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IS anti-Male Sexism institutionalized?

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posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 03:05 PM
Im against all forms of extremism...that goes for male superiority complex aswell as female.Although to admit i find its woman who are more extreme in their views.That obviously doesn't mean its the same for everyone,but from my perspective and social groups im in its the females who have a superiority complex far more than men and have extremist views towards things.Its like watching car crash tv when i see them.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
reply to post by Edrick

I need to quote you a bit here, amazed. "I have the OP of this thread on mute I really don't know what he is saying" wtf? why bother expressing your freaking opinion on a thread where you are obviously not interested in what the OP is saying?
really? your screen name is amazed and I have to say it suits you. For the simple fact that you have amazed me.
" The foreskin contains sensory nerve receptors as are prevalent over the rest of the penis"
no freaking s$#%
So let me present the logical conclusion any sane person would come to after reading that line. You have sensory nerve receptors all over your penis! (provided that you have a penis of course

Does it hurt to pierce your ears? It's only skin! It's only cartilage!

Basically, because the person would completely ignore evidence, as it seems you have, and only bash on what any woman might have to say. The bashing had no intelligent discourse behind it either. Talk to me like an adult, and I will talk back with you as an adult. Otherwise expect to be ignored, or treated like a child.

Sounds like you did not read any of the evidence presented in regards to male circumcision either, nor did you read the evidence as to why FGM is not anywhere near like male circumcision.

If you want your penile cancer, even though evidence has PROVEN beyond a doubt that circumcision has almost completely stopped penile cancer. Keep your cancer then. Or the evidence that has proven that men who are circumcised compared to men who are not have a much more satisfying sex life. Please, continue to ignore what is fact.

I can only ask that you read the evidence I posted in regards to the benefits of male circumcision. And then do your own research, so as you are not relying on me supplying the evidence so you feel you can ignore it.

FGM, and having your ears pierced? Wow, how can you even link the two? FGM involves COMPLETE or PARTIAL REMOVAL of the female genitals, internal and external. It is nowhere near like getting your ears pierced, nor is it anywhere near what male circumcision is. If you are truly an intelligent adult, you will be willing to look at the facts, and move forward from that point. Instead of making a stand, and trying to force the evidence to be what you want it to be. That is not science.

Do you remember being circumcised? Women who go through FGM are old enough to remember, and scream in pain and REMEMBER the horror of it for the rest of their lives. NO anesthesia is used in the majority of cases, and many times it is done with a dirty knife, NOT in a doctors office and NOT by a doctor. In male circumcision, anesthesia is used along with sterile medical materials. NOT ONCE has a man ever died or spent lifelong pain from circumcision, though many women who go through FGM die, or spend their lives in pain.

Yes, I am aware that in some cases in male circumcision that infection can occur, I personally believe this has to do with the caretaker of the child not keeping the area clean while healing takes place.

The two, are not comparable. It is like trying to compare a splinter in your finger to a ten foot stake through your chest. Yes, in both cases you got stabbed with something wooden.

Not once have I denied that this world has sexism towards men. NOT ONCE. But many men refuse to even admit, that sexism exist, and has for a very long time, towards women in many many horrifying ways.

Or if they do admit that sexism towards women exist, they feel superior to women and believe that sexism towards women is appropriate.

Again, YES sexism on both sides exist. What are you willing to do to work towards stopping sexism on both sides of the spectrum?

Harm None

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by amazed

Again, YES sexism on both sides exist. What are you willing to do to work towards stopping sexism on both sides of the spectrum?

First of all, telling people who think that removing a part of my anatomy without my consent is NORMAL, that thy are inherently biased in some way.

Remember guys, It's only evil if it is done to a woman...

Men are fair game.

Oh, and since She has me on ignore, would someone kindly ask her for the source of her "Information"


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by amazed

I read what you posted and I'm once again amazed. I don't agree with you. It's very, very, simple. I don't agree. You remind me of one of those people who drains everyone around them of their precious energy with the way in which you address me. And then you insinuate that I want penile cancer!
Oh penile cancer! Indeed how I love thee!
Jerk. It's trashy to tell me to go ahead and keep my cancer.
I'm not comparing FGM and ear piercing, einstein. How could you miss the metaphor? It's to the forskin. Which you don't seem to think has any feeling or any useful purpose. I even quoted your line about the forskin having similar nerve endings as the rest of the penis. How could you miss it? Because you didn't read it. Just what you accuse me of doing. Ironic. Either that or you're blinded by a kind of femi-nazi rage, sounds like it's both.
Oh and Edrick, I would ask her your question for you, brother, but I'm done dealing with her. I've given her enough of my energy.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

The sad thing is, you ignore medical evidence.

Serious question.

Why do men, knowing the benefits of male circumcision. Fight against it. Give me your medical reasons behind pushing to stop circumcision.

Why do men, knowing FGM and male circumcision are in no way comparable, try to compare the two. To be able to compare the two, circumcision would have to involve complete or partial removal of the scrotum, the testicles and the penis. You can BET, that if that were the case, I would as well be against MGM(male genital mutilation) as I am against FGM(female genital mutilation). Circumcision, and FGM are in no way comparable.

Harm None

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by amazed
reply to post by dragonsmusic

The sad thing is, you ignore medical evidence.

Serious question.

Why do men, knowing the benefits of male circumcision. Fight against it. Give me your medical reasons behind pushing to stop circumcision.

