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Is Obama Being Set Up As A Fall Guy?

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posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 12:35 PM
I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but it looks like a conspiracy forum so I will post it here and the mods can move it at their leisure.

Here is my hypothesis after reading a lot of threads on here about meltdowns and global governments.

Was Obama let to win because he would be a better fall guy if it all went wrong?

I am open to any comments on this question, good/bad/indifferent..

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Possibly, but doubtful. It is more likely the just saw him as the person who was the most presentable to the public. Who could talk the people into anything and get them to believe it, etc, etc.

I do think that they would not hesitate one moment to "throw him under the bus" if push came to shove for them. But I don't think that was their sole or initial purpose for appointing him.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:04 PM
I think yes.He wanted to be the first black president so bad that he basically paid 800 billion dollars to have the problems he has now.
Not too smart.
Pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
I do wonder if this was racially motivated in that he is in a lose lose predicament.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Well given the situation in which our economy is right now, any president that had to deal with this will become a fall guy for all those other presidential administrations that cause the mess we are right now.

Unfortunately Obama claim to "change" attracted all those people that were desperate for that change.

His presidency will be indeed historical as he is the president that will at least attempt to fix what many didn't gave a crap about in years past.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by burth179
Possibly, but doubtful. It is more likely the just saw him as the person who was the most presentable to the public. Who could talk the people into anything and get them to believe it, etc, etc.

I do think that they would not hesitate one moment to "throw him under the bus" if push came to shove for them. But I don't think that was their sole or initial purpose for appointing him.

He will be thrown under the bus after his second term, if there is one. This first term will be all about blaming the last administration. You can see it coming every time he gives a speech about the economy and says "I inherited a debt". We understand he did but do we need to hear about it over and over again. Its like he wants us to blame Bush everytime he gets to spend money that further sinks us.

After 8 though he is all on his own.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:12 PM
Well if not Obama, then I just need to know WHO to blame.

I heard about a co-workers daughter today, she had several credit cards maxed out and was able to settle with the CC companies for pennies on the dollar. WHY do I have to pay for her overspending?

Think about how this all went down. For years, credit card companies/banks sent us offers (everyday practically) to open an account with them. Lots of people took them up on them, maxed them out, now they can't pay the balances. So what does our Prez do? He gives the banks billions of dollars to pay for the balances that people who could not resist their constant barrage of offers can't pay. I happen to know that this particular co-workers daughter has been leasing a BMW for the last few years. How messed up is this picture?

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
I think yes.He wanted to be the first black president so bad that he basically paid 800 billion dollars to have the problems he has now.
Not too smart.
Pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
I do wonder if this was racially motivated in that he is in a lose lose predicament.

I wondered that about the racially motivated as well, I didn't vote for him, it just appears like he's the guy being manipulated like a puppet right now and will eventually be cut loose if the "grand plan" fails..

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Guys, if he makes it to 8, then yes he will be thrown under the bus. Why? Because he has served as far as he can go. He wouldn't have anything to lose.

Thats the way it goes. You are wonderful until you can't help anymore. Thats the way it happened with Bush and thats the way its going to happen with Obama.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Obama, Clinton or McCain? McCain couldn't win because voting against him was the only way the American people had to repudiate George W. Bush.

So, Obama or Clinton? I think from the point of view of the string pullers, Obama had one big thing going for him, inexperience. The Clintons are too saavy, too tough. Hilary Clinton would have been too strong a president, not so much in the international arena, but on the home front.

From the CTer's point of view, the only question remaining is what are the powers that be going to do with Obama? What are they going to use him for?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:38 PM
No, in my humble opinion President Obama is not an innocent or a dupe. While his appeal has been broad amongst a precisely targeted group of people, he was branded and marketed in such a way to be very appealing to those targeted groups of people.

His political accomplishments lacked the significance and success to warrant his meteoric and extremely well funded and superbly marketed rise.

I do not mean this in a denigrating way; it’s just that I have read his failed attempts at legislation stored online at the Library of Congress. There was nothing of substance in them which is why few were ever cosponsored and none were passed into law despite being the poster child of the Democratic Party from the moment he delivered the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, which in fact was the start of his campaign to become President.

I think the Powers that Be had at that point in 2004 already mapped out their plans for the remainder of the Bush years and were those plans would leave the nation’s economy, and the nation’s mood at.

President Obama’s lack of legislative track record worked in his favor as you couldn’t particularly pin anything failed on him, just his lack of legislative accomplishment. Many minorities and youth voted for him simply because he was a minority and young and handsome and stylish and ‘hip’. Most weren’t the type of people who would spend countless hours reading his actual legislation or doing independent research on him, but were instead inclined to believe his lack of legislative achievement wasn’t through ineptitude or incompetence but that his ‘change’ messages had been rejected by an inept and incompetent corrupt establishment he meant to change.

His broad appeal to these classes, and the divisiveness and pageantry of the election kept eyes off of a truly corrupt and despicable administration and to corrupt and despicable houses and parties in congress putting through their last thefts and lies and setting the stage for the next round of thefts and lies.

Like all Presidents his job is to protect the previous administrations greatest crimes. It’s not the Whitewaters and Monica Gates that need to be hidden, those are the ruses designed to make you think that’s the mere depth of the corruption. President Obama in turn will through out relatively benign tidbits in regard to President Bush to make it seem like his corruptions and crimes only reached a much shallower depth than they actually went too. It’s like offering up the paraphernalia to the questioning officer while hoping that admission keeps them from finding or wanting to look for the stash bag itself.

