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Yet more (definitely) inappropriate toys for kids

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:10 AM
Before I had children I had a whole lot of opinions that vanished like smoke once those children began to grow.

For example, I actually SAID that I would be putting my daughter on the Pill by the time she was 12 or 13. To me, it made sense .. at the time

By the time she was 13, I couldn't believe I'd ever thought it. And if I'd suggested it to her when she was that age, she would have said, 'What for ? Why do you want me to take the Pill ? What for ? '. Because even though she was intelligent and even though she was exposed to quite a bit of life via school, biology lessons, kids gossip, tv, movies, etc. .. she was an innocent. She had dreams that didn't include the messy part of 'love'.

And I saw life afresh through her eyes and remembered my own innocent dreams of love and the future. At her age, I knew nothing about the wet-patch on the bed, the terrors of suspecting you might be pregnant or might have contracted an STD. At her age, I didn't know 'old men' (late 20's, 30s) were attracted to young girls. I thought 'men' only 'liked women' (old women, in their late 20s and 30s'). etc. I just didn't know. And I wouldn't have wanted to know .. too horrible, too gross.

Parenthood is our education. Our children are our teachers. We might not see that far into the future when we're childless. We might believe our opinions are sound, are fixed. As sexually-active, child-free adults, we might say, in all honesty, that we don't understand the big deal about some silly pole-dancing doll. We might believe that we'd still feel this way even if we did have children. But so many opinions fall away when you know that child, see the trust in their eyes, hear how clueless they are about those wonderful people, 'grown ups'. It shreds you to think they're going to be battered by this harsh world. Most don't expect to feel that way 'just because' they've become parents. Their unmarried friends complain 'you're not the same any more since you had kids'. No. You're not the same any more. But you don't know until it happens

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 01:46 AM
this dolls are way beyond my thinking of toys. pole dancer!? wtf

but from another view - tell me one thing why is it better for kid to be for ex. soldier than pole dancer?
experience needed for guantanamo or?

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

The toy manufacturers have forgotten what toys are for. They were a form of entertainment meant to spur the imagination. So sad that most children today don't get that opportunity.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by space cadet

I think someone once told me that the best toy for a growing, imaginative little girl is a plain, simple doll.

I agree with that statement. My favorite toy EVER is one of the stuffed animals in my collection. Not the biggest or the brightest or the one that came with stuff, but a basic, worn out, tan cocker spaniel.

It's right here on my bed and it's coming to college with me in a week.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

My favortive toy growing up was the 'Betty Crocker Oven'. I loved that thing. I made many a peanut butter cookie and chocolate chip too! Long after I ran out of the original batter and frosting, my mom would give me the ingredients for small amounts of cookies/cakes, ect. Eventually though I tried to bake a mud pie out of Ga clay, and it ruined the oven! Funny, I really love to cook now too!

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:10 AM
WOW! Ok I am an exotic dancer and this is meant for adults not kids! Where were they shopping that they found this in a kids toy section?! That is completely inappropriate! I have seen people say "oh its great for a workout" yes that is true but for ADULTS not kids! My friend has two daughters and she has a pole in her spare room that she uses to workout with and her kids are not allowed in there, plain and simple. They understand it's not for them and it's for adults only. Also the one my friend has IS he peekaboo pole which I have seen only in Spencer Gifts which is NOT a store for kids either.

As for the doll, wow I am speechless! If I saw this on a shelf I would probably say something to management! If I worked at store that put this out I would refuse to put it out. Little girls dont need pole dancing dolls! Give them a book or a puzzle or something they will learn from! I was always given books as gifts and I preferred them over many things. I even got a microscope one year and loved it! It made me think! I only dance to pay my tuition and I am not your average dancer either. I have 2 degrees and I am working on my third so I can start my business next I am still shocked there is a pole dancing doll out there. I know every woman I work with would be HIGHLY against this!

[edit on 8/31/2009 by mblahnikluver]

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Nipple tassels! What! Well it doesnt surprise me since I was in Spencer Gifts and some of the baby outfits they have are absolutely vulgar and trashy. I would never put my kid in one of those but the staff said you would be surprised how many people buy them and come in with their kids wearing them! I cant even post on here what they say, they are against T&C and it really bothered me that someone is actually marketing this crap for babies!

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by miss_silver

Hmmmm, slut barbie, missed this one!

So you seem to think dancing makes you a slut? What a typical assessment of something you obviously know nothing about. As a dancer this is really offensive. I am constantly defending my job to statements like this! Just cause one dances it doesnt make them a slut.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:44 AM
I do not think that little doll looks anything like Miley Cyrus. But it is still inappropriate.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:47 AM
OMG! I cant believe this! As a young boy, me and my mates, making fun of barbies (the usually boy-girl dicussions on early years, where we cant stand eachother
), "invented" a Slut Barbie, as there were barbies for everything.. Now i see THIS LOL.. Brings back memories

About my opinion: Im strongly against it!

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