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Emerging diseases and sit x

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 01:21 PM
GONORRHEA is a gram negative bacteria that is transmitted through sexual intercourse. It presents with urethral discharge and painful urination 3-7 days after contact with infected source. In males, testicles may also be swollen. If anus is involved, blood or mucous may be seen in stools along with cramps, anal itching, pus and intestinal bloating. If throat is involved, a chronic sore throat is present.

Penicillin is the drug of choice for "the clap", as it is colloquially termed, but there are penicillin resistant strains that are quite virulent. Gonorrhea can lead to sterility, arthritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, blindness in infants, heart disease, meningitis. Women may have NO symptoms!

Nux vomica 20 drops with 10 drops of aconite in 4 ounces of water. Take 1 teaspoon of this mix every 10 minutes until relief of symptoms is obtained. Some varieties of aconite are stronger than others. If you have a strong variety, take less or dilute it more.

Indian pennywort in same dose as for syphilis and applied the same.

Chopped pawpaw root and palmwine can be combined to make a tea (boiled for 15 minutes), cooled and drunk. Drink 1 glass (8 ounces) twice a day for 5 days.

Colloidal Silver internally and externally (10ppm) twice a day for 10 days.

CHLAMYDIA is a bacterial parasite that often accompanies other STD's. The first symptoms are usually noticed in 1-3 weeks after exposure. Most women and even some men have NO symptoms initially. Later both will experience inflammation, itching, difficulty urinating and pain during sex. A malodorous urethral or vaginal discharge is also a frequent symptom. If left untreated, it can lead to PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), infertility and the infection can be transferred to infants causing eye and respiratory problems.

Cannabis sativa relieves painful urination. It is taken three times daily as needed. Some states are considering lifting the ban on this herb so I include it here since it does have medicinal properties.

Solidago virga 12x taken three times a day for relief of discharge and abdominal pains.

Olive leaf extract 1.5 teaspoons twice daily times 3 days. Repeat after 20 days.

Garlic juice taken 4 times a day for 7 days.

Yogurt applied IN the vagina (and/or ON oral mucosa) changes the pH balance to make an unsuitable environment for the pathogen to live. If tongue is also covered in creamy, foul tasting coating, let the yogurt sit on your tongue a few minutes before spitting it out.

Women are not the only victims of sexual assault and germs are no respecter of persons. Since these diseases can cause damage while the victim exhibits NO symptoms (mainly in women), men need to be aware that a woman may not even know she is passing something on.

Even if you're not the victim of an assault, people will still be having sex even if it IS the end of the world. (Panic sex!).

Be good out there people. And if you can't be good, be careful.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by whitewave]

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