President Obama like every President and Presidential candidate since JFK has been carefully vetted by the CIA to ensure he carries out their agenda. He understands that his job is to carry out their agenda. He understands that double crossing them comes with a deadly price as well. It’s no coincidence when administrations change; Defense Secretaries, Intelligence Heads, and Federal Reserve Chairman rarely if ever do, regardless of a switch in parties. It’s the heads of those powerful agencies and departments that are tasked by the powers that be to run the government.

There are no innocents in politics.

This is a great video by former pro-wrestler and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. In it he explains his first surprise appointment on his first day on the job as Minnesota’s Governor. He arrived to his office on the first day to find out that despite having no appointments scheduled one had been scheduled for him. It turned out to be a group of 20 CIA officials who were assembled and waiting for him in the Capital’s Basement. They only had one question for him. How did you get elected? Evidently he was not their man, and they hadn’t envisioned him ever gaining the votes to win but had seen him as a fringe kind of lark candidate like the humor columnist Dave Berry or the rock Guitarist Joe Walsh who always run for President of the United States for giggles.
No one expects them to win so they aren’t vetted or officially apprised of the lay of the land. The CIA was greatly concerned in Ventura’s case because they had relegated him to that similar lark candidate status that some conspiracy was afoot and an ability to rig the election might have transpired. It was their only question for him. Believe me when I say Barack Obama was not classed with Dave Barry or Joe Walsh.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:09 PM
HI Vkey08! Good thread and nice job! Star and flag!
As to the question, it remains to be seen I feel.
It is very possible, whether anyone evens knows it yet.
Obviously by what he is doing he is using the old tactics,
so he mustsa been "briefed" when taking over.
Remember it was one of the smoothest transitions ever.

I dont think the old standards really apply anymore.
We are trying to prop up an old way of life instead of evolving.

Everyone else has good comments here also.
Bambeni, I think it is because we dont teach economics in school.
It has to be! So many dont have a clue about handling their
money and they will be the first to admit it!

It must be taught and learned!
In a capitalistic society, without strict laws and morals, corruption
will run rampant due to the very nature of that society.
We made a grave mistake when we trusted the banks instead
of our own ability to say no. I hope its not too late.
Obama does seem to be the fall guy for the grim new reality though.
We all have the responsibility of prudence.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Well given the situation in which our economy is right now, any president that had to deal with this will become a fall guy for all those other presidential administrations that cause the mess we are right now. Unfortunately Obama claim to "change" attracted all those people that were desperate for that change. His presidency will be indeed historical as he is the president that will at least attempt to fix what many didn't gave a crap about in years past.

Marg, wait a minute. Obama helped PUSH the "Bailout Bill". He was PART of the Problem. He didn't just inherit it, he actively helped MAKE the problem he now has. You and many others recognized back in October how bad that Bailout Bill would be. To give him a pass, when he is PART of the Problem, is wrong.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Very good points, that I really hadn't sat down and considered. I had not paid enough attention to the Fed Chairman from administration to administration as until this recent crisis, every now and again you'd hear the name of Alan Greenspan, but it wasn't so much a word in the vernacular of most Americans.

Dodadoom , thanks

I have to think a little more on this before I post further, lest i make a comment that isn't well thought out.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 09:03 AM
Mr. Obama has been schooled into the globalist agenda. after all he is a new comer - taking the riens of the global empire of the British Crown.
after all England could not hold her empire with 18th Century Technology so she shifted her Military Might to her unexploited North American Territories... Canada and United States which is part of the United Kingdom. This keeps her mighty power distant from standing Armies.
Clinton and Obama were both given their parts at the Bilderberg meeting in 2007 or was it in 2006.... hummmm....
Any who, I envision a strong objection from 300 million so called subjects. so, around 1960 something changed... I think it was how successful, our CIA was at removing Irans duely elected by the people of IRAN Mossodah... he was elected by the people to serve as their president... CIA sabotaged his rule in favor of a deposed dictator the Shah.. so we overthrew a person elected by their people and put in a dictator... Source "Confessions of a Economic Hitman"
So, being born to support such freedoms - I find myself in a weird situation, when thinking about what is really going on....

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:51 PM
I definitely think so. Who better to blame then the person everyone confided in? People would be unable to look past the black mask and find the REAL people to be blamed.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but it looks like a conspiracy forum so I will post it here and the mods can move it at their leisure.

Here is my hypothesis after reading a lot of threads on here about meltdowns and global governments.

Was Obama let to win because he would be a better fall guy if it all went wrong?

I am open to any comments on this question, good/bad/indifferent..

Yes, but not in the way that you think. TPTB get the "most money for the dollar".

If he is assassinated, why it will be a "racist white guy", resulting in riots.

If he is found out to NOT be a "natural born citizen", then he will be kicked out of the office, with black people saying that it's another "white conspiracy". (Never mind that they didn't stop to think why the Democrats didn't nominate a black person that DIDN'T have this hanging over his head)

If he gets his ideas through Congress, why then TPTB get what they want anyway.

How can TPTB lose with a guy like that?

See what happens when the game is rigged? 2/3 of the options result in them getting what they want, while the other 1/3 results in them getting what they want (just in a different way).

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:24 PM
The american people are going to take the fall for this. Especially those dirty good for nothing, tea partying, right wing extremeists.

Obama is the trigger man. Our liberties are the target. He has eye on target, and the green light to fire away. Short response due to frustrated anger and building rage..... god help us all.

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