posted on May, 10 2004 @ 01:10 PM
really interesting, amazing!!
I'm in Pennsylvainia USA....about 2 hours drive east of the 3 mile island site although i was only 1 year old at that time, I heard
stories that, they paid a team of people, a bunch of money to run in and man a bunch of valves. But I think those people actually became very ill
later and died? anyone else here that?
I guess it goes without say, but I also heard that it was down to minutes and the rods would have melted through the facility and and
probably kept melting clear through to the other side of the planet???
and now I found out on here that they want to stockpile spent plutonium in a tunnel in arizona or new mexico?
forgot to add I also live about 2 miles west of the limerick powerplant wich fuels most of philadelphia, since 911 they have had military patrolmen
I guess most powerplants sit close to a body of water of some sort?
what a stupid design,
wouldnt it make more sense and be safer to pump the water from a long distance as to not contaminate a natural body of water, I guess either way if
somthing happens, radiation finds it way into everything no matter what huh?
I wonder if theres any coralation between atom and adam???
[Edited on 10-5-2004 by Qlone]