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vampires just another species of alien?

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

One Buck Rogers episode, and several movies already beat you to the idea.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by punkinworks

well maybe this will creep you out too: in egypt in one of the older pyramids - well under it rather; there was found a white alabaster sarcophagi with a SLIDING door that didnt seem to have been disturbed since it was put there. when archaeologists opened it it was empty. the archaeologist who discovered it ended up committing suicide cuz of lies told about him by a colleague.

also the apis bull massive coffins in the serapeum were largely empty when discovered.

von daniken thinks the egyptians and others got the IDEA of the resurrection of their gods from seeing people (aliens) who they thought were dead, later appear to rise from the dead etc. so the pharoahs assumed they'd be able to too.

maybe this apparant resurrection was a trick performed by the gods/aliens.. maybe they were in suspended animation here on earth for a while; or my favourite: they are vampires and becuz they have very long lifespans ('a thousand ages in thy sight is like an evening gone'), when they DO go to sleep, instead of it being for one night, like us, its for one of their planet's 'nights' which lasts a long time. so they need a safe space to sleep undisturbed... a heavy granite sarcophagus??? (or an alabaster one with a sliding door for convenience. What corpse needs a SLIDING DOOR???)

as you can tell i have a very vivid imaginatin. however i am often right...

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by SpacePunk

they may have beat me to the idea, but the idea of my book is to PROVE it... or at least put forward some evidence that suggests it cud be true...

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

So, let's see if I understand this.

In this book you're writing, you want to prove :

a) the existence of vampires
b) the existence of aliens
c) that the two are one in the same.

Basically, you're taking two very active and highly mediacised pop culture genres, both of which, on the surface, have little to no actual evidence of their existence, and prove that they are both actually the same thing.

Well, for your impossible task, I'd suggest firstly, getting your "proof/truth" of aliens - you know, that one single thing that virtually everyone on ATS is striving for.

Once you have that one, you can forget writing about the vampires bit as publishing your "proof" of aliens will make you rich enough

EDIT: When I said little to no actual evidence of their existence, I'm referring to the fact that there's no empirical data to prove they exist - that isn't to say they do not, but dodgy, grainy film, zoomed in pixelised images and a-friend-of-a-friend accounts are not evidence. At least not enough to write a tie-all-together book. You'll have a far easier time and more widely accepted book keeping it to aliens, IMO.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by noonebutme]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by noonebutme
reply to post by rapunzel222

So, let's see if I understand this.

In this book you're writing, you want to prove :

a) the existence of vampires
b) the existence of aliens
c) that the two are one in the same.

Basically, you're taking two very active and highly mediacised pop culture genres, both of which, on the surface, have little to no actual evidence of their existence, and prove that they are both actually the same thing.

Well, for your impossible task, I'd suggest firstly, getting your "proof/truth" of aliens - you know, that one single thing that virtually everyone on ATS is striving for.

Once you have that one, you can forget writing about the vampires bit as publishing your "proof" of aliens will make you rich enough

EDIT: When I said little to no actual evidence of their existence, I'm referring to the fact that there's no empirical data to prove they exist - that isn't to say they do not, but dodgy, grainy film, zoomed in pixelised images and a-friend-of-a-friend accounts are not evidence. At least not enough to write a tie-all-together book. You'll have a far easier time and more widely accepted book keeping it to aliens, IMO.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by noonebutme]

Well to be perfectly honest here isnt almost everyother county then america comming forth with info stating that ETs exist. Isnt this the reason why we have all these "Discloser Threads" popping up.

Did not mean to burst your balloon but seriously come on. all the other major countries are starting this why not just stop with the "if they exist' there is now an extremely large amout of info starting build stating they do.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by CrashGecko

Well to be perfectly honest here isnt almost everyother county then america comming forth with info stating that ETs exist. Isnt this the reason why we have all these "Discloser Threads" popping up.

Did not mean to burst your balloon but seriously come on. all the other major countries are starting this why not just stop with the "if they exist' there is now an extremely large amout of info starting build stating they do.

No, actually, they are not.

