddy but your government and mine have form when it comes to staging attacks.Gulf of tonkin operation Ajax, operation Gladio plus many others.So forgive me if i don't belive a lying word that comes out of their mouths.As for this meaning that i am an apologist for terrorists is typical neocon nonsense which lets our own governments literally get away with murder.As for your other 5 point ridiculous assertions you've just labeled the majority of your population who thinks the goverment lied about 9/11.I don't care whether you feel guilty or not.Operation Northwoods shows the mentality of some of the people inside the intelligence community.Thankfully it wasn't implemented.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM
I'm not sure what muslim extremists have to do with being a truther. I apologize for no one. Would you call yourself a prior administration apologist, or a cia apologist?..of course you wouldn't, you're a duped spook through and through. Check this one out guys..3 days on ATS, 3 threads already about 9-11, and this thread acting like he's been at it for such a long time.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
I don't know about that. When National Geographic did their show on 9-11 a few weeks ago, they showed the group that makes the "Loose Change" videos and there was quite a bit of expensive equipment visable in the background. Some of these truther groups are or were being funded by somebody. I have a good idea who, but lack the proof to backup my beliefs.

Griifin, Gage, and Avery surely have made enough money for some fancy equipment. They've duped many of the truthers to fork over what little money they have for their books, DVD's...etc.

It was just 2 summers ago that Alex Jones was railing on Jason Bermas while Bermas in Texas. bermas had no money, his cheap car was always breaking down, he was sharing an apartment with chick magnet Aaron Dykes, and Jones' Dad fixed his gappy teeth pro bono.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by beard]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by INQUISITION11
Sorry to p$$S on your bonfire buddy but your government and mine have form when it comes to staging attacks.Gulf of tonkin operation Ajax, operation Gladio plus many others.So forgive me if i don't belive a lying word that comes out of their mouths.As for this meaning that i am an apologist for terrorists is typical neocon nonsense which lets our own governments literally get away with murder.As for your other 5 point ridiculous assertions you've just labeled the majority of your population who thinks the goverment lied about 9/11.I don't care whether you feel guilty or not.Operation Northwoods shows the mentality of some of the people inside the intelligence community.Thankfully it wasn't implemented.

How many civilians were supposed to die in the REJECTED Operations Northwoods? I bet you don't know.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by beard

But then I do kind of feel sorry for them when I look at the bigger picture.
1) They're movement is basically non-existent when you turn off the Internet.
2) In general, they seem to be lonely people who have trouble keeping relationships,
3) Mental health issues, of course.
4) Continued failure after failure.
5) Those that do actually have jobs only have menial jobs, in general. Basically, they are a strapped for cash bunch

You ask a question, whether you should feel guilty making fun of truthers, but then go on to say the above. I'm guessing that you really don't care one way or the other about making fun of someone's ideas or beliefs, but were just looking for a way to state your unsupported opinion of truther. It reads like an Ad Hominem fallacy/attack on truthers. Here are two questions for you:

1) How many of the characteristics in your 5-point list apply to yourself?
2) What does that have to do with your ability to logically argue a point?

I'm not a truther. I just want to know what happened. A well-supported arguement is just that, regardless of which "side" presents it.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by jpmail
I was under the impression that ATS was a place where people could air there views, that you agree or not can't be questioned but your stance on truthers does not really entitle you to make assumptions about there life styles or status in life.

The op is just second guessing people. What people do with there lifes is there business, and no one elses.

So the op chooses that they want to be a millionaire, so does that mean i have to want to be one?

I say, no, but op, is probably part of the mob, that think anyone other than them, are some sort of nut..

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by beard

Yeah you must be right...

Architects and Engineers, Pilots and Civil Servants..all with menial jobs, all loners....all mentally ill!!

C'mon mate, debate the issues, not the people!

Some of the greatest ideas that man has ever had have come from the poor, the lonely, the mentally ill ( there's a fine line betwen Genius and Crazy!).

So please, leave the people alone, argue against their (our) theories until your last breath by all means, but leave THEM alone!

