posted on May, 16 2004 @ 09:42 PM
I am not only talking about Bush... Basically Politicians in general........ Personally, if they really feel their pain, they would have the meetings
in private! Away from the Cameras and away from the publicity. If they can go to Iraq secretly, then they can surely meet with the families and
offer their condolences secretly as well. Publicity, Publicity..... Of course, with public opions going up and down for the war and what is
happening, maybe they need to exploit these willing families like this to get the public polls stable and back on track.....
Personally, if they announced that he met with the families in private and offered his condolences, then I would be believe them, as they took the
families privacy and emotions into consideration over the terrible terrible loss that they encountered.
No offense to anyone or any side.... I just call it like I see it....
[Edited on 16-5-2004 by JCMinJapan]