These countries are merely releasing their documents regarding reported & documented UFO cases - and emphasizing the Unidentified portion of UFO. "Unidentified" doesn't equal ET.

No country has come forward and acknoweldged the existence of ET's with solid evidence or proof, as far as I have read/observed.

And for the record - I *do* believe in aliens, et's, etc. However, I cannot prove it. And the scientist in me requires evidence before I just "accept" a notion or theory.

[edit on 6-10-2009 by noonebutme]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by noonebutme

well smartypants, it depends on what you interpret to be 'proof' of something. for some people a ufo could land beside them and they wouldnt believe it or would find some excuse for it. for other people there already is enough proof of ufos and aliens: for example, when you look at modern alleged sitings by military; pilots etc; then look at ancient written records like the ramayana and ones that discuss how to build 'vimanas' and other texts that talk about king solomon's flying machine; and the libyan desert glass; and the elongated skulls in egypt, malta, russia, etc; and the carvings on the temple of seti I in egypt; and the amazing stonework at puma punka; and the osireion; and sightings of ufos in the middle ages; etc etc etc.... for some people all this amounts to sufficient proof. for other people, they will choose to remain skeptical until a ufo lands on them.

as far as vampires are concerned; im not trying to prove that all aliens are vampires; only that one species of alien is a vampire. there are other species of aliens currently on earth and that have been visitng earth for a long time (the subject of another book im planning). and when i say 'prove' i mean adduce enough physical, anecdotal, pictorial, and written evidence that would make a reasonable person consider that there might be some link between the different types of evidence and that my conclusion might be correct. of course, i cannot produce a vampire for you, which is the level of proof some people wud require. getting bored.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:49 PM

makes you wonder about the illuminati initiates /satanists, who worship with HUMAN (BLOOD) sacrifice... just who are they worshipping, exactly?

The rulers of darkness of this world. I have heard it said that those who practice sorcery become vampires when they die. They are not allowed a human body so to gain entry into this life, and escape hell, they seduce the naïve with knowledge. Thus, we have what is known as “possession”, “multiples”, “walk-ins”, evil spirits, etc.

The modern term for devil and or satan is ET. This world presents/conditions people to accept demons as in “Superman, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, Tinker Bell” or any characterization that flies (Beelzebub, Lord of the flies). Note: they can look just like your next door neighbor.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Siren]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 09:56 AM
"makes you wonder about the illuminati initiates /satanists, who worship with HUMAN (BLOOD) sacrifice... just who are they worshipping, exactly?"

Not surprisingly since Satanism is just the other side of the coin of Christianity..

Drink the blood of christ.. eat the flesh of christ.. sounds fammiliar ?

the rites probably started out with real blood at one time,
maybe it was borrowed from some older egyptian practice like so many
things in christianity is borrowed from other religions.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by SilverSurfer]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 10:12 AM
"The modern term for devil and or satan is ET."

Nah I seriously doubt that.. btw have you noticed that Devil probably the same as *The Evil*

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:05 PM
Interestingly, to many evengelical Christians aliens, vampires and werewolves are all real demonic activity. When I attanded a charismatic mega-church in the early 1990s the books by Rebecca Brown "He came to set the captives free" and "Prepare for war" were used as literal "spiritual warfare" guides. The former book describes how "Elaine" became the top satanic witch, and eventually gets married to Satan himself, who predictably turns out to be an abusive husband. Elaine is then rescued by the Christian nurse Rebecca, who drives out all her demons. Vampires and werewolves feature throughout the book as being the reult of certain demons. The author specifically states that vampires are real. Brown even gives Biblical support for vampires, as she interprets it: Psalm 57:4: "I lie amongst ravenous beasts - men whose teeth are spears and arrows".
Recently I saw on TBN that aliens are end-time attempts by demons to deceive mankind into believing in New Age occultism. So from a major religious understanding, yes aliens and vampires are the same thing-demons! Sadly, I googled Rebecca Brown+fraud and she has been pretty much exposed as a whack-job, who dreamt up the books while in a narcotic haze from stolen medication. Her strange behaviour also got her fired as a nurse. I always saw her books as entertaining comedy, nevertheless, the Biblical reference to men who are ravenous beasts with sharp teeth is quite fascinating.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 07:58 PM
yeah, i struggle with the whole metaphysical thing and demon thing.

to me a flesh and blood vampire alien is easier to grasp; hence the thread. dunno if im right of course; cuz i dont really understand what a demon would be...

anyway, back to the vampire thing.