Why do men, knowing FGM and male circumcision are in no way comparable, try to compare the two. To be able to compare the two, circumcision would have to involve complete or partial removal of the scrotum, the testicles and the penis. You can BET, that if that were the case, I would as well be against MGM(male genital mutilation) as I am against FGM(female genital mutilation). Circumcision, and FGM are in no way comparable.

Harm None

I guess this proves my original question correct.

Yes, Anti-Male Sexism is in fact SO institutionalized, they believe that it is for our own good.

She is incapable of seeing logical parallels, in fact, she is incapable of logic.

This is the premise of anti-male institutionalization.

Like FGM in other nations, Anti-Male sexism is considered the "Norm" here in the west, and if you try to expose it for what it is, you are ridiculed by people who do not have a clear understanding of reality, and in fact take all of their cues from an establishment whose goal is to do their thinking for them.

Oh, and Dragonmusic....

I don't Blame you.


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:41 PM
I do not think that there is a wide spread "anti-male" institutionalization.

Women are no longer excempt from the draft in Canada or the USA. They passed these amendments to the relevant laws about 2 years ago. With very little fanfare.

And I agree on male circumcision. I did not circumcize my son, with the full cooperation of my husband who is. If my son decides that he would like it done later, based on the evidence available to him, I will support whatever decision he makes on it.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I do not think that there is a wide spread "anti-male" institutionalization.

Most women don't

Women are no longer excempt from the draft in Canada or the USA. They passed these amendments to the relevant laws about 2 years ago. With very little fanfare.

Uh... No. not in the US anyways.

This is from the US selective service website, the section is "Who must Serve"

Check it out.

And I agree on male circumcision. I did not circumcize my son, with the full cooperation of my husband who is. If my son decides that he would like it done later, based on the evidence available to him, I will support whatever decision he makes on it.

That is all I am saying, Let the men make the desicion, instead of forcing it on him, the way that FGM are forced on women.

Doing this without consent, and then claiming Medical reasoning for doing it, is merely a justification of taking a choice from someone else.

"But is is for cleanliness!"

Yeah, because we just (As a society) ran out of soap... give me a break.


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:34 PM
And most men don't think that institutionalized anti-female and anti-family stance are around either.

Judicial reviews all over NA have consistently found that most men who contest custody get sole custody. 70%. That a goodly number of men never want full time custody isn't the courts fault, nor is it a sign of institutionalized bias.

Most of what you are posting isn't backed up by the evidence.

What I will give is that there is a bias to believe that men are aggessors in bad situations. Probably because when they are they do more damage, so it seems that way.

That's about the only serious "instituationized" bias against men. Most of the other ones are not supported allegations, and are often touted by men who have issues with women not being submissive and men "losing" their power by having like somehow there is a finite amount of personal power in the Universe and by women having it they are now afforded less of it. It is an emotive point based on nothing real.

A large number of the men promoting these ideas have a significant amount of palpable hatred. This is different than most feminist because they have hatred about having to fight legitimate oppression. The men who hat them have a beef with having to see women as equal at all. These are WAY different underlying issues. (yes, there are man-haters. It isn't the majority.)

Just be careful who you align yourself with. Look very carefully at yourself and your motivation. Look at theirs. Are they really just trying to promote "men's rights" or are they promoting female subservience and an angry hatred of women in general. There are a few who walk the line and are legitimate humanists. Most aren't.

Just as I should be careful to evaluate feminist thought, so should you be careful of the "mens" movement.

I do not make this up. My husband and father are quite the "manly men" and when they have read the stuff coming from this movement it makes them very disturbed.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Aeons

And most men don't think that institutionalized anti-female and anti-family stance are around either.

Yeah? what nation are you talking about?

Certainly not the west...

Why don't you do the world a favor, and quit complaining about this "Anti Female Bias" while you live in a nation that glorifies women at the expense of men.

Judicial reviews all over NA have consistently found that most men who contest custody get sole custody. 70%. That a goodly number of men never want full time custody isn't the courts fault, nor is it a sign of institutionalized bias.

I remember asking you for a source for this information a few threads ago... you have yet to provide it.

Most of what you are posting isn't backed up by the evidence.

Then you must have missed the FIRST PAGE of this thread, wher I cite FACTS from the department of Census.

Wow, your Bias is WILLFUL isn't it?

That's about the only serious "instituationized" bias against men.

So, you missed the first page where I point out the institutional biases against men...

Wow, your Bias is WILLFUL isn't it?

A large number of the men promoting these ideas have a significant amount of palpable hatred. This is different than most feminist because they have hatred about having to fight legitimate oppression.

Angry man is BAD.

Angry women is JUSTIFIED AND GOOD!



Listen lady, if you live in the western world, you are NOT OPPRESSED.



posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:07 AM
Edrick. Brilliant, man. Star and flag for you. I'm going to make you my second ats friend. well done, dude.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Thank you very much.

I am always happy to know that my work is appreciated

-Edrick (Please bring any more information on this thread topic here)

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Yes, you are correct, and it is intentional, feminism is a hate ideology invented by the jews to destroy gentile men. The courts, the police, jail guards, the federal system and many corporations have become feminized. If men do stand up for themselves they are threatened with police force which has become feminized and engineered to protect women and children first and men last or they are shamed and ridiculed. Men have become slaves of a feminized system.

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Gruber]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

Quite frankly I hold the guy in the same regard as talentless tools like Kid Rock

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