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*NEW* Michael Moore Movie

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by never_tell

Thats just it, its the people that dont do the research that actually believe the information that comes out in his films. I have watched a few of them, including Bowling for Columbine, which was full of improvised facts and slander.

micheal moore takes on these docu's to do nothing more than line his pocketbook, with his extremely slanted views and information thats not even close to fact.

You can say that people just "sit there and type on their keyboards" but i counter that there is plenty of information on the web that is accurate, all you have to do is look.

Again, its not surprise to me that his fils ARE popular with the group that you mentioned..."people who dont want to do the research" . This should never be an acceptable form of informing yourself.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

you're right... they should never be considered to be the bottom line, but given what we are shoveled as the truth my mass media, he's refreshing... the best thing someone like Moore does is call into question the "accepted" rhetoric and, perhaps with too much sensationalism, he jogs people's belief system... there's no doubt this is a business for him but there are far safer films to be made... i mean when you attack a family like the Bush, i'd be looking over my shoulder for ever... templars never forget...

all said, i've never found untruth in his films though they do appear one sided.. that's why he has a fan base... hard to imagine dolly parton singing rap.. isn't it?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by intrepid

It may not be necessary really, but I think it only erked you because you thinking highly of the man?

I've seen much worse things said about me personally and about bush that make that look like kind words, so I'm at a loss.

Although I do understand the concept of an eye for an eye, and will withdraw my insult of Moore, in hopes he stops insulting the land I live in
, as an immigrant was blessed to come here.

I just find the hypocrisy of him comparable to Pelosi saying she knew nothing of the torture, yet she's not going as far as to make a movie about it.

(IMO though I did find Sicko quite a good movie, in comparison to his others, so since you haven't seen it, i'd probably recommend that one to you, it covers the whole Health Care system, very sensationalist though, although I only got it cause I thought it was going to be about bush, sicko, moore detests bush, it only made sense.)

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:33 PM
I've come to the conclusion that he's a fat little lapdog for the elite, barking at all the wrong things.

Won't be watching this.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by blupblup


It works!

Thanks dude!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by DazE777

You're most welcome my friend.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

Has he always been this way or just recently? Seems to me only recently.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:34 PM
His old TV show was great back in the day.

The Awful Truth

It was quite hilarious, i do enjoy his sense of humor.

I do agree he only skims the surface and never really dives into the deep research.

But overall, he is pretty funny, and he makes some good points.

I have not seen Sicko yet either, but if i can watch it for free, i will.

The trailer for his new flick was good, i found it very funny. Looks like it will sell a lot of tickets.

I view him as a Comedian, not a real researcher. If you view it as comedy you will actually enjoy it.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by muzzleflash]

[edit on 15-6-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:53 PM
I think his movies are entertaining, but there isn't always a lot of fact behind them. Not as much as he makes out at least.

My girlfriend always tells me she wants to move to Canada because of free health care and what not, and then she watched Sicko and she was like' SEE!! I told you!'... I lived in England though, and a friend there had a dislocated jaw and had a 6 week wait to see a doctor with their free health care. I have another friend in Canada who drives to the US to go to the doctor because its hard to find a doctor who takes new patients where she lives and so it takes forever to get into a doctor, even though it's free.

I dunno, maybe I just know some unlucky people

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
IMO Michael Moore is like a washed out Alex Jones. They both have the same schtick.

They both present compelling information, that is over-sensationalized in order to garner more views and more fan base.

What media outlet, talk show, radio program, etc, doesn't do this? Well, nobody is as good at fear mongering as Alex Jones, not even Dick Cheney -- but basically what you describe is the exact same thing Rush Limbaugh does, Glen Beck, Chris Mathews, etc.

