This article contains my
opinion on what I think the Al Qaeda battle plan for America/Europe/sympathizers of to be..
As we have recently seen, America and Britian's populations are easily out-raged by things like the prisoner abuse, the Nick Berg video, etc. The
populations are, clearly, steadily losing support for the war in Iraq, as the insurgents continue to kill American and British servicemen. Tony
Blair's office is now rife with resignation theories, and G. W. Bush is fighting desperately not to get over his head with the 9/11 panel and the
prisoner abuse scandal.
Al Qaeda are slowly winning their war, as plans to pull out of Iraq are being discussed with ever-more seriousness, the casualties are no longer just
'another American soldier has been killed', but the sheer volume of casualties means that a fair number of people will be directly affected by these
I believe that, as we pull out of Iraq, deplete the Afghanistan 'defence force', and admit defeat on the WMD and Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda will turn back
to America and Europe. Preliminary strikes will be small, e.g. bombs in Macdonalds as we have recently seen, to create the aspect of fear and terror
in the population, not knowing when they will be hit, not knowing how. People will become afraid to go outside when not absolutely necessary, as an
'it will be me, it's always me' ego sets in. The media will play a big role, reporting these terrorist incidents and striking fear into the hearts
of people. Simultaneously, larger scale attacks, e.g. the Madrid bombing, will be committed, perhaps even done in such a way that they are
deliberately foiled. Just hearing about '1000 pounds of fertilizer found, Old Trafford was to be blown up by Al-Qaeda' will scare people.
Western influences in the Middle East, and especially, Israel, will diminish, as the Middle East evolve into a new power, playing off the oil card.
Al Qaeda will never, however, defeat the US/Europe, as any 'invasion' of any form will rally the populus. But they can easily make us live all in
fear. I would not be surprised if there is even a nuclear threat at the moment.
With the elections coming up, people think they can, literally, vote away their problems. Voting out Tony Blair and George Bush wont make Al-Qaeda go
away, it just changes the battlefield. Instead of our soldiers in the Middle East being targetted, the focus will shift to the population.
Please note, this is just my opinion/interpretation. Feel free to rinse.
[Edited on 20-5-2004 by Nerdling]