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Sacred Secrets Of Pineal Gland Activation

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:28 AM
Part 11: Before I go into the history here, I want to jump back to one more thing that might not have caught your attention. I want to expand on to what I meant by ‘your brain may be able to receive signals outside of your body’. In a nutshell this is showing a scientifically possible scenario where your brain can get information, and maybe even telekinetic signals and signaling from far away places. We hear about all of these stories of people through out history being prophets and other metaphysical stories, but nobody believes the old stories. One argument against psychic abilities is that there are no modern prophets or psychic people known on a grand scale today. The fluoride in water shows why that may be.

Part 12: Why do they call it the pineal gland? Well, think about it. Its name comes from the fact that it is shaped very much like a pinecone. Interestingly enough, no matter where you look in history (Egypt, Greece, Rome, South America, North America, Africa) there is a pinecone used as a symbol. The symbol it self is almost always is shown with the king or ruler. Many people attribute this symbol to knowledge and power. For example, the pharaoh always carried a staff with a pine cone at its tip. Even Native Americans worshiped the pinecone. The fact of the matter is, the pine cone is known to have some kind linkage to knowledge and ruling government in almost all ancient societies

Part 13: Here’s where things get hairy. Although most of the ancient civilizations worshiped the pinecone, many of the civilizations didn’t even have pinecones present in their natural environment. This points to the fact that some of these civilizations would be worshiping a picture of something that they may never have seen before. Well, that doesn’t seem quite right. However, when you insert the above information about the pineal gland to represent the symbol in all of the ancient writings things suddenly get clear. If biologists can use parsimony as a valid argument explaining evolution, then using parsimony here to show that the symbol actually was meant to portray the pineal gland should be considered valid also.

Part 14: The last couple of parts have been a stretch, and the next few bits of information will also be a stretch, but you must remember, as unlikely as this all seems (which is very unlikely) there is at the very least some scientific evidence that shows the pineal gland may be capable of such extraordinary things.

Part 15: Lets expand on this idea just a bit. Maybe it’s possible that the ancients new something about a hypothetic pine cone gland, maybe not. But let me ask you this. If you are American, or know anything about American culture, since when is the pinecone an important symbol to the American people? I’m asking you this because there are certain high-ranking government buildings that have pinecones drawn into various places of the walls. These building have many other drawings sketched into them as well. The drawings are very similar to that seen on the back of the dollar, which shows a pyramid with a floating eye. . . the all seeing eye

Part 16: Modern day American government isn’t the only place that still thinks pinecones are important, if you were to go to the Vatican today, you would see a statue of a pinecone taller than a person standing just outside the building. The pope apparently thought it was important enough to spends lots of money to build. Interesting, the pinecone seems to be a reoccurring event, or pattern if you will. As we all know patterns must be investigated.

Part 17: What’s going on here? Well there seems to be some kind of linkage to the gland, the government, and don’t forget fluoride in water, turning this gland into stone.

Part 18: We are going to get abstract again. Okay as you all know, the pyramids are old. Very old. Scientists have done carbon 14 dating and approximated the age of the pyramids. However, many scientists know that there is a problem with carbon 14 dating due to the fact that it is very easy to get inaccurate readings. Many people think the carbon dating done to the pyramids is also inaccurate. The next thing Egyptian scientists did was call in geologist with PhD’s in geology. The geologists then studied the pyramids to see how weathering and erosion caused them to get to their current state. The result: the sand in the air eroding the pyramids from their original structure would have taken a long time to get them to their current level much, much longer than carbon 14 dating shows. Furthermore, the geologist had a worst case scenario eroding rate, which would have showed the pyramids under water with the water and sand eroding they pyramids at the fastest possible rate, and in this scenario (which is known to be untrue) it still would have taken erosion more than twice as long as they are old to make them how they are now, meaning they must be much older t

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:28 AM
) it still would have taken erosion more than twice as long as they are old to make them how they are now, meaning they must be much older then we think.

Part 20: Egyptians were known to have made and used batteries, and possibly even mastered the ability of flight some have said. There are other examples of interesting things going on during ancient times such as the Nazca lines that can only be seen from the air. If the pyramids are actually much older then we think, there is a problem, but the problem makes the former two example make sense The problem being a gap in history, where there is nothing known going on after the Egyptian pyramids. More people believe that this period of nothing may actually be a forgotten part of history. During this forgotten time perhaps there were advancements in technology that allowed these batteries, planes, and pictures from air possible to be used by people. This makes at least some kind of sense.

Part 21: If there ever was a technologically advanced civilization, then the question then becomes what happened to it, why isn’t it here today? This I do not know, but I do know that there were at least some intelligent people who believed in such a technologically advanced history. You can look up various people (such as Hitler) but the one im most concerned with for this argument is Edgar Casey, an interesting fellow.

