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posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:34 AM
There is no grand plot to "depopulate" the country with "bird flu" carried in commercial trucks.

THINK about it before the paranoia takes over completely.

There IS something going on, sinister, evil and agenda driven.

FEAR of this government installs the illusion that they have more power than they actually have. The REALITY is that they actually have very little power over the people of this nation. Only the power the people give them and the constitution provides them.

There are right wing radicals who want YOU to fear this government, want you paranoid, need you to be AFRAID and are actively using the media and Internet to spread wild paranoid irrational fear of the government.


Because they plan to exploit your fear of this government in future elections where they plan to become YOUR saviors, they will rescue you from this evil government, all that will be required is your VOTE when the time comes and you will be saved from this evil government.

Sound familiar?

This tactic has been used before, by both left and right wing radical agenda driven political party members.

The DHS plans have been fairly open, their mandate came from the chaos that was the Katrina disaster, they are simply planning for natural and man made disasters and potential crises so that another Katrina scenario never happens again. There is NO grand plot to put people in camps, to exterminate people etc... BUT there are radical elements who are politically motivated, who will do whatever they can to make YOU believe that there is some secret evil plans to destroy this country, collapse the economy and enslave the masses.

Do NOT give in to the paranoia, hysteria, fear and give them the ability to exploit that when the time comes to vote.

Calm down, THINK on it for a while and then ask yourselves again if you are willing to believe any of this crap about a secret plot to depopulate the country, collapse the economy and install some new super evil big bad NWO?

Of course none of it will matter until election day.

And seriously, not much else will happen between now and then except the planting of unsubstantiated speculation and allegations, rumors, tales of grand evil plots and plans etc. You can make a difference when the time comes, show them that you did NOT fall for it.

Live, be happy, things are going to eventually get better. don't waste your energies on irrational fears.

Don't let them win.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Paranoia is fun.

Remember, just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

I always try and think about the logistics of these massive government coverups and wonder if some of them wouldn't just be cheaper to not do in the first place.

Politically, they have been doing the whole save you from the evil government thing for a long time.

Republicans are doing it now.

Democrats did it in the last election.

We flip, flop, back and forth between the two parties, meanwhile both parties just have their adgenda that screws us over one way or another.

Maybe someday we all will get tired of it and vote independant.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:03 AM
Hardly anyone is talking about bird flu. I think the bird flu stuff is rubbish. We have seen with aids, that human beings on mass are far harder to kill of than they think.

Personally i think they control the birth rates,a nd do not really need to control the death rates that much other than they withhold cures etc...

But the saying is true, just because your paranoid, does not mean they are not out to get you. The government and olice use paranoia as a way to ddestroy there victims.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Truckers used to unwittingly transport avian flu

I would suggest you do some thorough research before you post an opinionated thread like this.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Ellirium113]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Ellirium113

I have been involved in a discussion on that topic, and it is linked at the top of the opening post.

I also suggest you read my opening post again.



posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish
There is no grand plot to "depopulate" the country with "bird flu" carried in commercial trucks.

Maybe there is a grand plot. Maybe there is not. We won't know until/unless they make a move.

I am distressed about the conversations painting a pandemic as a foregone conclusion. I am distressed about the creation of Northcom. I am distressed that we still don't have the facts about 9/11. I am distressed when congressmen talk about the antics on capital hill:

There IS something going on, sinister, evil and agenda driven.

I agree.

FEAR of this government installs the illusion that they have more power than they actually have. The REALITY is that they actually have very little power over the people of this nation. Only the power the people give them and the constitution provides them.

These people have been systematically ignoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights for a long time now. The Federals have packed state governments with agents loyal to them. The Federals/military have a documented history of using our population as guinea pigs for some heinous experiments for over 80 years. The Federals sold out out our country to the privately-owned "Federal Reserve" banking system almost 100 years ago.

Fact is: The monsters and their complaint MSM have seized control.

There are right wing radicals who want YOU to fear this government, want you paranoid, need you to be AFRAID and are actively using the media and Internet to spread wild paranoid irrational fear of the government.


