posted on May, 12 2004 @ 09:03 AM
Sorry it took so long for me to update.
I saw him yesterday at the hospital and his legs were pretty bad. He was in Good Spirits though joking around, Playing GameCube and watching DVD's.
They're still not sure if they can save his foot, and will have a cage around his right leg to stabalize it for the next 3 months. They said he'll
be in a wheelchair for a year minimum. Also, when he broke his tibia and fibia, he broke them on the growth plate, so he may have to come in every
few months or so, until he stops growing, to have surgery to lengthen his leg. They won't be sure if they have to until about 3 months. Starting
today they're going to start sitting him up. He could wiggle his toes slowly yesterday, and they're waiting to see if the remaining muscles and
tendons in his foot live. If they do, his foot is saved, if not, then they'll have to amputate it. When we were leaving I asked if he wanted
anything, and he told me I couldn't come back unless I had Sweet Tea with me. Though he's in a lot of pain, he's still in real high spirits, but
does get upset hearing everyone talking about what happened and how he might lose his foot.