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Our Mental Universe?

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posted on May, 21 2009 @ 04:44 PM

A quick question - has anyone ever experience similar?

When I was around 22 I was at work standing in a queue at the canteen counter when I said to the guy next to me that I was going to faint (never had before in my life).

Sure enough, down I went.

And then absolute 'electricity' 'peace'. 'tranquility', 'blinding whiteness'....

But then something - a voice but not a voice told me I had to go back. Naturally I was reluctant and mentally 'argued' but whatever it was (me?) it was forceful but gentle - I had to go back.

Next thing I came to and saw everyone around me - worried as hell whilst I was so content - Simply got up and took my steak salad sandwich and ate it.... but the 'world' still seemed worried. Apparently I had been out for about a minute or two but to me it seemed timeless...

Sure - I've read up on psycholoogy (and these days, on quantum physics) and it could have been neural synapse overload. But it was real.


[edit on 21-5-2009 by The Wave]

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[edit on 21-5-2009 by The Wave]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:30 PM
It could have been a number of things as far as I know, but what strikes me is how similar your account sounds to a brain scientist who had a stroke and lived to tell about it. She said her left hemisphere of her brain shut down, her analytical side, and she experienced a timeless and very serene and blissful state because she was operating only out of her right hemisphere. She wasn't unconscious, though.

At least it's the closest thing I can think of. Here's her giving her story:

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

Thanks for this - very interesting to hear the symptoms sounded similar. Feel it's a shame though we all can't on occassion experience and enjoy this alternate 'view' as it did put things into perspective.


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