I do like Michael Moor. I'm not sure why so many people hate him -- but then again, in this country, being hated by the masses is often a sign you're on the right track.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Taskism

Health Care in Canada is very good and Sicko does show you the benifits of the Canadian system. Problem we are having now, I am Canadian BTW, is that too many immigrants come to this country and use the emergency rooms as walk in clinics. The story of your friend with the dislocated jaw sounds strange, if you walked into emerge they would treat you right away. Problem is you may have to wait 8 hours because there are 25 pakistanies with colds that need cough syurp.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Kaytagg

To compare Micheal Moore to Glenn Beck, Oreilly, or any OTHER actual news person including someone on liberal news channels is ridiculous!

If you cannot clearly see the difference between these people and Michael Moore then i am not surprised at all that youre a fan of his.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Darth_Prime
I'm not a fan of his. it's like he never really digs deep to uncover the real story, he just kind of skims the surface but wont say what is really going on. is this film really going to expose the FED? and the Bilderbergs and the Rothschilds?

it will probably end with him saying there are corrupt people in the banking industry and the government aids in helping them... but Obama has changed blah blah blah

he also contradicts himself at times, and says one thing and ends up doing another.

Although I have grown to actually like what he presents I must agree fully with this statement. Though he may 'appear' to be a conspiracy theorist, Michael Moore is NOT. He doesn't believe that there are big rich families behind everything.

Well, here's the problem. Who's behind all of these big corporations and the Fed? Come on Michael, take on the real enemy.

Coming soon from Michael Moore: NWO Exposed!

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Although I can see that you do not like him you are kind of pushing the limits on stating that he doesn't present facts. He does present facts. You can research them clearly. However, he does have his own agenda which is prevailent in his films. We know he is a liberal. Simply from what he is pushing.

But you cannot call BS on all of his stuff. Sorry, not buying it. Believe me, I tried and failed. I was NOT a MM fan at all. Actually, I despised the man. When he won his award for Feihrenheit I was PISSED. I was up there booing along with everyone else. But the man was right.

Do I like him? Well, let's just say he has grown on me.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by dariousg

actually i can, all one has to do is simply do a google search on how many supposed "facts" hes presented in his docu's are either outright lies or severely distorted , and you can pull up tons.

I suggest giving it a shot.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by DazE777
reply to post by Taskism

Health Care in Canada is very good and Sicko does show you the benifits of the Canadian system. Problem we are having now, I am Canadian BTW, is that too many immigrants come to this country and use the emergency rooms as walk in clinics. Problem is you may have to wait 8 hours because there are 25 pakistanies with colds that need cough syurp.

While I'm a firm supporter of the Canadian system, I will say that we have a shortage of doctors in Ontario...much of that to do with the hospital closings and cuts made by the previous right wing government.

If there are a lot of 'newcomers' in the emergency rooms, it is because they don't have their own personal doctors and the province is sending them to emergency rooms and walk-in clinics for treatment. Emergency rooms are run on a triage basis, and the only reason their colds would be more important than your needs is if you were as critical as them, and they got there first.

My doctor is south Asian, and is great. I wouldn't swap him for Marcus Welby!

And there is no way I would swap our system for the American model...or lack of it. Michael Moore nailed it pretty good. And to those who say he lies incessantly, an earlier poster pointed out where he had actually been successfully sued. Back in his first movie. Once.

Those sites that point out all of his lies? You telling me they aren't above lying to promote a right wing agenda? Come to Canada...we got a pill for that.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by dariousg

actually i can, all one has to do is simply do a google search on how many supposed "facts" hes presented in his docu's are either outright lies or severely distorted , and you can pull up tons.

I suggest giving it a shot.

Yes, and I can find as many GOOGLE facts proving what he has stated in his films. The problem is that the internet has flaws. People post on it. I had to do research on a couple documentaries for my MBA. Not what I was expecting for that program but I found it to be very enlightening. It is why I have switched from one side to the other. He does exxagerate his points at times but many of the issues he brings up are valid.

Gun control? No way. But others, yes.

Don't rely too much on Google my friend. Because it is NOT your friend. There is good data there but the sites you find that dispute his information are sites DESIGNED to dispute his information. In the same fashion that he brings his information to light. By blowing it up a bit. Their facts against his facts are also partial truths.

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