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Why capitalism can never work

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:09 PM
I have lived in abject poverty, without running water, modern conveniences, electricity, no car, or phone, hoping that the husband would bring home food and game,

We have a romanticized notion of what life could be, well, it is not, it is cold miserable and hungry,

It is good to be able to rise above your circumstances and, EAT, to pull yourself up by your boot straps and find a way to survive, I provide a service for people who can afford to pay for it.

Recently we lost another small factory to Mexico, which employed about 300,

We do not live in a perfect world, there are many layers to a society,

In today's America we are headed for third world status,

The land can no longer support the population, anywhere on this planet, except maybe a small tribe in the Amazon.

The old ways are gone.
Now the new way is dying, or being purposely destroyed.


When you are hungry and no long have access to a PC, electricity, a car, or a cell phone and are living in a crowded tenet filled with hungry screaming babies and have sold all you belongings to eat, we will talk.

[edit on 063030p://bSunday2009 by Stormdancer777]

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