Or you'll get no respect around here.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by kiwifoot]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by dangerish
I'm not sure what muslim extremists have to do with being a truther. I apologize for no one. Would you call yourself a prior administration apologist, or a cia apologist?..of course you wouldn't, you're a duped spook through and through. Check this one out guys..3 days on ATS, 3 threads already about 9-11, and this thread acting like he's been at it for such a long time.

I'm not a spook. See.... here's my dilema. You're obvioulsy paranoid, somewhat mentally ill at a minimum... you, thinking I'm a spook.

You know as well as I do that if you do actually have a job you don't make much money.

Should I feel sorry for you?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by beard

Thousands in the resulting war with Cuba.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Unless the person you are making fun of is laughing, then, in my opinion, it is wrong to make fun of people.

Why would you want to make fun of someone because their views are different from yours?

Seems to me it would be better to discuss the issues you disagree on.

When you make fun of someone else it makes you look amateurish and childish.

You asked, I answered.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by beard

My opinion is that you are an idiot.
You are wrong on all counts and I feel really sad that we still have people gloating over this.

Imagine people so pathetic that they are insulting us because we have the damn balls to stand up and ask questions.

Are you so dense that you ignore the fact that the damn commissioners are saying that the 9/11 commission was a failure?

Not everyone is a little brown nose like you and not everyone gets Rudy Giuliani's compensation package.

I have more respect for people that have enough courtesy to stay out of it than people like you who talk trash about the event that changed our lives.
You are from the stock of people who have told us to go home and die, we don't have the proper support systems in place because of people like you, we don't have the truth because of people like you and America is failing because of people like you.

What goes around comes around and one day you will have your own version of 9/11.

I wonder how you will feel when some idiot starts calling you nuts for trying to get some answers.

Its people like you that make the world hate Americans.if you killed yourself now it would make the world a better place

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:27 AM
Initially, I had no intention of responding to this baited thread. I had hoped it would slip to a page 2 funeral with zero attendance.

For the most part, issues can be discussed here without making fun of anyone.

And let's do call this OP by it's proper name: A facade; a false front. This isn't about the issues of 9.11. It is about creating a negative stereotype and insulting those who do not buy the official 9.11 story.

Forget the facts... let's discredit one particular segment of interest, right?

No thanks...

Edit: Typos

[edit on 25-11-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by beard
Should I feel sorry for you?

I think your psychology is what makes that business have a bad name. Do you understand the thing that not everyone wants what you want? Is that something you have ever considered in your prince and princess world fantasy life that you think everyone should have.

Everyone born into this world, should have a right to live there life as they choose, not as you would like to see people live. Most people suffer from mental illness, and by definition your suggestion that people should want what you want is a mental illness.

You should watch a few ron pauls vids, and understand no person should have any right to tell another how to live there lifes.

The need the dominate like you do, is and must be a mental illness,a nd if you talked to a shrink, they could probably tell you where ill, just for thinking others should be you.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Unless the person you are making fun of is laughing, then, in my opinion, it is wrong to make fun of people.

Why would you want to make fun of someone because their views are different from yours?

Seems to me it would be better to discuss the issues you disagree on.

When you make fun of someone else it makes you look amateurish and childish.

You asked, I answered.

I'm not making fun of them because their views are different. I'm making fun of them because they are, at a minimum, somewhat crazy, whose lives, in general, are rather pathetic and unfulfilling.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by beard]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by beard
I'm not making fun of them because their views are different. I'm making fun of them because they are, at a minimum, somewhat crazy, whose lives, in general, are rather pathetic and unfulfilling.

What condescending rubbish, you come on here and tell us, that our lifes must be like yours to have a happy heart and peace in our soul.

You do understand in your world, that even a person doing a rubbish job, may have more happiness in them, than anything you have felt in your life, of trying to dominate others.

Your thread is why the anglo america tripe is looked down upon, as people who look from outside, see that only anglo americans and there empire, have any right to say they have lived a life that was fulfilling.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by beard

I'm not making fun of them because their views are different. I'm making fun of them because they are, at a minimum, somewhat crazy, whose lives, in general, are rather pathetic and unfulfilling.

Please support any portion of this statement with verifiable research and links to same. To make such a wide generalization, you would probably have to know personally at least 75% of all people within the subset of those who call themselves "truthers".

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