Because they plan to exploit your fear of this government in future elections where they plan to become YOUR saviors, they will rescue you from this evil government, all that will be required is your VOTE when the time comes and you will be saved from this evil government.

I may be wrong but I believe we might have seen our last national "election". I must confess that I won't miss the dog-n-pony show. The voting irregularities, diebold voting machines and "two-party" system lead me to believe that our political efforts are a poor joke.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Just remember we are all harder to kill off than the smart people thought. i.e just look at aids, has not really killed that many really has it?

Just remember that the human collective has some way of dealing with threats, like this, we are all alot more than just our 3d bodies.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Guess what, I just follow the dots and do many hours of research and investigating claims.

Guess what to that?

There are valid - though they may seem paranoid claims out there.

Lets take some examples.... shall we?

Lets look at chemtrails....

People had been claiming for years something has been up with that... well what did we have this week... a news article about Obama maybe doing some "weather related seedings and putting pollution in the air".

Why did that come out? Because there is so much evidence on the internet that chemtrails really do exist!

Now, lets take another example:

All the 9/11 info. What came out this week...... evidence of active explosives still in the dust, that could not have come from planes.
Again, a "crazy conspiracy" theory is being validated.

Ok, lets take another example:

FEMA camps... well lots of evidence on this one... even govt. paperwork, now the CONgress has a bill in to validate them. Again people were considered "nuts" who believed in them before.

That is how things work, when there is truth to matters, people have to be combated by being labeled a "nut" who want to research it more and find validation in them.

SO.... the bird flu, there is evidence of the U.S. govt and pharma companies doing shady things with it.

AGain, take the "mistake" of Baxter sending out to 18 countries live bird flu. Though claims by experts say that "mistake" could never happen - had to be on purpose.

Also, look at Indonesia refusing to send any more bird flu samples to the U.S. due to the U.S. making bird flu.

SO....... call me crazy call me a conspiracy nut...................... but don't call me that, when there is proof, that something is wrong somewhere, and somebody is not telling the truth somewhere.

So one more question........................ who has the history of lying to people????

Answer that!

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by rko_radio

Maybe there is a grand plot. Maybe there is not. We won't know until/unless they make a move.

That doubt you have is a sign that their plans to create fear and uncertanty are working.


I am distressed about the conversations painting a pandemic as a foregone conclusion. I am distressed about the creation of Northcom. I am distressed that we still don't have the facts about 9/11. I am distressed when congressmen talk about the antics on capital hill:

You are distressed because that is exactly the way they want you to be.

Uh, another youtube video?

I'm impressed.

These people have been systematically ignoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights for a long time now. The Federals have packed state governments with agents loyal to them. The Federals/military have a documented history of using our population as guinea pigs for some heinous experiments for over 80 years. The Federals sold out out our country to the privately-owned "Federal Reserve" banking system almost 100 years ago.

Fact is: The monsters and their complaint MSM have seized control.

You have drank the Koolaid.

You've been listening to Rush, Hannity, and Beck haven't you?

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by questioningall
........................ who has the history of lying to people????

Answer that!

If you read my opening post you will see that extreme elements of both parties have used the tactic of FEAR to manipulate the people.

You can either soak it up and spread it around to others or see what is REALLY going on here. The choice is yours to make.

Take the blinders off for a while. Try a little objective logic from a pure centrist position, look to the right and the left and perhaps you will find some shredded elements of truth.

Who is or isn't telling lies in this game depends entirely on your perspective.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:24 PM
It’s an interesting post and ‘theory’, I imagine once upon a time someone was saying “Yeah right, Oliver North flew to Iran, arranged to sell them a bunch of spare parts for their U.S. Fighter Jets and then took the profits to Nicaragua to fund the Contras so they can overthrow the Sandinistas? That’s the craziest story I ever heard!”

Conspiracies are a part of life my friend. Some guy named Caesar plotted to take over the Roman Republic! Can you believe it? Some guy named Charlemagne plotted to force the Holy Roman Empire on Europe! Crazy you say, I know. Some guy named George Washington conspired with Ben Franklin and others to overthrow English Rule here in the colonies! Thankfully that didn’t work out either.