Lommel1972 has some interesting observations about demons in India.

in olden times the demons used to kill humans and devour them. (not very metaphysical if you ask me).
a Queen in India supposedly gave birth to a 'demon child' who sparng from her body, suckled and drank her blood then devoured her. then proceeded to go to the burial grounds, feed on corpses, then moved onto the people in the city). (The queen promised this wud happen as she said she was wrongly accused of being unfaithful to the king and was put to death for it...). was the queen a vampire? or her lover? or something?
shades of Twilight anyone who's read that book yet?

these demons or Yakku can take human or animal form (shapeshifters). like dracula cud become a wolf? american indian skinwalker legends? no idea how this would work dna wise, but icke talks about similar things with reptilians..

interestingly for anyone who's ever read william bramley's gods of eden, the demons are accused of spreading sickness or 'plague'...

the yakka make a growling noise. refer to BEK stories and skinwalker stories.

"some say of the yakka that they are like vampires and drink human blood, or that they eat the flesh and intestines of human beings.."

(refer to cattle and animal mutilations where the intestines are sometimes rolled up neatly beside the body???)

Buddha stopped the yakka from eating human flesh.

there may be a metaphysical element to all this i dunno - they say the demons cause psychological illness as well 'aloneness' etc... but im just looking for physical correlations.

heres some interesting stuff from north american festivals/dances etc.

'you are the great man eater spirit in the north
you look around for men to eat, great sorceror..
you are greedy to devour many men..'

masks of the man eater spirit are often raven, hooked beak, bird masks... maybe a different type of alien perhaps here. but seems also rather carnivorous..

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:52 PM
Lets not forget the vampire-zombie-reptilians as well j/k. All jokes aside though...i see where your belief could come from, but I don't necessarily believe that that specific "type" of vampire exists in any shape or form. It seems too much like the romanticised version as seen in Dracula or Twilight which strays far away from the actual myths of the vampire.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

I suppose most believers in mysterious beasts and aliens would like to see them as flesh and blood. They would very much prefer the material side of the Cartesian split between spirit and matter, which would then also be provable according to physical science. According to Christian mythology demons are non-material spiritual beings, or fallen angels. It is believed that powerful demons possess certain people and cause actual flesh and blood physical changes that cause bloodlust, telepathy or subhuman strengths in vampires. According to Brown, the were-beast and vampire are used for discipline, and to invoke terror in satanic covens.
Icke and the followers of the alien/reptilian agenda would actually second much of this, with the difference being that the "demons" are themselves metaphors for reptoid aliens (for Brown the metaphor would be vice-versa ie, reptilian aliens are demons). In Icke's "The Biggest Secret" he argues that a variety of reptoid are physical or non-physical beings from the sixth dimension. Some shape-shifters are humans/alien hybrids, while other possess people by attaching to their chakras. To both Brown and Icke the bloodthirsty "satanic" rituals are a means of conjuring the aliens to manifest and take posession of the material.
At least the alien-demon-vampire connection is more interesting in such material than modern cliches of vampirism as some from of virus (although the virus is another "unseen" force that causes changes in humans, and remains mysterious to non-scientists).

