And we have a winner!!!!
SUPERNOVA is ...well...SUPER!!!
Thats right kids. The only country to be CONVICTED by an international court of terrorist acts was the United States, 1985-1986, for their illegal
war against the soveriegn nation of Nicaragua. Nicaragua took the correct legal actions and brought the case to the UN's general assembly. After
presenting evidence and having a trial, the United States was found guilty of illegal terrorist actions. The only two countries that voted against
this judgement were Isreal (!) and Micronesia.
The UN general assembly moved for a condemnation from the Security Council to STOP the illegal war. Knowing that they were no match for the United
States weight and power they instead drafted a resolution, "calling for all nations to respect and abide by international law." All of the security
nations voted for this except for one.
Thats right...the beacon of democracy and freedom for the world, the grand US of A. Actually Great Britian abstained from that vote.
I have to apologize for question (4). Its a trick question...there wasn't any domestic coverage of the proceedings, judgements or aftermath. When
it was finally leaked by the European press the US congress was forced to do something about it. They drafed legislation telling the Reagan/Bush 1
administration to stop the illegal war saying it violated international AND domestic law. How did the administration react??? They increased money
and weapons expenditures designed to overthrow the Nicarguan government while resorting to more subtle means to accomplish.
This little game employed a few actors you might might find surprising. Bush One, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, Oliver North, Paul wolfowitz and Saddam
Isn't it great to see them back on the stage again folks?!!
This was called the Iran/Contra scandal and gets minimal reflection by the main stream press.
Question 5 was in fact the Reagan/Bush One policy for dealing with African countries...specifically South Africa. It was designed to creat
instability in countries that might be unfavorable to American corporate business well as countries that had a nice supple of oil. In
fact, at its summation it created one of the best quotes by one of the former/returned actors on the world stage, Dick Cheney. When asked, at the
height of the anti-aparteid movement, what he thought about Nelson Mandela, he replied, "Nelson Mandela is one of the most horrific terrorists in the
world. He and his ANC (African National Congress) are a threat to freedom in South Africa....the worst possible scenario would be to have his message
spread to the surrounding countries...".
(Nice, huh?) I mean, the man only freed his people and won the Nobel peace prize. Some consider him to be the South African version of George
Washington. I wonder what Dick Cheney would have thought of Washington and his bunch of troublemakers.
Number 6...hmmm...I think answers itself. All of the reponses to that question are correct and I for one am IMPRESSED with what you guys came up.
Keeping thinking for're absolutely free.
Supernova, I'll look into the points transfer...nice job.
*its believed that up to 100.000 people died because of U.S actions in Nicargua from 1975 to 1991....that's a whole bunch of crumbling Twin Towers eh