The turning points of history are full of diabolical and intricate conspiracies aimed at seizing power and controlling the masses.

People conspire daily to cheat on their taxes, cheat on their spouses, cheat on applications, cheat in traffic and pretty much cheat just about everywhere they can for some slight or great advantage depending on their ambition and nerve.

Some people lack ambition, some people lack nerve, some people lack both.

The people who lack both have a hard time imagining anyone could be different than they are.

Everything is fine, nothing to worry about, you see there are just too many of us here in the camp for us to all take private showers, we have to take communal showers like this, makes sense, nothing to worry about. Oh that no cause for alarm, it’s probably some kind of freshening agent or deodorizer that sprays out of the shower nozzles first, just another ingenious way they are looking out for us, and helping to keep us clean and healthy, see look take a big whiff…cough..hack..cough…wow that’s…cough…really…hack…couch…some…thi…….

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

Maybe someday we all will get tired of it and vote independant.

That is the time when the human race will advance beyond animals.

Sadly it will likely never happen and there is the real conspiracy.

A perpetually divided people keeps open the void that true evil can eventually fill.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Everything is fine, nothing to worry about, you see there are just too many of us here in the camp for us to all take private showers, we have to take communal showers like this, makes sense, nothing to worry about. Oh that no cause for alarm, it’s probably some kind of freshening agent or deodorizer that sprays out of the shower nozzles first, just another ingenious way they are looking out for us, and helping to keep us clean and healthy, see look take a big whiff…cough..hack..cough…wow that’s…cough…really…hack…couch…some…thi…….

So, we are now somehow headed back to the gas chambers and the Nazis have somehow regained power in the United states under their new supreme black leader President Obama who is secretly planning with congress to enslave the masses with socialist reforms, to reduce the population through the spread of lethal contagions, to destroy the capitalist system and to rise to global domination through the establishment of a new world order?

Look I'm not saying there aren't things to worry about, this or any government will make mistakes and likely in some ways exploit and/or abuse their powers. But we have come a long way since WWII when if memory serves me we defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

The problem here is the difference between substantiated fear of government and irrational fears of government and how those fears can be exploited to achieve political objectives.

It is not a new game, in fact it is getting old already... What I find alarming is how many people fall into this game and are unable to see what is actually going on. I suppose it is easier to jump on the fear bandwagon than to actually attempt to substantiate that fear before falling for it.

Yes I suppose the sky is really falling, the aliens are invading, WWIII is going to happen, masses are going to be exterminated, the economy is going to collapse completely, the NWO will take over, volcanoes will erupt, fires, floods, starvation, earthquakes, asteroid impacts, global warming and climate change and much more... And...

It will all be president Obama's fault.... At least until another is elected.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:15 PM
changed my mind

[edit on 12-4-2009 by dkman222]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:04 PM

So, we are now somehow headed back to the gas chambers and the Nazis have somehow regained power in the United states under their new supreme black leader President Obama who is secretly planning with congress to enslave the masses with socialist reforms, to reduce the population through the spread of lethal contagions, to destroy the capitalist system and to rise to global domination through the establishment of a new world order?

First I was not aware the Nazis had ever lost power in the United States? You might want to actually check exactly who funded Hitler and why. It’s nice you believe President Obama runs the country or plans anything beyond what might be had for dinner.

As far as population reduction, it becomes necessary from time to time when people breed like bunny rabbits and refuse to consider the earth has its limitations.

The New World Order? It’s here read the back of the U.S. 1 Dollar Bill. I know they don’t teach Latin on Entertainment Tonight but that does not mean there are not some very entertaining ideas put forward in Latin, like in the Law.

Look I'm not saying there aren't things to worry about, this or any government will make mistakes and likely in some ways exploit and/or abuse their powers. But we have come a long way since WWII when if memory serves me we defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

I didn’t storm the Chancellery and I am pretty sure you did not either my friend. The we suggests at least some kind of belief in some collective wisdom gained from that endeavor that for a person who was not there and does not even have a sound or substantial rendering of History from that time period is akin to something called a placebo.

