posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 07:50 AM
I am thinking hypothetically, but this is somthing we should all be doing.
You have concluded that we need to get rid of Saddam, but you seem to suggest that we should do this and then worry about the consiquences
I'm suggesting, (slightly facetiously I admit) That worrying about the repercussions of bombing Bagdad Is the first thing we should do before we
consider any form of military action.
Consider this.
We're about to remove a man from power who's killed several hundreds of thousands of people, however, according to Both Bush and Blair pre 2002 our
sanctions had contained him and his freedom to mass murder has been pretty much contained.
Sure it still happens, but not to the same extent it once could and did.
Now we must ask whether bombing Iraq and removing him (and thats assuming we can, everyone is talking about this war as though its won, what If, like
Ossama, he goes to the hills, and you end up fighting another Vietnam? It happened last time we took him on and we had to back down) Will be better
for the people of Iraq than simply leaving him there, or, and heres one to really get your noodle pounding, Making him an Ally.
If we bomb him we will cause wide spread havoc, disease, destruction and further retard Iraqs resources to a point where many hundreds of thousands of
people will die.
The country hasn't recovered from the last time we attack, this time it may never recover.
We are about to cause nothing less than an ecological and social disaster that in many ways will destabalise the middle east further than it allready
has been.
There are many repercussions to what we are about to do and that is why its so important to have answers to questions about what happens after Saddam
has gone, before we try and blow him up.
Unfortunately, for all the talk of WMD's and mass murders, I haven't heard more than 200 words from Bush or Blair on the subject of what happens
Thats why so many people are protesting this war, not because they like Saddam, or hate the US but because they don't think we are thinking about
what happens next, and if they are thinking about it, they sure as hell aren't telling us.