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global warming: GMO that sucks up more CO/CO2?

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posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:19 AM
global warming: GMO that sucks up more CO/CO2?

they've cloned animals/plants, made glow-in-the-dark animals/plants, haven't they?

Why not tinker with the genes of grass or some other prolific plant to process exponentially more carbon in the atmosphere into beneficial compounds for the soil? You know, secrete it into the soil as fertilizer.

Don't they offer a prize for this?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:36 AM
I have actually heard of research being done into this, Grass that was a brighter green color which reflected light and used more Co2 for respiration than normal dark green photosynthesis plants.

It actually had its funding pulled.. probably because it was too practical.

Why would any of the "official global Warming" bodies want an invention that will guarantee a drop in Co2 in the atmosphere?

That would mean a serious drop in the green infrastructure funding that these 'bodies' are receiving from all the wealthier nations and mess up the whole 'new sustainable green global infrastructure' plan that is underway.

Remember, whether real or not.. Co2 and Warming are being used to scare us into weaning ourselves off fossil fuel commodities.. any good invention will be suppressed unless it is really really needed..

At the moment its obviously not.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by reject
global warming: GMO that sucks up more CO/CO2?

they've cloned animals/plants, made glow-in-the-dark animals/plants, haven't they?

Why not tinker with the genes of grass or some other prolific plant to process exponentially more carbon in the atmosphere into beneficial compounds for the soil? You know, secrete it into the soil as fertilizer.

Don't they offer a prize for this?

Yeah maybe it would work! Plants are able to do this with nitrogen as part of a very natural process. Although to try and introduce such organisms into an ecosystem may have pretty serious consequences, so they'd have to be careful there.
Side note: CO is carbon monoxide, which plants don't use. Other than that, great post!

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Dermo

so, some people have already thought about this, huh. that is cool. too bad those in authority about global warming didn't share their vision.

reply to post by purehughness
thanks. Yeah I think the peanut does that.

I was hoping they could tweak the genes enough so that they'd suck even CO out of the air.

so, you'te worried pollination might spread this carbon into fertilizer trait to other plants and we might not be able to pump enough carbon into the atmosphere to sustain the plants ultimately causing plants to die out and we'd have no more food and oxygen source? Is that even possible? whoa!

[edit on 20-4-2009 by reject]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 02:28 PM
All plants are part of the nitrogen cycle, it's so amazing how everything works, never ceases to astound me.
On the other thing, pollution-wise, you've got me wrong. What I meant was that modified organisms can have such an advantage over others, that the unmodified ones might lose any evolutionary advantages and die out, causing a homogenised ecosystem, in which everything will slowly die out. My thought is don't fix what isn't broken (nature's ability to restore balance over time), and don't bend nature to suit the needs of those who are destroying it (us).

Saying that, maybe plants will slowly evolve to be able to take in more CO2, and maybe even CO as the atmosphere builds a higher carbon content?

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