Why is it that you think the OSS/CIA and the Vatican worked so hard to get Nazi’s out of Europe and where do you think they headed to?

The problem here is the difference between substantiated fear of government and irrational fears of government and how those fears can be exploited to achieve political objectives.

Your perception of Government is based on…how much time spent as a fly on the wall in various halls around the Capital and the world? Not gathering intelligence as a means to having no relevant intelligence does not make the lack of intelligence relevant my friend.

It is not a new game, in fact it is getting old already... What I find alarming is how many people fall into this game and are unable to see what is actually going on. I suppose it is easier to jump on the fear bandwagon than to actually attempt to substantiate that fear before falling for it.

Why is it you assume forewarned is not forearmed? A healthy dose of fear goes a long way when it is not crippling but merely an act of empowerment for those who act wisely in concordance with their fears…

Example, I am going to cross the street, now I know most motorists will do anything in their power not to hit a pedestrian…therefore I should just be able to proceed directly across the street without pausing to look both ways? No, I am going to pause and look both ways rather than just assuming everyone will hit their brakes in time.

You simply assume there is no traffic on the highway and would like people to stop looking both ways. Interesting approach to life, so is the one where you try to convince everyone else their fears are not real in order to make your own go away, or to simply not have any.

Yes I suppose the sky is really falling, the aliens are invading, WWIII is going to happen, masses are going to be exterminated, the economy is going to collapse completely, the NWO will take over, volcanoes will erupt, fires, floods, starvation, earthquakes, asteroid impacts, global warming and climate change and much more... And...

It will all be president Obama's fault.... At least until another is elected.

You are stuck in an age old left right; yes no, up down trap my friend. I could care less who is President of the United States; the meter maid on my street has more power invested in her than the President does.

You cling to a narrow view of life and the world and the universe. I am happy that it makes you happy. It does not in and of itself make life that narrow, the world that simple, or the universe so irrelevant.

There are always worlds and worlds within worlds, and worlds within worlds within worlds waiting to be discovered my friend.

Once upon a time this nation was full of pioneers and people with innovative and indomitable spirit. Personally I would love to know what conspiracy did away with them and left us with a mindless population who assumes because one personality they admire is in a position they really don’t understand, in a world and a universe they really don’t understand that there is nothing to fear, nor nothing to contemplate, nor nothing to discover and learn beyond the very simple things that they are told to accept.

Things that when you really start to look at them isn’t so simple at all, I suspect you will get on splendidly in the ever changing future so no worries!

The rest of us love to conspire to have as much of our way as we can and we tend to keep a sharp eye on those who might likewise be conspiring to keep us from succeeding in what we conspire.

It’s a human thing, that one day, you really will understand.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish

Maybe there is a grand plot. Maybe there is not. We won't know until/unless they make a move.

That doubt you have is a sign that their plans to create fear and uncertainty are working.

That doubt means that I would like to find reports that are verifiable. A website spouting charges is not proof. An anonymous lady calling a radio show is not proof. Could we have been listening to a modern day version of "War of the Worlds"?

We need info that is verifiable, then we need to get prosecutors and law enforcement involved.

I am distressed about the conversations painting a pandemic as a foregone conclusion. I am distressed about the creation of Northcom. I am distressed that we still don't have the facts about 9/11. I am distressed when congressmen talk about the antics on capital hill:

You are distressed because that is exactly the way they want you to be.

Uh, another youtube video?

I'm impressed.

Did you *watch* that particular video?

These people have been systematically ignoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights for a long time now. The Federals have packed state governments with agents loyal to them. The Federals/military have a documented history of using our population as guinea pigs for some heinous experiments for over 80 years. The Federals sold out out our country to the privately-owned "Federal Reserve" banking system almost 100 years ago.

Fact is: The monsters and their complaint MSM have seized control.

You have drank the Koolaid.

You've been listening to Rush, Hannity, and Beck haven't you?

