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Israel 'wantonly destroyed Gaza'

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Israel 'wantonly destroyed Gaza'

In a 117-page report released on Thursday, Amnesty cited evidence that Israeli troops put children and other civilians in harm's way "by forcing them to remain in or near houses which they took over and used as military positions".
Accusing Israel of "breaching laws of war", Amnesty said: "Much of the destruction was wanton and deliberate, and was carried out in a manner and circumstances which indicated that it could not be justified on grounds of military necessity."
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 6-7-2009 by captiva]

[edit on 6/7/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:26 PM
Like many others I watched the Israeli war machine fire their phospherous shells and saw the children with burns due to this dreadfull weapon.

There must be lessons learned from this period in history and I hoped Amnesty International would be man enough to speak freely against the Israeli occupation. Alas I was wrong as they go on to state that both sides were guilty. I quote "Amnesty accused Hamas and other armed groups of endangering the lives of civilians in the Gaza Strip by operating near their homes"....If you are walled in and under attack what else could Hamas do other than stand their ground and defend where they stood.

One of these days someone is going to call a spade a spade and stop the murder of innocent children.

* Report says Israel put Palestinian children in harm's way

* No evidence found that Hamas used human shields

What has gone wrong with the human race when a country can wall in another at gunpoint. Can murder innocent children behind that wall? and why do Amnesty International fear to tread on the toes of the oppressor.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:50 PM
Does amnesty have proof we can see? By the way white phosphorous is a weapon of war and some civilians die by accident. In war people die, it does not matter they burn or get shot. The better the weapon the less your soldiers die. Israel has the right to find the people who tried/did kill Israeli civilians. Hamas doing that is wrong unlike what amnesty says.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by walsbg22

I imagine that their 117 page report would be based on evidence gathered, so yes they have proof that they can see.

You could quote till the end of time regarding the right to use phospherous but any true member of humanity would admit it was used illegally to maim and kill children and should never have been used in such an enclosed environment.

Regarding Israel having the right to "find" people for any reason......Its not hard to find people when you have them held prisoner behind walls, tanks and guns !.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by captiva]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by captiva

No, evidence that WE can see, not that they can see. Can you prove to me that they purposefully hurt children with white phosphorous and I was not quoting. That last sentence is how you do it, also your source is not exactly unbiased.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by walsbg22
Does amnesty have proof we can see? By the way white phosphorous is a weapon of war and some civilians die by accident. In war people die, it does not matter they burn or get shot. The better the weapon the less your soldiers die.

By that logic, a nuclear bomb is the most efficient weapon. Would you excuse the use of those as well?

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Lazyninja]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Lazyninja

I should have clarified, without causing high civilian deaths, and a weapon that you can direct to individuals, small or moderate groups, and kill that group with minimal collateral damage. I hope that makes sense, it is hard to explain it.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by captiva

Amnesty International isn't afraid; if they were they wouldn't have published this unbiased and revealing report. The world is afraid, especially the indoctrinated and goo-goo ga-ga Christian fundamentalists whom pour their money to support "Israel" (a modern day deceptive and plagiarised poorly-done copy-cat of ancient Israel; see here: ; I really feel for the Gazans, and condemn anyone who support these Zionist atrocities. A Spade? These terrorists have something in store for them. Divine intervention is imminent. In advance, I would like to remind that Amnesty International is a neutral organisation; they report on Muslim atrocities as much as Zionists, both inhabiting sects. of terrorists. It's just that the Zionists are the rich terrorists, nevertheless, terrorists, and should be immediately stopped. Also, the white phosphorus is illegal by the UN; we all know the organisation is useless -- BUT Israel is a member and MUST obide by its rules. If not, I don't see why we haven't revoked their recognition of sovereignty. They are not acting like adults at all IMO -- just like a spoiled teenager who doesn't understand the value of their parent's wealth.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by ElloAll]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll
reply to post by captiva

Amnesty International isn't afraid; if they were they wouldn't have published this unbiased and revealing report. The world is afraid, especially the indoctrinated and goo-goo ga-ga Christian fundamentalists whom pour their money to support "Israel" (a modern day deceptive and plagiarised poorly-done copy-cat of ancient Israel; see here: ; I really feel for the Gazans, and condemn anyone who support these Zionist atrocities. A Spade? These terrorists have something in store for them. Divine intervention is imminent.

Where is proof from amnesty int? And by your sig I can tell a lot about you.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll
reply to post by captiva

Amnesty International isn't afraid; if they were they wouldn't have published this unbiased and revealing report. The world is afraid, especially the indoctrinated and goo-goo ga-ga Christian fundamentalists whom pour their money to support "Israel" (a modern day deceptive and plagiarised poorly-done copy-cat of ancient Israel; see here: ; I really feel for the Gazans, and condemn anyone who support these Zionist atrocities. A Spade? These terrorists have something in store for them. Divine intervention is imminent.

There were no more than 4 million Jews living in Nazi-occupied territory. As the Nazi army advanced, the Jews fled rather than be captured. On June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that 3,375,000 Jewish “holocaust survivors” had applied for reparations. Now, if we subtract 3,375,000 from 4,000,000, that leaves 625,000 unaccounted for. If we take 625,000 and add a zero to the figure, we arrive at the fictitious and truly

You are a RAVING ant1 semite...and PALEEESE don not go through the tiring description that Arabs are semites also.

Your signiture is AMAZINGLY childish. Holocaust denial is despicable, and psychotic.

