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Obama: Police Acted 'Stupidly'.

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posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 11:16 PM
im not black...... as white man i have seen police treat people like dogs. i fear police when i see they are in my rear veiw . ever watch adam 12 see how some people talked to cops they would take deep breath roll eyes allways polite yes mam yes sir well thats tv, in real world, keep your hands in clear site, shut your mouth . we live in police state. sure police are racest, how about off duty black cop who has encounter with fellow officer it has happened. i feel most cops are dirty the outhers close thier eyes

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Watch the local nightly news for a week, pay carefull attention to your local "Crime Stoppers" suspects. You'll notice a whole lot more "black male" "hispanic male" searches for suspects than "white males", I guarantee that

Well duh! that's what the msm wants to portray. If your going to say that, then i can say that only white women get kidnapped because that's disporportionality who i see on tv being abducted.

Data would seem to indicate that the reason minorities are "disproportionately" stopped by police is because they "disproportionately" seem to be indicated in more crimes than white people do

What? Show me a statistic showing the total number of crimes by each ethnic group.

but I can honestly say if I was breaking into my own home and a cop came along demanding ID and trying to protect my property, I'd be appreciative of the fact that at least the police were doing their job and trying to maintain a safe neighborhood

I agree with you on that one. But once i identify myself, said police officers need to leave my residence.

Don't forget that in NY a black immigrant was shot to death repeadly by the NYPD and he was trying to break into his own house. Oh yea that's right it's not racism...i just don't like you cuz your skin tone is not the same as mine..

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Data would seem to indicate that the reason minorities are "disproportionately" stopped by police is because they "disproportionately" seem to be indicated in more crimes than white people do

What? Show me a statistic showing the total number of crimes by each ethnic group.

Crime Statistics may be found here

Speaking generally, I would expect on this site that if the figures support one's beliefs, they will be declared 'proof'. If not, they will be the 'proof', but only that 'The Man' is racist or it's a PC coverup.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:21 AM
Why did Obama choose the format of a national press conference to make these comments? A simple no comment would suffice until more details are known. This is right on the heels of his address to the NAACP.

Obama is making a stink out of this because of who this professor is. Under normal circumstances there would not be a story here. It is a local issue blown out of proportion. The police were doing their job based on the phone call received to dispatch. The police will always ask for identification in a case such as this. It would appear that Gates' arrogance got in the way of his rationale. He was insulted by the fact that the officers did not know who he was. Arrogance!! I suppose if the cops refused to show up and a break in actually occurred that Gates would play the same race card.

Kind of reminds me of Cynthia McKinney's incident with the Capital Police in DC. She screwed up with the security protocol. The officers were doing their job and she cried foul and let her fists flail. She assumed that those officers should know who she is.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 08:47 AM
When any white cop arrests a black person it always is said to be "racists." Nobody thinks that this guy was acting like a jerk and deserved what he got. Now if the cops didn't do anything and the guy was an intuder and something aweful happened, it would still be a problem, so either way they lose. Obama should have stayed out of it, this guy thinks he is a king and could do whatever he wants. He needs to worry about what he is doing to this country. The professor who was arrested automatically said it was racists because the cops were doing their job. Why is it that things like this always lead to "racism" I mean its like they are looking for every excuse they can. I gotta say it is really annoying and the "poor me" thing needs to stop. And it is funny how Obama and this professor only see it as whites hating blacks. Well, the way I see it is that they are racist for assuming that. Yes there are racists white people, but there are just as may racists black people. They need to practice what they preach, otherwise they are all just hypocrits!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 09:10 AM
As trivial as this issue is, I can't help but find Irony in the fact that a racial issue involving a black male is being discussed here in this country by a black president. The very fact that he was elected does more to prove that racism in general is not the wide spread problem they want people to believe it is... It is not possible for a majority white racist nation to elect a black president. Millions of white Americans voted for him.

As for the case in question... If I seen someone breaking into a home in my neighborhood regardless of skin color and I reported it, I'd expect the police to take appropriate action, in this case it seems that is ALL that happened. It was a simple case of mistaken identity.

If it had been a criminal breaking in that home, was reported and the police did nothing then we'd have a whole other issue here.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:30 AM
What happened??, didn't the Police aressted the owner of the house, in his own house? It's kind a stupid don't u think? If the police arrest me in my own home, man...

Stupid stupid stupid
ye ye ye ye

In Indonesia we don't even know what racist is. We blend in colors, even sometimes when we have a party monkeys may be found joining and enjoying the party, even as we know it, monkey evolution is not perfect yet. Racist is mad3 by The Anti Christ!

[edit on 24-7-2009 by tengkorak]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by neo11
im not black...... as white man i have seen police treat people like dogs. i fear police when i see they are in my rear veiw . ever watch adam 12 see how some people talked to cops they would take deep breath roll eyes allways polite yes mam yes sir well thats tv, in real world, keep your hands in clear site, shut your mouth . we live in police state. sure police are racest, how about off duty black cop who has encounter with fellow officer it has happened. i feel most cops are dirty the outhers close thier eyes

You got that right.

