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MSM - Nuclear Iran, Swine Flu, NWO at the G20, Terror threats in the US, is it time?

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:52 AM
I see it all coming into place now.

We have Iran, emerging stories of secret nuclear sites.

We have the terror plots around the United States, bomb plots and terror cells.

Swine flu, and the vaccine.

The G20 summit, the NWO being waved in our faces.

I call on all ATSers to be especially vigilant during these times. I hate to succumb to the panic causing fear-mongering of the MSM, but I do believe we are rapidly approaching something big.

We are lucky in that we can read between the lines. Just imagine what the general public makes of all this:





Snapshots from ABS, BBC ,FOX and CNN.

Seriously, I've not seen such media hype since 911.

Take care!

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Yeah, it is all getting crazy more and more every day now.

CNN is going over all the recent busted attacks this morning. They all had FBI Informants telling the suspects to blow stuff up and giving them the materials to do it.

If people haven't been watching and they turned on the news this morning they're going to get quite a scare over what they've been missing.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:21 AM
yeah its pretty coicedental all of this. i really dont know what to make of it. is there a track record this kinda stuff happening before a big event?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Yeah it was something many people have forgotten.

It was the invasion of a little old country called Iraq.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:22 AM
You're right, it's not time to panic, it's time to organize locally,
stock up on neccesities and oil your firearms.

It really does look like we are coming to a head here, so
many things happening at once. Keep a sharp eye everywhwere
else because that will be the biggest thing to worry about.

Keep your families close by and know where to meet and
what to do should communications go down. best of luck to
everyone, it's been a pleasure. vigilance & strength

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:14 PM
An interesting day indeed... and to round it off, keeping up appearances and keeping us all on the edge of our 'coaster seat's, here's Achmed the dea.... sorry, no, it's Bin Laden:

After some strong words aimed squarely at Achmedinejad earlier from Brown, Obama and Sarkozy and with so many headlines of terror plots, who better than to pop his head out of his grave... cave, i mean cave just to remind us of whom we're all so frightened of!

In the weeks leading up, and in particularly today, I'm seeing the media play out an extraordinary set of propaganda; and no doubt it will be working for many - keep them scared, keep them shut up in their homes, keep them controlled. This is what sociology classes of the future will be studying - how was the west brainwashed into backing terrorism instigated by their own governments. The answer.... pure and simple fear!

I'd be surprised if we don't see some news filtering in on North Korea shortly... do you have the FEAR factor?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Nuclear Iran, Swine Flu, NWO at the G20, Terror threats in the US, oh my!

Wizard of Oz reference. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

On topic: I don't think it takes a rabid Dick Cheney to tell we are headed for doom.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:43 PM
There's no doubt things have escalated during the past 2 weeks. Many people are being arrested for plots, etc. around the USA the last 3 days alone. There's a clamping down for some reason, there's no denying that.

There's also a definite rise in helicopter traffic in the Chicago burbs over the past 48 hours as well. Not quite sure if their Police, Traffic or what, but there's never helicopters by me, and now there's many.

If anything were to happen, good luck to you all. Just keep a watchful eye out and trust your gut.


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:00 PM
This is the time to act... and everything is spiraling down now just waiting to hit the fan. I'm stocked up on mostly everything I need to survive, but now I just want to get even more prepared. I can't take it anymore, and neither can anyone else who knows what's really going on.

Don't be surprised to see something big happen very soon. Good luck to you all.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Wow, what a fear thread!

Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that the MSM is ramping up our emotions with all that is going on, but what can it be about? Is there really something brewing, or is there something else going on?

For instance, late August and most of Sept was typically SLOW in the news. The end of the summer is traditionally a news drought and this year was no exception. Then all of a sudden we have all of this stuff happening.

Is it just the end of the drought and now we are back to an elevated form of 'normal'? Are emotions on the rise?

With the types of news stories breaking left and right, I am left wondering if they will have an e.coli outbreak and maybe a missing pretty white girl to throw on top of the 'Breaking News' pile?

If news is too quiet, people freak out. If it is buzzing, people get freaked out. The point is that emotions are high, and that is just normal. In times of prosperity we have outlets for our high emotions, like buying houses and tech gadgets and getting elective surgery. Now we just have the news and our emotions have nowhere to go but to fear and worry... and this is not good news at all.

If I had to guess, the latest world news indicates a 'priming' of the populace for more manipulation. No armageddon event or anything like that, just getting certain memes into the minds of the masses for consumption. I am sure the gov't will have a lot of spending to do and we need to be concerned for our safety (both physically and economically) in order to put up with the raping we will endure. If the manipulation does not take, and we do not go along with it, maybe an event will come about. You know, just to "keep it real".

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Pr0t0
An interesting day indeed... and to round it off, keeping up appearances and keeping us all on the edge of our 'coaster seat's, here's Achmed the dea.... sorry, no, it's Bin Laden:

After some strong words aimed squarely at Achmedinejad earlier from Brown, Obama and Sarkozy and with so many headlines of terror plots, who better than to pop his head out of his grave... cave, i mean cave just to remind us of whom we're all so frightened of!

In the weeks leading up, and in particularly today, I'm seeing the media play out an extraordinary set of propaganda; and no doubt it will be working for many - keep them scared, keep them shut up in their homes, keep them controlled. This is what sociology classes of the future will be studying - how was the west brainwashed into backing terrorism instigated by their own governments. The answer.... pure and simple fear!

I'd be surprised if we don't see some news filtering in on North Korea shortly... do you have the FEAR factor?

Exactly! I makes you wonder what "uber-scare" they are gonna pull out of their hats to push some very VERY unpleasant, privacy destroying law..... Orrr...does the military have some super-duper-advanced toys that need testing against a fairly modern army? (read:Iran)

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:52 PM
Thanks to everyone for your additions to this thread.

Have any of you looked at the pic of the protesters against Iran?

Does that look fake to any of you? The placards just look too new and bold, as if added later. Does anyone else agree/disagree?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Not just that, but the protesters look crazy faked. Those are not the kind of people who are going to be out and about spilling their hearts over Iran having Nukes. People that age just don't care enough, let alone the demographic pictured in there.


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