Let's get back to the are quoting AL JAZEERA? Are you seriously quoting a virilant anti-Israel news service as a source for truth?

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by crmanager

Where is proof from amnesty int?

Well, I'm sure it will be produced soon. However, there is no merit in calling Amnesty Int. BS on this one. They're a completely neutral and dedicated source. They have always deliever and won't suddenly stop because they have offended some people.

And by your sig I can tell a lot about you.

I'm just a fed-up American is all. I don't hate anyone, just people who wish to exaggerate the truth.

You are a RAVING ant1 semite

Really? The last I checked I loved the Middle Eastern indigenous people? Oh! You're meaning the Khazars?
FYI - They're NOT Semites. Card devalued, pick a next one.

and PALEEESE don not go through the tiring description that Arabs are semites also.

Um, if they're not the only Semites who are the others? You're not trying to suggest to me
that the European Khazars and Ashkenazis are Semites are you? They're Europeans.

Your signiture is AMAZINGLY childish.

If the truth is childish then I'm a baby.

Holocaust denial is despicable, and psychotic.

Really? If I denied the holocaust I wouldn't be working out the figures.
When since was the Holocaust an event in which only Jews were victims?
I fully acknowledge the Gays, the Cripple, and Germans, the Russians, AND the Jews -- just not the lie of 6,000,000.
And why are you making this thread about the holocaust? This has nothing to do with it.

you are quoting AL JAZEERA?

It's the people of Amnesty International. It doesn't matter which site chooses to aggregate this information.

anti-Israel news service as a source for truth?

Anti-Israel doesn't equal anti-truth, have you -- at least once, ever considered that these people were engaged in these dirty tactics? A green painting is a black painting.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Originally posted by walsbg22

I should have clarified, without causing high civilian deaths, and a weapon that you can direct to individuals, small or moderate groups, and kill that group with minimal collateral damage. I hope that makes sense, it is hard to explain it.

Okay, but that's the problem with WP, it was a weapon designed for a different era of war. Modern warfare is urban. Specifically when you're talking about rooting out terrorists from a civillian population. You can't go around using indiscriminate weapons like WP. That is why they're banned by, was it the UN or the Geneva convention? Or possibly both.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:21 PM
I would believe Israel over most because they have been defending themselves, and the countries around them have been the aggressors. And all the sudden they are evil and their attackers are not. Israel has never been the aggressor, they only respond to being attacked. I guess Israel cannot defend herself.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Lazyninja

How is it indiscriminate if its fired from an arty shell? And ElloAll wheres your proof for your holocaust numbers.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Originally posted by walsbg22

How is it indiscriminate if its fired from an arty shell?
[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

I suppose you haven't seen the pictures of the helicopter spraying WP canisters all over the place, and civillians fleeing for their lives then.

Why do you think WP is banned, because the geneva convention is for pansies? I'm always amazed at people who defend this weapon. We have international law. You follow it, or you are a rogue state. You cannot call yourself a civillized country, when you flout the agreements designed to protect human rights.

No, evidence that WE can see, not that they can see. Can you prove to me that they purposefully hurt children with white phosphorous

Doesn't really matter if they did it on purpose or not, the weapon is banned, using it is illegal. That's like me going and setting fire to your house, and saying that I didn't intend to kill you, I was only setting fire to your house, and its your problem you got killed.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Lazyninja]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by walsbg22
I would believe Israel over most because they have been defending themselves, and the countries around them have been the aggressors. And all the sudden they are evil and their attackers are not. Israel has never been the aggressor, they only respond to being attacked. I guess Israel cannot defend herself.

I will excuse myself in the future, but the sad truth is Israel DOESN't have the right to defend itself, because it doesn't have the right to be there. That's why they're catching so much hell. If you still have to ask why the Khazars do not belong there, then you my friend has a lot of research to do. And I mean that in the least offensive way.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by walsbg22
reply to post by Lazyninja

How is it indiscriminate if its fired from an arty shell? And ElloAll wheres your proof for your holocaust numbers.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

This thread isn't about the Holocaust. I won't hijack someone's thread. Let's discuss that in another thread shall we?

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll

Originally posted by walsbg22
I would believe Israel over most because they have been defending themselves, and the countries around them have been the aggressors. And all the sudden they are evil and their attackers are not. Israel has never been the aggressor, they only respond to being attacked. I guess Israel cannot defend herself.

I will excuse myself in the future, but the sad truth is Israel DOESN't have the right to defend itself, because it doesn't have the right to be there. That's why they're catching so much hell. If you still have to ask why the Khazars do not belong there, then you my friend has a lot of research to do. And I mean that in the least offensive way.

Really, so the USA, Canada, or Mexico can defend themselves because the land was stolen from Native Americans. Israel did not steal the land Britain did.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll

Originally posted by walsbg22
reply to post by Lazyninja

How is it indiscriminate if its fired from an arty shell? And ElloAll wheres your proof for your holocaust numbers.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

This thread isn't about the Holocaust. I won't hijack someone's thread. Let's discuss that in another thread shall we?

Your right, just couldn't help but respond to ur sig.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Lazyninja

"What is the status of WP under international law?

WP used as weapons are considered incendiaries. Incendiary weapons are not prohibited under the laws of war. However, the use of WP against military targets is regulated under Protocol III of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW). ...Israel is not party to this treaty..." Not illegal to Israel. And your analogy does not apply to military operations.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by walsbg22]

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