Part 22: If you don’t know about Edgar Casey, he was a man in the early 1900’s who went mute, he didn’t talk for 2 years. Finally, after medicine had failed him, he went to hypnosis and he got hypnotized. While being hypnotized he entered an altered “sleep” state and was capable of predicting many things. He predicted oil, stock, all kinds of things; even the government went to him for advice. He ended up getting a secretary and recording all of his hypnosis interviews as people consulted him with more and more questions. At some point during his career people asked him how he knew all of the information, and he said that he was communicating through his mind with people from a long ago past advanced civilization. Although this seems highly unlikely or even possible, the pineal gland is something science has brought us towards finding a mechanism for such things to (maybe) exist. If you think about the scientific evidence behind the pineal gland, the historical context of it in ancient society, and the fact that America and the Vatican today both seem to think the pine cone is important, then things get creepy.

Part 23: There is a known notion that there is a secret society of people who run things. The New World Order some call them, others call them Illuminati, and even others call them the Free Masons. Well there is a place in Oregon called bohemian grove. It is a place owned by the government, and it does not allow visitors in. On regular intervals, high ranking people, meaning big business owners, government officials, and even officials from other countries meet up there. In fact, there was a reporter who took a plane over this territory and parachuted down in a tuxedo and posed as an important person. Although he got kicked out after the first day, he got interesting film footage. The footage shows all of the businessmen meeting up and worshiping an owl in a cerimony. Yes, an owl. This is strange, but if you think about it, college men, and women, at times do interesting things when pledging a fraternity. Imagine pledging into a secret society of people that’s been around for hundreds of years, I bet the process is very interesting to say the least. (you can look the film up on youtube) The meeting of these higher up people is about a 2 week long process, and it only happens every few years. Many people speculate that they meet up and discuss business deals and possibly even warfare that allows themselves to get more wealthy and powerful. These people are thought to be the New World Order, Free Masons, Iluminati, Knights of Templar and it goes all the way back in history. They know something we don’t, specifically about that gland, and that’s why they don’t want the rest of society knowing about it. They have it all for themselves.

Part 24: Look at history, the Catholic church limited the growth of science by the Spanish inquisition. Even today people think the government has the cure for cancer, aids, and maybe even better uses of energy where we don’t have to rely on oil anymore. Many people already know that Fox News is so incredibly inaccurate, its basically brainwashing us all. Who is to say that all of the news isn’t being controlled by them. There may be reasons why the communist manifesto is illegal. What happened to freedom of speech? Let me ask you this. Sept 11 was done by Osama bin lad right? Well, when the Navy Seals killed him, they entered a complex where there was only 1 man armed with a pistol and it wasn’t even Bin Laden. Do you think it was h

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:28 AM
Well, when the Navy Seals killed him, they entered a complex where there was only 1 man armed with a pistol and it wasn’t even Bin Laden. Do you think it was hard for Americas most advanced team to infiltrate that facility where one man was armed? Definitely not. The problem is that a lot of people think 9/11 was a conspiracy. Okay, I don’t believe it myself, but I like to hear both sides. The fact of the matter is that no matter where we look at American influence we always see America debating with other countries convincing the people not to kill a dictator when the people rebel. And a lot of times, the country puts the dictor on trial, because America wants the people to atleast give him a fair trial. Well, we couldn’t even put Bin Laden on trial. Even if Bin Laden went on trial, we would have found him guilty and probably executed him, but for some reason we didn’t put him on trial. Instead we killed him, even when he wasn’t armed. We murdered him, without a trial. Why? Because we didn’t want him to say something.

Part 25: There are people on the world that know things even hide things from the rest of the world. Nobody wants to believe it, but that’s the problem. If nobody even looks into this matter they allow it to continue happening if its actually true. I know this is a lot to take in. Who knows, maybe its not true at all. But we have to pay at least some attention to this, because if it were to be true, everyone is in trouble. There needs to be more scientific research about the pineal gland.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:11 AM
Tried the OP's link...
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been closed.
Sorry about that.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Yes, well the Pineal Gland is important, but it is only one part of us, a very small part at that.

However, if any part of your computer is malfunctioning, the entire computer will become disfunctional.

Same with our bodies, if our Pineal Gland is not funcitoning properly, our entire body will become disfunctional. Though our bodies are a little more resilient than our modern day computers, you can understand the comparison.

There is no real "direct" route to pineal gland activation. It would be best to follow an overall plan to better yourself, and the Pineal Gland will become activated eventually. This includes detox, meditation, improving awareness.

Activation is merely the beginning, and the real work/fun begins after.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:51 PM


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