And the corruption flows from the top down. When the police brass come out to defend a stupid cop's abusive actions you can bet they are coming out to protect themselves because they know that are just as bad or worse.

A good police chief would not get so damned defensive. He would suspend the cop with pay until an unbiased citizen committee did an investigation of the cops actions. None of this in house police investigating themselves....thank you very much!!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Obama acted stupidly by commenting before he knew what he was commenting about. He's living up to my expectations of him in stellar fashion. His third point was completely irresponsible. He might as well have said to the black community, "It's us against them". Battle lines drawn.

He obviously feels that even though he's been elected to the highest office in the country, it's not enough to prove equality. I give up. Whites will forever be branded as racists no matter what we do to prove otherwise.

As to the elitist professor, who cares who he is? Just because he thinks he's special doesn't make it so. The cop was doing his job. Quite admirably under the circumstances. Mr. Gates needs to get over himself.

I just hope the good Sgt. doesn't go back on his word to not offer an apology. Obama and Gates should be offering one though.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Here is the real truth: The cop did NOT have any probable cause whatsoever to arrest Gates for disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct is a ' breach of the peace'. An ESSENTIAL ELEMENT of a breach of the peace is: Violence or IMMANENT violence. If Gates was not trying to provoke the cop to fight him, which si ridiculous, then there was no immanent violence to stop.

This law is abused terribly by cops day in and day out. they use it for ' disrecpect' because there is no law that says we have to be polite or kowtow to a cop..but the cops don't care as long as they HAVE THE LAST WORD and get someone arrested. That will show em!!

So, there was no grounds for an arrest. Gates was NOT trying to incite a violent retaliation from the cop....or anyone else, so there is no breach of the peace.

Here is what happened: The cop simply didn't like the CONTENT of Gates speech, so he used the law incorrectly, as usual. We have the RIGHT by law to say things to cop they may not like...we should NOT have to fall all over ourselves to make sure some lousy cop doesn't get offended.

The cop was WRONG on all counts. As SOON as he found out that Gates was the homeowner, he should have left. But he just could not take what Gates was saying...and so he decided to show Gates that the law didn't matter!

The charges were DROPPED, because if it had gone to court the cop would have been eaten alive by Gates lawyer and shown to be in violation of Gates rights. No violence....NO disorderly conduct. That simple. The law is SUPPOSED to be used to give a cop the means to stop confrontations from turing to violence, thats all.

If some redneck with a confederate flag on his pickup truck is yelling at a car full of black guys to get out and fight...THAT could be said to be DC. If the cop did not take action there would likley be violence...THAT is the intent of the law....NOT to allow some cop to arrest people because they don't like their attitude.

Thats what this is all about: The cop didn't like Gates saying what he said so he busted him....just like he has done to likley countless people over the years. but this was no street person that had no recourse to his illegal arrest: This was an educated man with friends in high places that would NOT tolerate a false arrest.

It was a false arrest and was thrown out to save the cop and force further embarrassment. The cop should be SUED under USC 18: 1943 for civil rights violations; That should get the cops attention and maybe bankrupt him as well....that should wake him up to our rights and the intent of the law.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Oh the poor black man, again.

I've said in previous posts that if you an idiot - your an idiot, regardless of skin color.

I grew up outside of Pittsburgh PA. plenty of diversity there. I've fought at the drop of a hat, white, black or yellow. It's my opinion that that the blacks are the ones with the biggest chips on their shoulders, Yeah I knocked a few off.

I owe nothing to no-one and disrespect no-one until they provoke it.

Life was good in the USMC when there was no race colors, just shades of green.

For all that read this (I'm not being racial, I just hate ALL idiots equally!!)

That being said, lets wait till all the evidence comes out to see where the chips fall.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:55 PM
Two men facing off.

Older black man innocent of breaking into his own home, carrying with him in his memory of times when black men especially were treated with disrespect by police officers just for being of a different color. Angry words are used, yelled.

Younger white police officer who taught class on racial profiling, accused of being racist. Angered, felt personally insulted. Instead of walking around the heated situation, able to use authority to defuse the situation by arrest for "disorderly conduct".

Two ordinarily reasonable men, caught up in an unreasonable situation.

Crowley understood, especially re friends sticking up for friends.

“I support the president of the United States 110 percent. I think he was way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts as he himself stated before he made that comment,” Crowley told WBZ-AM. “I guess a friend of mine would support my position, too.”

Event will be used by others in support of/defend opinions re individuals.

IMO coming from a time when this also happened, if Gates were a young white male calling "pig" or "nazi" to the face of a white police officer, Gates would have been arrested for same. The police officer would have been either called same by Gate's peers, or been applauded by officer's peers.

Enough of the disrespect/insults on a personal level as well as a national level. We all need to reclaim any self-respect and self-dignity we have given up.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:08 PM
In New Jersey about a week ago some guy in body armor and armed with a shot gun opened fire and critically wounded 5 cops I think. The event was characterized by the Police department as some guy waged a small war in the middle of the city.

Jody Weis, Chief of the Chicago Police Department, noted "unprecendented violence" against the Police while on duty. Earlier this year in Oakland a suspect turns on pursuing officer and kills two.

