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Kabbalah, Is this what the Mayans were talking about?

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:44 AM
I bet many of you are pro in Kabbalah. but has any of you ever studied Qabalah?

Just joking, maybe the correct spelling isn't important. Anyways, Qabalah isn't something that can be grasped in a few days. Also, it is difficult to find a legitimate instructions for it, as it has been a tradition, that has been passed orally from teacher to student.

Qabalah, or the otz chiim, the tree of life, is merely a concept amongst others - it is a glyph similiar to the penta- or enniogram; being ambiguous in essence, it can mean different things to different people. Sometimes it has been compared into gnosism of Christianity or as alchemy of medieval mysticism. It is deep in meaning, and at the base of it, it is kind of a belief system, yet more open ended than most of them (I am meaning religions).

To the OP, I hope you find interesting things while studying it.


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:34 PM
you know, gandhi, it could be that you're experiencing something that has nothing to do with kabalah. Many people around the world (i.e. indigos, starseeds, orbs) are born with talents. Sometimes the talents manifest very fast, spontaneously, and/or quickly before a person has enough time to even do adequate amounts of studying. Eventually, you channel knowledge spontaneously for months or even years without trying. Its common for people in that situation to get confused & assume their manifesting talents have to do with kabalah, kundalini yoga, aboriginal mysticism, or any other school of thought.

You remind me of myself a few years ago. I was going through that phase. Be careful of people on the internet or anywhere. Don't be too nice or too trusting.

Just because you wanna give all you can give to others around you doesn't mean everyone else is like you. Not everyone has good intentions in this world. People aren't all likely to listen to anything if you just tell them to do good things. After all, if they have all the money, power, weapons, deception techniques, & medications in the whole world, then its easier for them to just do whatever they want & usurp from others rather than going through all the trouble helping others, learning, evolving, etc. Anyone can just deceive you so you give them your knowledge. And then they can just misuse your gifts, talents, & knowledge for selfish gains. Anyway, I hope it helps. What you're experiencing is "bliss". And blissful frequencies were probably only adequate for our minds to remain at before the big bang, beginning of time, or however the universe was formed. Now, in the present, we live in a more expanded reality where we & our minds aren't the only thing in the whole universe. In this expanded & much detailed state of the universe, its also possible for any of our imaginations, hopes and/or fears to exist. Anything you can imagine can exist. Including the bad things. If you feel like you're one with the universal mind, then you as an individual should also train yourself to be prepared of anything YOU might have created to help yourself master your fears.

Just know that its not a good idea to just try & teach people to be nice. They can just choose to remain unevolved & survive by feeding on your pranic energy for as long as they can. Be careful of what anyone tells you about being morally upright, honest, kind, etc. Anyone can twist the meaning of such words to take advantage of you for their selfish gains.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 04:45 AM
just to add, its also very easy for anyone to pretend that they don't know any better, are tyring to learn, can't help being dumb as pea-brained losers, etc. So they can gain youir trust or just get you off guard before taking advantage of you, using you, extracting your knowledge, distorting your teachings, misleading others away from your findings, and/or getting rid of you to preserve their power, money & selfish gains.

you don't need bliss & enlightenment as much as intellectual thinking tools to help you succeeed at whatever you wanna achieve.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:00 AM
I have been searching for truth for years. I have never reached a satisfying conclusion, for I am always questioning and pondering.

A couple of days ago, I bursted out in tears begging to the higher self that it was time to realize the truth. From the bottom of my heart, I truly desired to know my purpose. I literally felt the need to want to know who or what was in charge of the grand scheme of things.

Then I came upon this thread and behold, everything I have been looking for literally manifested before my eyes. Coincidence? Not a chance.

Thanks for posting this : )

[edit on 22-4-2010 by Davidius]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 11:51 AM

But what does all this have to do with the Maya?


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:11 AM
I am certainly no Qabalah, Kabalah, whatever floats your boat expert, I have always wondered if it doesn't stem from some sort of pagan/judaism/buddhist collision.

The one thing I have always wondered is what the end game for the school that is the subject of the OP is. With brief, but competent primary research I can not find a way to give them money. That in and of itself is fairly impressive. After reviewing videos it seems that much of this stuff that seems to "resonate" does have the ring of logic, though I feel they may assume too much, assuming that their explanations are the only logical ones...or maybe I'm assuming too much by assuming their over-assumption....anyhoo, I digress.

I'm definitely interested enough to continue my research on ATS, among some academically peer reviewed sources...I hope.

Sorry for being a year behind, was the first thread that came up in my search.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Shark VA84]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by gandhi
It was kept secret for around 4000 years to only the chosen few, until last year

No it wasn't. People have been studying it for an extremely long time.

And if you remember, there was a big Kaballah craze spearheaded by Madonna almost a decade ago, maybe more.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:11 AM
I checked your link out and watched the first videos and found it very intriguing and very simple to understand. So far most of the concepts I already understood but really like how straight forward it is. I will continue to watch the videos in the next few days and perhaps read some of the books.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by gandhi

Dont be too excited about Kaballah .Long it is known as a means of deception by ETs to trap human beings in the wrong tree of life and enslave their souls forever.

Watch ashayane deane videos to understand the difference betw the Good and the bad tree of life.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by gandhi

Quantum physics agrees with it

Please expand on this, I would love to hear why quantum physics agrees. And please, not a video.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by user22009
reply to post by gandhi

Dont be too excited about Kaballah .Long it is known as a means of deception by ETs to trap human beings in the wrong tree of life and enslave their souls forever.

Watch ashayane deane videos to understand the difference betw the Good and the bad tree of life.

Did you eat too much high fructose corn syrup?

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