posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 07:09 PM
The Second Amendment was a deciding factor in the last presidential election, with Bill Clinton himself ceding that Al Gore was defeated by the NRA
and other pro 2A groups.
Why is everyone so silent about the issue this time around?
Could it be that the Republicans feel secure after 2000? I hope not!
Could it be that the Democrats are just afraid of facing the issue? I think so.
G.W.B. may have signed his political �death warrant� by voicing his intent to sign the Assault weapon ban renewal �if it hit his desk� even though it
hasn�t. Many of the gun owners in this country see this as a stab in the back after the previous election. I am seeing dissent among even the
�hardcore� gun rights activists saying that they might vote for Kerry to teach the Republican Party a �lesson� for disregarding them.
Kerry on the other hand is saying virtually nothing on the issue as he has a terrible record in the Senate as far as individual gun rights. Sure he
paraded around some reporters to film him shooting a well-placed pheasant but what does that prove? It only showed me that he could be barbaric along
with the rest of them. I�m sure every gun owner will be happy to �turn them all in�(California mantra) to enable the Federal government absolute
control of the population. I also have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale�
This is an issue that I, personally, believe needs more attention. We ARE talking about the SECOND amendment here. Don�t you think the founding
fathers had a good reason to amend the Constitution so early with such text?
As someone (sorry, forgot the source) once said, �The Second Amendment is the last protection for the First.