posted on May, 15 2004 @ 01:28 PM
See... People say that John Kerry likes to flip flop on issues, but this war has been the biggest flip flopper I've seen.
Why did we go to war with Iraq in the first place? To find WMDs and take them out of Saddam's hands. Did we accomplish that? No. We haven't seen
any WMDs yet, over a year later. Now, whether or not there was intelligence failure, miscommunication, etc, etc, the fact remains we have not
accomplished the goal of the "war."
Now Shrub would like you to believe that we went to war to free the Iraqi people. Sure, we've ousted Hussein, we're trying to reconstruct Iraq (in
our views, mind you, not theirs), but this is not the main reason we went to war. Even though the White House would have you believe it is. I'm not
saying it's bad that Saddam is out of power, I'm only saying this freeing people is not what we went there to do. We went there to find WMDs, and
probably (no matter how much you say its not true, you can't ever really know the motive) so Shrub could get revenge for his daddy, which by the way
is not a justified cause for going to war.
The war in Iraq has gone from ridding Saddam Hussein of WMDs to forcing a democracy onto a group of people who really don't want it. I've been
studying a lot of things about war in one of my courses called Peace and War. We learned about Thomas Aquinas, and his definition of a "just war"
which I think is a good definition.
Aquinas lays out three things necessary for a just war.
1. That it must be declared by a sovereign athourity (check)
2. That the cause has to be just. (semi-check)
3. That even if those first two are met, the war is not just unless it is declared with the right intention (quasi-check; if Shrub went there cuz of
his daddy, the whole thing's a sham. Sucks that we'll never really know)
So what does this convoluted post have to do with anything? The reasons why we are fighting the war now are not the reasons we entered the war.
Shrub would like you to believe that they are, but they aren't. Plain and simple. I don't even know if the reasons we're there are enough to let
this turn into our generation's Vietnam. I really hope it doesn't go that way.
EDIT: fixed the numbers...
[Edited on 15-5-2004 by Faisca]