Guess what...the Police and the officials that are running these cities, for example look to the Federal sweeps in New Jersey which netted two mayors and a couple of Rabbis, are ridiculousy corrupt and even criminals have lost respect for their authority. Why? Because they've chosen to live life as whores.

City Hall and the Police department in general are corrupt and totally ignorant of their place in society. The headline today...Black cop at Professors home Supports Arrest. Guess what, Black Cop...the case was dropped days ago idiot...Why? Because the Attorneys that have to prosecute disagree with you and your comrade. What is it that these blockheads aren't getting?

Seriously...the American Municipal Police Department needs an Enema...these guys are full of it!

I would be somewhat more supportive of the Police if the ones in Chicago wern't sellling so much coc aine on the city Streets.

If American cities can't get their dogs back in the yard, they should have their charters revoked by the state government and return the authority to police to the counties and/or townships.

[edit on 24-7-2009 by IDK88]

[edit on 24-7-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by richierich

I was under the impression officer Crowley took some liberties in arresting Mr Gates for "disorderly conduct" and it was for this precise reason that I too think he acted stupidly. Yet here you've shown that not only did he take liberty in using the law to make the arrest but he essentially abused it. In terms of interpreting the law I can understand why officers would charge someone with it, but in court their argument would fall apart when scrutinized against the law itself. I still don't expect nor believe he needs to apologize as I'm pretty danged sure cops use this law and "obstructing justice" as means to arrest people when there is no real reason to. It's part of their MO and used to administer justice. If the charges tend to be dropped anyways it seems to be their "ace in the hole"for guaranteeing an arrest.

But I'm glad you and desert get it. Officer Crowley didn't like Mr Gates' tone of voice, so he stupidly made the decision to arrest him instead of simply vacating the premises. It was a case of words being slung which unfortunately led to more serious and misunderstood situations.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:50 PM
It's ironic how so many people who claim to be anti-authority and pro-Constitution side with the police in this case. Whether or not Gates mouthed off to the police officer is irrelevant. That is not an arrestable offense. Is asking for a policeman's badge number disorderly conduct now?
Did Gates swing at the policeman with his cane?

I don't think Gates-gate was so much a racial incident than your typical cop on a power trip incident that got out of hand because Gates is a famous professor. To make this all about race obscures the bigger issue. The alarming trend is that this country is increasingly becoming a police state and nobody is doing a damn thing about it.

I've had a few run-ins with the cops myself, and none of them were positive.

When I was in college, I had my wallet stolen and had to fill out a police report so I wouldn't be responsible for the charges made on my credit card. Instead of taking my information, I was interrogated and locked in a room for 3 hours because they thought I was making the whole thing up. It wasn't until one of the detectives called my mother that I was let go. My mother was understandably upset.

The same detective who locked me in a room for 3 hours offered to drive me home and had the gall to ask me out on a date! I lied and told him that I was engaged.

Last year, my bike got stolen. I called 311 to report the theft and two policemen came to my apartment. I wasn't expecting them to show up, but they were extremely rude and demanded to see my identification. They didn't fill out the report concerning the theft, but it was like they came by just to intimidate me.

Twenty years ago, my sister was dating a policeman, who had a reputation in the neighborhood as being a bit "slow" and evil-tempered. When my sister tried to break things off with him, he pulled a gun on her and threatened to blow her brains out. She kicked him down a flight of stairs and fled. Even though she pressed charges, he's still on the force.

BTW all of the policemen involved in these incidents were black. The cop who dated my sister was Hispanic.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Why did Obama choose the format of a national press conference to make these comments?

The more I look at how Obama's health care seems to be going down the tubes, the more it seems likely that this staged question and Obama's answer was no accident. It was meant to divert attention away from the fact that Obama's health care bill is going down in flames, as we speak. Obama's response concerning the incident did what it was intended to do. All the MSM is now talking about is this incident, not health care.
Think about it-Obama does a 1 hour nationwide press conference concerning health care, and all everyone is talking about is this.
Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain.........

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by diabolique
It's ironic how so many people who claim to be anti-authority and pro-Constitution side with the police in this case. Whether or not Gates mouthed off to the police officer is irrelevant. That is not an arrestable offense.

It is. It's called "Disorderly Conduct". The Police aren't being paid to hear Gates run his suck.

Originally posted by diabolique
Is asking for a policeman's badge number disorderly conduct now?

The cop gave Gates his name initially. Then later, Gates asked for his name and badge number, but kept shouting him down before he could reply.

Originally posted by diabolique
I don't think Gates-gate was so much a racial incident than your typical cop on a power trip incident that got out of hand because Gates is a famous professor.

The only one on a power trip was Gates. He flipped and kept screaming at the cop, saying, "Do you know who I am", and things along those lines.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:59 PM
gates acted like a dick and got arrested..cops were just doing their job..investigating a burglary and gates made a big scene out of nothing...instead of just complying with the officers and properly identifying himself i'm pretty sure the whole incident could have been for obamagoes..he is an idiot for getting involved ..

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