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
reply to post by rapunzel222

I suppose most believers in mysterious beasts and aliens would like to see them as flesh and blood. They would very much prefer the material side of the Cartesian split between spirit and matter, which would then also be provable according to physical science. According to Christian mythology demons are non-material spiritual beings, or fallen angels. It is believed that powerful demons possess certain people and cause actual flesh and blood physical changes that cause bloodlust, telepathy or subhuman strengths in vampires. According to Brown, the were-beast and vampire are used for discipline, and to invoke terror in satanic covens.
Icke and the followers of the alien/reptilian agenda would actually second much of this, with the difference being that the "demons" are themselves metaphors for reptoid aliens (for Brown the metaphor would be vice-versa ie, reptilian aliens are demons). In Icke's "The Biggest Secret" he argues that a variety of reptoid are physical or non-physical beings from the sixth dimension. Some shape-shifters are humans/alien hybrids, while other possess people by attaching to their chakras. To both Brown and Icke the bloodthirsty "satanic" rituals are a means of conjuring the aliens to manifest and take posession of the material.
At least the alien-demon-vampire connection is more interesting in such material than modern cliches of vampirism as some from of virus (although the virus is another "unseen" force that causes changes in humans, and remains mysterious to non-scientists).

yeah, i dont really understand interdimensional stuff. maybe they are that as well, altho i dont understand it.

but i reckon they have a very physical aspect.

i guess i struggle with the 'demon' thing becuz doesnt that mean they are meant to be inherently bad? i dont see enuf evidence of this yet. im not saying inherently bad forces dont exist; but how do we know vampires arent just a type of being that happens to feed on human and animal blood? and isnt inherently bad, but portrayed that way out of the fear of humans? until i know for sure, for me it wud be jumping to conclusions to call them demons. .....

also the way the old testament talks about 'angels' sounds like they are more likely a messanger of 'god' who seems a bit like an alien to me. arent aliens and 'sons of gods' sort of used interchangeably?

i mean, im sure there are REAL angels, like beings who are spiritual forces of good in the world; but are these the angels mentioned in the bible? im not really convinced of that.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by ravhen
Lets not forget the vampire-zombie-reptilians as well j/k.

ha ha. did i forget them? well, ....

no just kidding.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by ravhen
Lets not forget the vampire-zombie-reptilians as well j/k.

ha ha. did i forget them? well, ....

no just kidding.

oh and i like twilight, i reckon its totally spot on in many ways.. i.e. true...

[edit on 8-11-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by punkinworks

do you happen to recall the name of the movie? i wud like to watch it... i think....

has anyone seen the move 'end of winter' or something similar about a mining group stuck up in the arctic and people start dying? i cud watch the whole thing, too scary...

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

The word Hebrew word translated 'giant' in most English versions is Nephyl from which we get the anglesized Nephilim...
...believed to be some kind of hybrid and lacking the ability to form some endogenous vitamins and having to source them to survive from other species.

This is similar to humans who lack the ability to make their own vitamin C, a deficiency we share with Guinea Pigs.

The 'giant' connection has even carried into English fairy stories...
...fairies also being Nephyl of some kind...

I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll have his bones to grind my bread

Blood and human consumption.

Some think Vampire's may have lacked the ability to form vitamin B12.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 03:36 AM
yeah, i dont really understand interdimensional stuff. maybe they are that as well, altho i dont understand it.

but i reckon they have a very physical aspect.

i guess i struggle with the 'demon' thing becuz doesnt that mean they are meant to be inherently bad? i dont see enuf evidence of this yet. im not saying inherently bad forces dont exist; but how do we know vampires arent just a type of being that happens to feed on human and animal blood? and isnt inherently bad, but portrayed that way out of the fear of humans? until i know for sure, for me it wud be jumping to conclusions to call them demons. .....
[edit on 8-11-2009 by rapunzel222]

According to most mythology, if a person becomes a vampire they become BAD! A corpse rising to feed on living humans like slaughtering cattle is bad. At least it's potentially bad for us humans. However, modern horror has created a variety of romantic "vampire" characters who choose - despite inner struggles - to remain in human society.
The evil alien and the vampire are similar in that they view human society in order to mislead it. They can act like perfect gentlemen and placate our fears, and yet they want to feed on us. So their smile is like the smile of the psychopath, superficially bonding, but also fake. They pretend to connect to us, but ultimately cannot connect to our society. They have a hive mentalityand are envious of the loving bonds we form - thus they feed.

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