I've been reading about US atrocities for several decades. The US government is not a legitimate government. Hasn't been for many decades.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Once upon a time this nation was full of pioneers and people with innovative and indomitable spirit. Personally I would love to know what conspiracy did away with them..

A two party system that has learned to achieve success through baseless allegations, lies and spreading unfounded fears among the people has left people afraid, disillusioned and apathetic.

The people you speak of are still here, they have simply lost the innovative indomitable spirit through decades of excess and entitlements.

As you said a healthy dose of fear may be good, living with unsubstantiated fears of the government will leave people easily manipulable by an opposing party. That kind of fear is especially good for those with a political agenda, it is exactly how the current controlling party and president gained their power, and Ironically the opposition is now using the same fear tactics to bring them down.... An entirely predictable result.

The good ole days are gone my friend, at least for as long as the masses can be made to live in fear of the government that is actually there to serve them.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by rko_radio

First of all I'll be honest, I did not watch the video, for some reason I have developed a strong aversion to youtube videos. So no I did not watch it, can you give me some highlights and please explain why I should watch it?

I've been reading about US atrocities for several decades. The US government is not a legitimate government. Hasn't been for many decades.

Atrocities happen in all governments. Since we are a free nation that the founding fathers deemed a nation of the people by the people and for the people. Whether legitimate or not, what we have now WE the American people are solely responsible for. We have through apathy and through the tactics of fear and manipulation by political extremists and parties have given them their power over us.

WE can take it back.

WE are the ONLY vehicle for REAL change in this country.

WE had better wake up to this and do something about it before it is too late and one day we do fall under the control of a tyranical dictatorship and find that there is no way back.

If you want FEAR, then be afraid of what could happen if the American people do not rise above the tactics of fear and agenda driven politics.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:22 PM

As you said a healthy dose of fear may be good, living with unsubstantiated fears of the government will leave people easily manipulable by an opposing party. That kind of fear is especially good for those with a political agenda, it is exactly how the current controlling party and president gained their power, and Ironically the opposition is now using the same fear tactics to bring them down.... An entirely predictable result.

No offence my friend but you are basically putting forth a glass is half full a glass is happy empty argument.

Your fixation is on two parties...mine is on the world.

Your fixation is trust in the government and believe if you are not it is a manipulation of the other party.

I haven't voted since 1984...

I don't trust either. Why? Because I trust the people who actually run the government a whole lot more.

Now did I just say I trust the government? No, I said I trust the people who run the that the President? The head of the Senate? The House Speaker?

No to all of the above. The people who run the government hold no position in it, it is merely a creation of their will for your digestion. You see they believe you believe in it.

They believe that you believe that both parties who vie to be in governmnet are vieing for themselves and vieing for you.

The reality is they are not vieing for themselves, or vieing for you, they are vieing for their Masters.

Now do I trust the people who run the government to do the right thing? I trust them to do what they consider to be the right things for them. Is that the right thing for you?

Evidently so! You seem not to care much about anything except some limiting left right camp argument and some distorted belief if you aren't in one camp you are in the other by default, and if you don't believe justly in what the camp in power contends you must believe unjustly what ever the camp not in power must falsely contend.

All you can see is to the left and to the right.

Left and right are passages my friend.

Black and White are Hues.

You can face the truth that the truth is not the truth.

[edit on 12/4/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Your fixation is trust in the government and believe if you are not it is a manipulation of the other party.

Actually my fixation here is the manipulation of the people through the tactics of fear. But if you believe otherwise good on you.

I actually enjoy reading your contributions here.

I trust only the people, for it is the people who have all of the power but have lost it to a two party political system that is empowered by installing FEAR in the people.

I do have faith that one day people will realize the game that is being played to win their confidence and votes, and THE PEOPLE will once again set the proper course for this nation and government.

The world is in many ways tied to the success or failure of the USA, that may sound arrogant but it is the truth. If the US economy fails so does the world, the USA and the world cannot allow this GAME to continue to be played when at the end of each election cycle more extreme agendas are pushed through which can further damage the nation and thus the world.

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