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Explosive new audio reveals white house using nea to push partisan agenda

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:52 AM

On August 10th, the National Endowment for the Arts, the White House Office of Public Engagement, and the Corporation for National and Community Service hosted a conference call with a handpicked arts group. This arts group played a key role in Obama’s arts effort during his election campaign, as declared by the organizers of the call, and many on the call played a role in the now famous Obama Hope poster.

Much of the talk on the conference call was a build up to what the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) was specifically asking of this group. In the following segment, Buffy Wicks, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, clearly identifies this arts group as a pro-Obama collective and warns them of some “specific asks” that will be delivered later in the meeting.

Transcript and audio here

The woman in this audio is Buffy Wicks, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.

Basically, the white house is working with the National Endowment for the Arts in order to produce pro-Obama agenda propaganda with these artists. In the audio the NEA spokeswoman actually says "we control the government now".

Aside from the obvious conflict of interests, is this the direction we want go in this country? Imagine if Bush had used the NEA to create pro-war propaganda to hang up along San Francisco streets?

This is what CBS commentator George Will had to say about their last conference call

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:15 PM
Thanks for this.
I'm still processing - so not much to say.
But it needs a bump - people should be listening to this.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by spinkyboo]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:40 PM
I'll bet once the Republicans get ahold of this they will make
a big stink of it and move to de-fund the National Endowment
for the Arts.

As a working artist they have never done anything for me and
when you look at some of the preposterous stuff they put out
in the name of art I often wonder if the critics arent right.

I do have mixed emotions about it as the NEA does help
symphony orchestras, theaters, art shows etc.

We got by without it long before it came into existence, maybe
it is time for it to go. hard to say ::dons fire suit to repel flamers:::

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
I'll bet once the Republicans get ahold of this they will make
a big stink of it and move to de-fund the National Endowment
for the Arts.

As a working artist they have never done anything for me and
when you look at some of the preposterous stuff they put out
in the name of art I often wonder if the critics arent right.

I do have mixed emotions about it as the NEA does help
symphony orchestras, theaters, art shows etc.

We got by without it long before it came into existence, maybe
it is time for it to go. hard to say ::dons fire suit to repel flamers:::

Its def time for it to go, at the very least for it become nonpartisan and to clean house. Read the end of page 9 and the begging of page 10 with just the yellow highlighted stuff.

How this comes off to me is lets make something for Obama and push it on kids cause we tell everybody what is cool. Its like brainwashing in effect, if all you know is A is right, B will always be wrong. Just in this case, A will be Obama and he will be really cool among the younger crowd for the upcoming election (cant believe dude is allready planning lol) and whoever B is will not matter to them whatsoever...kinda like this last one.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Been going on with artists since way before obama.

When my daughter was in middle school, her art teacher gave her class the assignment of making an art poster out of words. As an example for the class, the teacher said he would use the words "Bush" and "liar" to make his poster if given the same assignment.

Of course, after I visited the school principal and wrote to the district superintendent, that teacher's contract was not renewed - and that was in the very liberal SF Bay Area ...

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:23 PM
The NEA goes hand in hand with the government funded NPR and CPB and all 3 of them are bastions for liberalism, so no great surprise here. Any outcry over this (or truth be told any defense of it in Congress) will be short lived and disingenuous at best. During all 8 Bush Democracy Now on NPR made it their chief goal to attack the presidency and Republicans... even though NPR was funded by tax payer monies. If that malarky combined with the GOP's majorities didn't end the waste of tax dollars by buttressing the arts, then nothing ever will.

It is pretty damn sad that we've got schools which can barely function because of budget cuts, a ridiculous federal deficit, and infrastructure near collapse thanks to reduced funding for roads and maintenance... yet we're siphoning tax dollars off to the arts. WHAT? Yep, the arts. If art is so great then it should be able to stand on its own accord.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

I understand that it has been going on for a VERY long time. I just hope that people will see these people for what they are now, frauds. I also hope that people will realize that they need to start thinkin for themselves and not look up to these frauds that "tell our country and our young people sort of what to do and what not to be in to; and what's cool and what's not cool."

Somebody should do a mail bomb on that skolnick's email. What a douche.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

The only D I recieved in college was in Art history and appreciation. I was required to take an art class as an elective to get my BS in civil engineering. The dude that taught the class had a pretty little dangling earring, matted long hair, and probably owned a couple pairs of ass-less chaps. Anyway, first day he asked who was in the class as an elective. Almost everybody raised their hand as it was a popular elective class. He then proceeded to segregate us by whether we were persuing a BA or a BS and then further by which college we were in (math, history, art, english, chemestry, engineering, ag, etc). By the end of the day I had managed to find myself at a table with just one other person, a cute girl who was a Mechanical Engineering student (the only thing that teacher ever did that I appreciated as I took her to a couple parties that semester).

The course was purely historic and required no art skill whatsoever. We had weekly quizes and they were mostly a case of showing a famous painting and asking what style it had been done in or what period it was from, etc. By my math I had a B going into the final. Our final was to take a trip to the art museum on campus, pick an artist and write 10 pages on them and their work. I wrote my 10 pages, turned it in and forgot about it until our final grades for the semester were posted. I had an 'F'. I went ape crap. He justified the F by saying that part of the class requirement was an appreciation for art, which he said I had not displayed and, thus had failed. It took 2 visits with the art college dean and then a trip to my engineering dean, who was furious and demanded a meeting with me, the art dean, and the instructor ASAP. Ultimately the art dean sided with her instructor, but the review board indicated that I had passed all requirements for the class aside from the subjective "appreciation" requirement, so per the logical breakdown of the scoring in the class I should have gotten 85% of the credit for the technical side of the course... long story short, he capitulated and raised my grade to a D... 65%, and did so in front of my dean saying "It's not like it matters, I know you have to have a C or better for the college of engineering to give you credit for the course." His eyeballs almost burst when my dean said "Uh, we're making an exception in John's case and will be giving him satisfactory credit for completing his art elective with a D. Thank you and good bye."

So yeah, I tend to view artists with a bit of venom and spite in my heart.

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